Gambling and Mental Health: Understanding the Emotional Impact of Losses

Gambling is usually considered fun—a way to unwind after a long day or a grueling work week or just to add a little excitement to your life—but when the losses begin piling up, the emotional side can hit you like a ton of bricks. It’s not only the money you lose (although that’s a lot of it); it’s also the mental anguish that comes with it. The gut punch of watching your savings disappear or the sleepless nights wondering how, if you even can, bounce back, losses take a huge toll on your mind and body.

Those who gamble on a regular basis can find themselves stuck in a vicious cycle—one second; they are up in the clouds, they are high off a win, and the next? They come crashing back to earth when they lose. That kind of emotional whiplash can cause serious stress, anxiety, and depression. And it’s not only the gambler who feels these things; the ripple effect can damage relationships and cause strain at work or at home. When gambling goes from fun to chasing losses, it’s not fun anymore.

The emotional toll of gambling losses is very real, and something that we don’t think is talked about enough. Being aware of these feelings and how they impact your mental health is so important in recognizing when it’s time to reassess your gambling behavior and if you need to get help!

The Psychological Appeal of Gambling

Gambling pulls people in for reasons that go well beyond the chance of winning big. It’s a mix of excitement, risk, and the desire to escape everyday life that gives it a powerful psychological appeal. While the potential for financial gain is part of the attraction, the mental and emotional experience of gambling runs much deeper, connecting to fundamental human behaviors and desires.

The Thrill and Excitement

At its base, gambling is all about the thrill. The unpredictability of each spin, roll, or hand fuels a sense of suspense, and that feeling is what keeps gamblers hooked. It’s not even just about winning; it’s about the possibility of winning. Gambling taps straight into the excitement and unknowns that are hardwired in our brains. The anticipation of a win releases dopamine, the brain’s feel-good chemical, creating a euphoric sensation similar to other forms of pleasure or addiction. This adrenaline rush isn’t just about the outcome; it’s about the waiting, the moments when the possibilities are endless.

For most people, it’s the rush of excitement that makes gambling so much fun! Whether you’re sitting at a poker table or pressing the button on a slot machine, it’s those few seconds when you’re waiting to see what happens next that keep you coming back for more. The excitement builds each time, creating a cycle that can be hard to break. It’s no wonder gambling is often described as an emotional rollercoaster; the highs can be incredible, but the lows can hit just as hard.

Risk-Reward Factor

Gambling also plays into our natural tendency to weigh risks against rewards. The idea that you could turn a small bet into a big payoff is incredibly enticing. The risk makes the reward feel even more valuable. But this can also lead to some unhealthy patterns. When you’re focused on the potential for reward, it’s easy to overlook the risks, especially if you’ve just experienced a close call. A near-miss can make you feel like you’re this close to winning, pushing you to keep going, even when it’s not logical. This psychological effect, often called the “near-miss effect,” tricks your brain into believing that success is just around the corner, even though every bet is independent of the last.

This balance between risk and reward becomes especially compelling in games of chance, where gamblers can develop what’s known as the “illusion of control.” Even though outcomes are entirely random, people may convince themselves that their strategies or rituals influence the results. This belief can make losses feel more personal, and victories are even sweeter. Over time, this cycle can lead to an intense emotional investment in the game, making it hard to stop.

But when losses start to pile up, the emotional response can be overwhelming. Gamblers may feel frustrated, ashamed, or even angry, yet still push forward in hopes of recouping their losses. This is the danger of gambling’s risk-reward structure—it can turn from a fun game into a compulsion to win back what’s been lost, leading to emotional distress and financial trouble.

Gambling as an Escape

For some, gambling serves a purpose that is past entertainment. It becomes a way to escape from life’s challenges. Personal problems, financial stress, or emotional struggles can drive people to seek relief in gambling, where the thrill of the game distracts from their reality. While it might seem like a quick fix, this form of escapism often leads to deeper issues. When the game is over, and the losses are tallied, the stress and problems are still there—sometimes even worse than before.

Escaping into gambling can create a dangerous emotional loop. When life feels out of control, the structured world of gambling provides a sense of order, where everything depends on a bet, a spin, or a roll. But after the excitement wears off, the losses hit harder, leaving people feeling even more out of control. This is where the psychological impact can become severe, leading to increased stress, anxiety, and, in some cases, depression. It’s not uncommon for people in these situations to chase their losses, believing that one more bet will make everything right. But more often than not, it only makes things worse.

Gambling may start as a way to blow off steam, but when it becomes a regular escape from the pressures of life, it can lead to serious emotional consequences. The more someone relies on gambling as a way to cope, the harder it becomes to break the cycle, especially as the financial and emotional toll continues to build.

In many ways, the psychological appeal of gambling is tied to our deepest desires and emotions—thrill, risk, and escape. But these same factors can make it dangerous, especially when the lines between fun and compulsion begin to blur. Understanding the pull of gambling can help people recognize when they’ve crossed that line and take steps to regain control.

The Immediate Emotional Impact of Losses

Gambling can feel like a high-stakes adventure when things go your way, but the emotional fallout is undeniable once the losses start coming. Losing isn’t just about watching money slip away—it stirs up deep feelings of disappointment, anger, guilt, and sometimes shame that can linger long after the game ends. It’s the kind of emotional weight that sticks with you, and for many, these feelings can be harder to shake off than the financial losses themselves.

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Feelings of Disappointment and Frustration

Disappointment is the first emotion most people feel after a loss. When you’re caught up in the game, there’s always that hope, however small, that maybe this time will be different. You might know that gambling is a long shot, but it hits hard when the outcome isn’t what you hoped for. It’s not just about the money; it’s about the emotional investment you’ve made, the anticipation and the excitement that gets dashed in an instant.

This disappointment often turns into frustration, especially when you feel like you’ve been making smart decisions, yet things still don’t go your way. You might start replaying every move, thinking, “If only I had done this differently,” or “What if I hadn’t placed that last bet?” It’s like your mind can’t help but second-guess everything, trying to find a way to rationalize what happened. This sense of frustration can make it difficult to let go and move on from the loss.

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Anger and Guilt

For some, disappointment quickly evolves into anger. There’s a natural tendency to blame yourself, thinking you should have known better or that you should have stopped while you were ahead. That anger is often directed inward, with thoughts like, “Why didn’t I quit when I had the chance?” or “I can’t believe I made such a dumb mistake.” It’s a harsh self-criticism that can be difficult to shake off.

But anger can also be external. It’s not uncommon for gamblers to get mad at the game, the dealer, or even other players. Anything that makes you feel like you lost unfairly can be a trigger for this anger. And if losses pile up, that frustration often turns into guilt. You start to think about the money you’ve lost—not just what it means for you personally, but what it might mean for others around you. Maybe the money was supposed to go toward something important, or maybe you promised yourself (or someone else) that you wouldn’t spend so much. The guilt over breaking that promise, whether to yourself or others, can be a heavy burden.

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Shame and Embarrassment

Shame begins to sneak in when losses start to add up, especially when they affect more than just your bank account. For many, gambling is a private activity, something they do without broadcasting to the world. But when the losses become too much, the fear of others finding out can lead to deep feelings of shame. You might feel embarrassed that you’ve let it go this far or that you’ve lost control in a way you never thought you would.

This shame is particularly painful when it starts to impact your relationships. Maybe you’ve kept the extent of your gambling hidden from loved ones, or maybe they’ve started to notice that something isn’t quite right. The idea of having to explain your actions, or worse, confessing to losing more than you could afford, can feel humiliating. Shame and embarrassment often lead people to withdraw, avoiding conversations or situations where they might have to confront the truth about their losses. This isolation can make the emotional toll even harder to bear.

Some gamblers also feel a sense of embarrassment about their perceived lack of self-control. You might think, “How did I let it get this far?” or “What will people think of me?” These thoughts can make it difficult to seek help, especially when gambling losses have caused real financial or personal damage. The fear of judgment from yourself or others compounds these feelings of shame, creating a cycle that’s hard to break free from.

The emotions tied to gambling losses—disappointment, frustration, anger, guilt, and shame—are deeply personal. These feelings don’t just disappear when the game ends; they can linger, affecting how you see yourself and how you interact with others. The emotional aftermath of a loss can weigh heavily, making it important to recognize and address these feelings before they lead to bigger problems.

Long-Term Effects of Gambling Losses on Mental Health

The toll isn’t relegated to financial harm when someone gambles over an extended period and racks up big monetary losses. The emotional and mental fallout can be devastating and long-lasting. Anxiety, depression, financial stress, and isolation can pile up, making recovery feel out of reach. Below, we dive into how these long-term effects play out IRL.

Anxiety and Depression

Repeated gambling losses have a profound effect on mental health, especially when gambling becomes a way of managing life’s stressors. Many people initially gamble for the excitement, but when losses stack up, the adrenaline rush fades, and what’s left is a harsh emotional reality. Over time, people can develop anxiety or depression due to the constant stress of gambling-related worries.

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Anxiety can come from many angles. It could stem from fear about how to cover everyday expenses after losing large sums, the dread of confronting a partner or family about finances, or the overwhelming feeling of being stuck in a downward spiral. Research by UCLA Health shows that gambling activates the brain’s reward system in a way similar to substances like cocaine and nicotine, which makes walking away from gambling difficult even as the emotional costs rise.

The same study points out that gambling isn’t just an entertainment issue; it becomes a coping mechanism for dealing with other life challenges. Unfortunately, using gambling as a way to manage stress or emotions can make things worse. The more you gamble, the greater the risk of falling into anxiety and depression as financial and emotional pressures mount. For many people, these emotions become part of a vicious cycle—gambling to escape the pain, only to feel worse after another loss.

Financial Stress and Its Psychological Impact

Financial stress is one of gambling losses’ most immediate and brutal consequences. For most people, gambling starts as a way to “win big,” but what happens when you start losing more than you can afford? According to a study published in the Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, the stress of financial losses not only weighs on the individual but also creates a cycle of stress that only worsens the problem. The researchers found that financial stress could push people to gamble even more in a desperate attempt to recover losses, only to worsen their financial troubles.

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This stress has real-life consequences. A person may start missing bill payments, borrow money to keep gambling, or rack up credit card debt. Each loss adds more pressure, making it difficult to see a way out. The stress from these financial struggles doesn’t stay in isolation; it creeps into other parts of life, straining relationships, affecting job performance, and even causing physical symptoms like headaches, trouble sleeping, or stomach issues. Some gamblers might try to hide their debts, weaving a tangled web of lies and secrets that only intensify the stress.

As Dr. Timothy Fong from UCLA’s Gambling Studies Program explained, gambling debt can lead to long-term physical and psychological effects. He notes that many gamblers develop insomnia and other health problems, as their financial stress keeps them up at night, replaying the losses in their minds. The emotional exhaustion from juggling these worries and the constant fear of losing everything can feel unbearable .

Isolation and Social Withdrawal

A painful emotional consequence of gambling is the sense of isolation that comes along with it. Many gamblers begin withdrawing from friends and family, partly out of shame and partly to avoid confronting the damage they’ve done. According to research by the Addiction Group, the feeling of remorse after losing is common, but it doesn’t stop people from gambling. Many feel ashamed and try to hide their habit, which distances them from loved ones.

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Social withdrawal is also a coping mechanism. When gamblers isolate themselves, it’s often to avoid the judgment of those closest to them. They might avoid gatherings where they’ll be asked about their finances or make excuses for their behavior to keep their loved ones at a distance. This isolation can become a self-perpetuating problem: the more someone feels alone, the deeper they might go into gambling to fill the emotional void, creating an even wider rift between themselves and others .

The UCLA study also highlights how financial stress can further isolate people. The stress of hiding debts or lying about how much was lost can make it easier to avoid social interactions altogether. Some people fear the shame of others finding out about their financial problems or the emotional impact their gambling has had on their families.

Over time, this isolation and withdrawal can have serious mental health implications, exacerbating depression and anxiety. Relationships crumble under the weight of secrecy, and the support networks that could have helped become unavailable because of the emotional and physical distance created by the gambler’s behavior.

These long-term effects on mental health are profound. Anxiety, depression, financial stress, and social withdrawal don’t just disappear once gambling stops. They linger, requiring deep emotional work and, in many cases, professional help to address fully.

Recognizing Problem Gambling Behavior

Gambling always starts out as an innocent hobby, but over time, it can turn into something far more damaging, especially when it begins affecting your mental health, relationships, and finances! If you recognize that gambling is becoming a problem and can intervene early, it can help stop things from getting even worse. Below is how you can spot the signs that your gambling is problematic and know when it’s time to reach out for help.

Signs of Problem Gambling

There are more signs, but below are the most common 15 red flags that indicate gambling is taking a toll on your mental health and your life:

  1. Preoccupation with gambling: You’re always thinking about gambling, planning your next bet, or thinking about your past wins.
  2. Chasing losses: After losing money, you keep gambling in an attempt to win it back, even though this rarely, if ever, works out.
  3. Increased risk-taking: You find yourself needing to bet larger amounts of money to feel the same excitement.
  4. Lying about gambling: You start hiding your gambling activities from friends, family, or co-workers.
  5. Using gambling as an escape: You gamble to avoid stress, anxiety, or any other emotional problems.
  6. Restlessness when trying to cut back: When you attempt to stop or reduce gambling, you feel irritable or anxious.
  7. Neglecting responsibilities: You start skipping work, missing family events, or avoiding important duties so you can gamble instead.
  8. Borrowing money: You start asking friends or family to lend you money because you’ve lost too much gambling.
  9. Selling possessions: Valuables start disappearing because you’ve sold them to fund your gambling habit.
  10. Financial troubles: Bills go unpaid, and debt racks up as gambling drains your financial resources.
  11. Relationship issues: Arguments and trust issues arise due to your gambling behavior, especially when you’re lying or hiding the real truth about how bad it’s gotten.
  12. Job performance suffers: You lose focus at work, perform poorly, or take unnecessary time off because of your gambling.
  13. Mood swings: Your emotions are linked to gambling, with extreme highs after a win and low lows after a loss.
  14. Feeling guilty or remorseful: Even if you win, the guilt and shame from gambling stick around.
  15. Withdrawal from social activities: You isolate yourself, avoiding social events to gamble or because you feel shame about your behavior.

Behavioral Changes

The first noticeable shift when gambling starts becoming a problem is in behavior.

  • Gamblers might develop a short temper or become easily irritated when they can’t gamble. There’s a noticeable shift in how they prioritize their time and energy, often leading them to neglect responsibilities at work or home. Family members and friends might notice a growing obsession with betting, which can take precedence over important life events and obligations.
  • As someone becomes more entrenched in gambling, they may start rationalizing their losses. This is referred to as “chasing losses,” where gamblers believe that just one more bet will fix everything. It’s a dangerous mindset that leads people deeper into financial and emotional distress.
  • Compulsive gamblers might even develop superstitious or illogical beliefs about gambling, such as thinking that a certain machine is “due” for a win or that they are able to foresee results by using previous patterns.
  • Another major shift is avoidance. Whether it’s ignoring bills, avoiding work, or pulling away from friends and family, problem gamblers tend to dodge anything that takes them away from their obsession.
  • Their emotional volatility can also increase, with mood swings that vary depending on their gambling outcomes. This volatility doesn’t just impact the gambler; it can lead to serious strain on their personal relationships as well.

Seeking Help and Self-Reflection

If gambling starts to feel like more than just a casual activity, it’s crucial to take a step back and reflect on how it’s affecting your life.

Are you constantly worried about money? Do you feel guilty or anxious when you think about your gambling habits? These are red flags that gambling is impacting your emotional well-being and financial stability.

Acknowledging that gambling has become a problem is the first step toward change. It might feel overwhelming, but reaching out for help—whether through a therapist, support groups like Gamblers Anonymous, or talking to someone you trust—can make a world of difference. Self-reflection can also help you recognize patterns and triggers, making it easier to take steps toward healthier coping mechanisms.

Coping with the Emotional Impact of Gambling Losses

Losing at gambling doesn’t just drain your wallet; it can take a real toll on your emotional well-being. Those losses can stir up feelings of regret, frustration, and even shame. While it’s easy to feel stuck in that place, there are healthier ways to manage those emotions and rebuild your peace of mind. Here are some helpful strategies for dealing with the emotional fallout from gambling losses.

Healthy Coping Mechanisms

Finding healthier ways to handle the emotional aftermath of gambling losses is key. Whether it’s taking a break, practicing mindfulness, or engaging in new hobbies, these strategies can help you process those tough emotions and refocus your energy on more positive outlets.

Take Breaks and Step Back

When gambling losses start to weigh on you, one of the most important things you can do is pause. Take a break from gambling entirely, and give yourself space to clear your head. This isn’t just about stopping gambling; it’s about redirecting your energy toward healthier, more fulfilling activities. Engage in a hobby you love or spend time with people who support you. It helps to step away from the temptation and reset your mindset .

Explore Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques

Learning to sit with difficult emotions instead of acting on them can make a big difference. Practices like mindfulness meditation, deep breathing, or yoga can help calm your mind and body, making it easier to cope with the stress and tension that come with losses. These techniques can shift your focus away from frustration and help you gain clarity. If you’re new to meditation, try apps like Headspace or Insight Timer.

Engage in Other Hobbies

Filling your time by doing things that bring you happiness or a sense of accomplishment can really help to stifle the urge to gamble. Try doing something creative! Maybe you like to paint, write, or cook. Any kind of physical activity like running, playing tennis, pickleball, swimming, or any exercise also serves as a great distraction–and it can also lift your mood! You just want to find healthy outlets that give you the same sense of fulfillment that you sought out in gambling.

Reframe the Losses

One of the toughest parts about gambling is accepting the losses. You can’t undo them, but you can choose how you respond. Instead of spiraling into regret, try reframing those losses as a learning experience. It’s not about ignoring the pain but acknowledging it as part of the process to help you make better choices moving forward.

Getting Professional Help

When the emotional toll of gambling becomes too much to bear alone, reaching out to a therapist or joining support groups like Gamblers Anonymous will give you the guidance and support that is needed to navigate recovery. Professional counseling can also help address any underlying issues like anxiety or depression, which could be fueling gambling behaviors.

Therapy and Counseling

Talking to a professional can help when coping with the emotional stress that gambling brings. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a proven effective method in tackling the thought patterns that drive gambling behaviors. It can help you identify the triggers that push you to gamble and teach you better ways to cope with stress and disappointment. Therapists can also help address any underlying issues, like anxiety or depression, that might fuel the gambling problem.

Join Support Groups

It’s easy to feel alone in your struggles, but support groups like Gamblers Anonymous (GA) can make a huge difference. Being part of a group where people understand exactly what you’re going through will give you much-needed emotional support, reduce isolation, and give you practical tools to manage your gambling habits. There’s something really powerful about connecting with others who have been in your shoes.

Financial Counseling

Sometimes, the financial stress from gambling can create more anxiety than the losses themselves. Financial counselors can work with you to build a plan for you to pay down debts, build savings, and manage money responsibly moving forward. Setting clear financial goals can give you a sense of control again . It also takes away some of the pressure that often drives people to keep gambling in the first place.

Setting Limits and Creating Boundaries

Setting strict financial and emotional boundaries around gambling can make all the difference. Creating a budget, limiting the time you spend gambling, and avoiding high-stress situations can support you in taking back control and preventing further losses.

Create a Budget

A good way to prevent gambling from getting out of hand is to set strict financial limits before you start gaming. The goal here isn’t to quit cold turkey–it’s to create a reasonable budget that only uses money that you can afford to lose. Keep your gambling money separate from your everyday finances so it’s easier to stick to your limits. You can even use tools like betting limits offered by all reputable online gambling sites.

Set Time Boundaries

In addition to setting a money limit, setting a time limit is just as important! Allocate specific time slots for gambling and shut it down when the time is up. This tactic will decrease the emotional pressure that builds when you spend too many hours chasing wins or furthering losses. Think about scheduling time for other hobbies or social events in order to distract yourself from the urge to keep gambling.

Avoid High-Stress Situations

Stress can be a big trigger for gambling, so it’s mandatory to recognize when you’re feeling particularly vulnerable. Do not gamble when you’re feeling stressed, anxious, or down in the dumps. Try to identify what exactly triggers your gambling behavior and try to avoid those situations. It could mean staying away from certain locations, like casinos or online gambling sites, or refraining from seeing the people who encourage you to gamble.

Self-Exclusion Programs

If you’re finding it hard to stick to limits, all legitimate casinos and online gambling sites have self-exclusion programs that let you block yourself from gambling for a certain period of time. This gives you a solid barrier when your willpower is wearing thin, and it is a good way to make a hard boundary for yourself and reduce the temptation to gamble.

Managing the emotional and psychological effects of gambling losses takes a lot of effort, but you don’t have to do it alone! With the right strategies in place and the willingness to get help when needed, you can regain control over your emotions and financial well-being.


Gambling losses don’t just affect your bank balance—they can leave you feeling guilty, frustrated, and emotionally drained. When these feelings start spilling over into your everyday life, impacting your mood and relationships, it’s a clear sign that gambling is no longer just a harmless activity.

Recognizing this shift is key. Reaching out to a therapist, joining a support group, or even just talking to someone you trust can be really helpful in managing these emotions. It’s also important to set some boundaries around gambling, whether that means setting strict limits on how much you spend or finding new ways to cope with stress.

Taking care of your mental health is so important, and being aware of how gambling affects you emotionally can help you make positive changes before things get out of control!

FAQs Section

We covered a lot of ground regarding gambling and mental health, so below is a TL;DR of the most frequently asked questions we’ve gotten from our readers on this important topic!

How Do Gambling Losses Affect Mental Health?

Gambling losses can mess with your mental health in unexpected ways. When you lose, it’s not just about the money—it’s the emotional fallout that hits harder. Many gamblers experience deep frustration, guilt, and even anxiety as they try to make sense of their losses. This could ultimately end up with severe problems like chronic stress, depression, and low self-esteem. As gambling becomes more of an escape from stress or problems, it often ends up compounding them, creating a vicious cycle that’s tough to get out from under.

What are Some Common Emotional Responses to Losing Money While Gambling?

Frustration: It’s totally normal to feel like you’ve been cheated, especially when you were so close to winning. This can cause a sense of helplessness and turn into resentment.
Guilt: After losing more than planned, a lot of people will feel deep regret, especially if they’ve spent money that they needed for bills or family.
Shame: Losing can make you feel embarrassed, especially if you’ve been lying about how much you gamble or if it’s affecting your loved ones.
Anger: Whether it is directed at yourself, others, or the game itself, anger is a super common reaction to repeated losses.

How Can I Cope with Gambling Losses in a Healthy Way?

– Take a break from gambling: When losses are piling up, the best thing you can do is hit pause. Walk away and give yourself some space to clear your head.
– Practice mindfulness: Meditation or even just deep breathing exercises can help ground you when the stress gets too much. Apps like Calm or Headspace are really great tools to help manage anxiety.
– Find a new hobby: Pour your energy into something that feels rewarding and isn’t financially risky. It could be anything from joining a sports team, hanging out with friends, doing a jigsaw puzzle, or taking up a new hobby you’ve always wanted to try!
– Talk to someone you trust: Talking to a close friend, a trustworthy family member, or maybe even a professional about your gambling struggles can really help lighten the emotional load you’re carrying. You don’t have to carry it alone, and you shouldn’t!

What are Some Signs That Gambling is Negatively Affecting My Mental Health?

Obsessing over gambling: If it’s on your mind constantly—whether you’re planning when you can gamble again or thinking about how you can win back your losses—it’s time to take a break and think about how it’s affecting you.
Chasing losses: One of the most obvious signs is an effort to get back what was lost. It never works and can just push you into a deeper hole than you’ve already dug for yourself.
Lying or hiding your gambling: If you find yourself covering up how much you’re spending, or lying to friends or family, that’s a huge warning sign.
Feeling anxious or irritable when you can’t gamble: These emotions are a flashing sign that your relationship with gambling is already unhealthy.

Where Can I Get Help for Problem Gambling?

There are plenty of places to turn to if and when you realize that gambling is taking over your life:

Gamblers Anonymous (GA): They offer meetings where you can connect with others who’ve been through the same struggles and can provide real-life support.
National Problem Gambling Helpline: A confidential service where you can get help and resources at any time by calling 1-800-522-4700.
Financial counseling: Sometimes, the stress of gambling is as much about the money as it is about the emotions. A financial counselor can help you get back on track, set up a plan to deal with debts and regain control over your finances.
Therapists or counselors: Professionals specializing in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) assist in identifying and modifying thought patterns that drive your gambling behavior.

Below are additional resources for anyone that is looking for support with gambling problems:

BetterHelp Online Therapy: An online platform that has licensed therapists, including those who specialize in gambling-related issues.
Gambling Therapy: Has online advice, forums, and text support for anyone affected by problem gambling.
Financial Counseling: Gives credit and debt counseling to help manage financial challenges stemming from gambling losses.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Resources: Information on therapists specializing in CBT, effective in treating gambling disorders.
Gam-Anon: A support group specifically for families and friends of problem gamblers.
Self-Exclusion Programs: Programs allowing individuals to exclude themselves from gambling environments and online platforms voluntarily.
SMART Recovery: Has meetings and resources for those dealing with addictive behaviors, including gambling, with a concentration on self-empowerment.
National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG): Has info on local resources, including treatment options and helplines.

How Casinos Are Implementing Artificial Intelligence to Detect Problem Gamblers

Technology can do a lot, as evidenced by all of the amazing feats in the last century. But can it stop a gambling problem before it starts? Sounds like a reach, but it’s happening with an assist from AI (artificial intelligence). Before you groan and bemoan AI poking its robotic nose and capabilities into another industry, this is actually a great use of the tech. With its help, casinos are using advanced AI tools to spot the signs of problem gambling early on, which means players could possibly avoid the long-term issues that come with it. It’s not meant to take the fun out of it—it’s just keeping an eye out for users who could need support.

Since AI is a part of almost everything we do now, like the customer service virtual assistants to the algorithms that eerily seem to know what we want before we do, this is a natural progression. It’s being used for good in gambling, and it’s happening in both real and online casinos.

Why is this so important? Because the earlier people deal with problem gambling, the better. It can mean the difference between a little financial trouble to a life-ruining one. AI can swoop in by analyzing behavior patterns and flagging when someone is heading toward the danger zone. The ultimate goal? To help players stay in the fun zone without crossing any lines that are hard to uncross. Let’s find out how casinos are implementing artificial intelligence to detect problem gamblers!

The Growing Problem of Gambling Addiction

Gambling addiction is a serious and on the rise issue worldwide—it affects millions of people and can cause devastating consequences on both personal and societal levels. With the expansion of online gambling and the increased accessibility of gambling via tons of digital platforms, the problem is only becoming more pervasive.

The Scope of Gambling Addiction Globally

In order to really grasp the scale of the issue, we have to look at the statistics. Globally, approximately 1.6 billion people gamble, with about 4.2 billion people gambling at least once a year. And while most people can stick to gambling as what it’s meant to be—a form of entertainment—some can’t. That means a large number develop problematic gambling behaviors.

In the United States, around 5 million people are considered compulsive gamblers, but only a fraction of them seek out help. In the UK, about 340,000 adults are classified as problem gamblers, with another 2 million being at risk of developing a gambling addiction.

The impact of gambling addiction extends far beyond the individual. Economically, the costs are actually staggering—in the U.S. alone, gambling addiction is estimated to cost society as a whole between $6 billion and $7 billion annually. The costs include healthcare expenses, job loss, and legal fees, as well as a strain on social services. On a personal level, gambling addiction can cause financial ruin, relationship breakdowns, and severe mental health issues, which include depression and a higher risk of suicide. Tragically, suicide rates among problem gamblers are way higher than in the general population—gambling addiction is one of the addictions that is most closely linked to suicide.

How Casinos Have Traditionally Addressed Problem Gambling

Casinos aren’t dumb—they know the dangers that are associated with gambling addiction. While they are the catalyst, they aren’t responsible for the behaviors of people who are affected. Although they are businesses, they are aware they play their part in it and have implemented strategies to mitigate the risks. The strategies include self-exclusion programs, human intervention, and basic monitoring methods.

Self-Exclusion Programs

One of the main tools that casinos are using to fight problem gambling is what’s known as “self-exclusion” programs. The programs are put in place so that people can ban themselves voluntarily from entering physical casinos or playing online. Someone can sign up for the program, either through a casino’s customer service department or via a regulatory body, depending on the jurisdiction. Once they’re enrolled, the person is prohibited from accessing the casino’s services for a specified period, which can go from several months to a lifetime ban. Casinos are then required to enforce the bans by physically removing them from the premises if they attempt to gamble despite being on the self-exclusion list.

Yes, self-exclusion programs can be really effective, but in order for them to work, they rely heavily on an individual’s willingness to recognize their problem and take proactive steps to address it!

A reliance on self-awareness and voluntary participation means that the programs cannot reach those who are in denial about their addiction or who are not yet ready to get help. And in some cases, the enforcement of self-exclusion can be inconsistent, as individuals slip through the cracks due to human error or a lapse in monitoring.

Human Intervention

Another traditional method of addressing problem gambling in casinos is, of course, direct human intervention. Casinos train their staff to talk with customers who may be at risk. Signs of problem gambling can present as erratic betting patterns, visible distress while gambling, or spending excessive amounts of time or money in the casino. Staff are trained to approach the individuals discreetly and offer them support, which is likely by giving them info about counseling services or helping them to enroll in a self-exclusion program.

Casino Staff

But again, human intervention does have its limitations, as it heavily relies on the subjective judgment of staff members, which can result in inconsistent identification of problem gamblers. Also, staff members might be hesitant or even scared to intervene due to concerns about customer satisfaction or the possibility of a confrontation. Because of this, some people will keep gambling without getting the necessary support.

Basic Monitoring Methods

Casinos and gambling sites also utilize basic monitoring methods to identify and address problem gambling. The methods include tracking the amount of time and money a player spends on gambling activities, and by monitoring the metrics, casinos can spot patterns that may indicate a gambling problem, like spending extended periods at the gaming tables or consistently wagering large amounts of money. In some of these cases, casinos might set limits on the amount of money or time a person can spend gambling—it’s based on their observed behavior.

Despite all of the efforts, basic monitoring methods are pretty limited by the technology and resources that are available. They might not provide real-time analysis, meaning that by the time a problem is identified, the person may have already suffered harm. Furthermore, the methods typically only track activity within a single casino, failing to account for gambling behavior across multiple locations or online platforms—they can’t be everywhere at once.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Detecting Problem Gambling

The role of AI in sussing out problem gambling is a pretty powerful tool. How? Well, for one thing, it brings a level of precision and immediate analysis that traditional methods and humans can’t even touch, let alone match. Being able to process massive amounts of data in seconds and spot any patterns that are undetectable to human analysts makes it an ally in the effort to detect and prevent gambling addiction!

What AI Technology Brings to the Table

One of the biggest contributions of AI to problem gambling detection is its ability to analyze massive datasets instantaneously. In regular settings, detecting problem gambling has always relied on periodic checks, self-reporting by players, or observations by the casino staff. While these can all be somewhat effective, they can fail to catch the early signs of gambling addiction. And they also struggle with the limitations of human error and bias.

  • AI, however, can continuously monitor player behavior across various platforms—both online and offline—and analyze data points like betting frequency, amounts wagered, time spent on gambling activities, and even the times of day when people are gambling. By processing this info at once, AI systems can detect even subtle changes in behavior that might show the onset of problem gambling. Like if a player all of a sudden increases their bet sizes after a series of losses (the behavior that’s known as “chasing losses”), AI can flag this as a possible issue and prompt an intervention.
  • Moreover, AI is capable of handling the complexity of modern gambling environments where players might be involved in multiple forms of gambling across different platforms. Whether a player is betting on sports, playing online slots, or taking part in poker tournaments, AI systems can aggregate data from all of the different activities to build a comprehensive profile of the player’s behavior. A holistic view means AI can identify patterns that could be missed when looking at individual activities in isolation.
  • Another huge advantage of AI is its capacity for continuous learning—as AI systems process more and more data over time, they get better at identifying the nuances of problem gambling. For example, AI can learn to recognize not just the obvious signs of gambling addiction—like a dramatic increase in time spent gambling—but also the more subtle indicators, like a change in the types of games a player engages with or a change in their usual gambling times.

Key AI Algorithms and Techniques Used

AI’s effectiveness in identifying problem gambling hinges on advanced algorithms and techniques, which are each designed to handle specific aspects of data analysis and behavior prediction, including the following:

Machine Learning Models

Machine learning is at the center of AI’s ability to detect problem gambling-the models are trained on large datasets that include both normal and problematic gambling behaviors. By analyzing the datasets, machine learning models learn to distinguish between typical gambling patterns and those that may signal a developing problem. A machine learning model can analyze the frequency and size of bets, looking for anomalies like sudden jumps in bet size or an uptick in gambling sessions late at night—both of which could indicate risky behavior.

The more data models are exposed to, the more accurate they become. As they see new patterns of behavior, they can refine their predictions and improve their ability to detect potential issues earlier, an adaptability that is super important in the distinct environment of gambling, where player behavior can change on a dime based on external factors like financial stress, social influences, or even changes in the games that are being offered.

Deep Learning

Deep learning takes machine learning even further by using neural networks that can analyze even more complex patterns in data. The networks are designed to mimic the way the human brain processes info so they can detect connections and correlations that a simpler algorithm might miss.

In the context of problem gambling detection, deep learning can be used to analyze behavioral data in much greater depth. It can examine the emotional tone in a player’s communications with customer support, looking for signs of distress or frustration that might not be evident in just their betting behavior.

Deep learning models can also integrate multiple sources of data—like financial transactions, gameplay metrics, and even social media activity—to build a more complete picture of a player’s risk level.

The main benefit of deep learning is its ability to get better over time—as models are exposed to more data and diverse examples of gambling behavior, they become increasingly proficient at identifying the subtle indicators of problem gambling. A continuous learning process means that deep learning models are able to stay ahead of changing gambling behaviors and emerging trends in the industry.

Behavioral Analytics

Behavioral analytics is another important component of AI’s approach to noticing problem gambling. The technique has the ability to analyze the specific actions and decisions of players to identify patterns that indicate risky behavior. AI systems can monitor how players interact with games, how long they play, how much they bet, and even how they react to wins and losses.

By analyzing behaviors, AI can identify when a player is deviating from their usual patterns, which is a possible sign that they are beginning to develop a gambling problem.

  • Let’s say a player usually makes small, conservative bets but then suddenly starts making bigger, more aggressive wagers—this is a red flag.
  • Similarly, if a player who usually tends to take breaks between their gambling sessions begins to play without any breaks, this could be seen as problematic.

Behavioral analytics also enables AI to personalize interventions—instead of applying an across the board approach, AI is able to personalize its responses based on the specific behaviors and risk factors of each player. A player who is showing signs of gambling addiction might receive targeted messages that offer help, while another might be given the option to set stricter limits on their gambling activities. A personalized approach increases the likelihood that interventions will be successful in preventing gambling problems from escalating.

How AI Detects Problem Gambling Behaviors

How exactly can AI detect problem gambling behaviors? As opposed to relying on outdated methods that usually miss early warning signs, AI has a more sophisticated approach that continually monitors player behavior and provides timely interventions that can help prevent gambling from becoming a serious issue.

Tracking User Data in Real Time

AI excels at handling and analyzing massive amounts of data as it happens, which means it’s constantly keeping an eye on how players are interacting with gambling platforms, and not just checking in on them sporadically. The system is designed to notice patterns that might be invisible to human observers, or that could easily be overlooked during periodic checks.

  • Monitoring Betting Habits: AI keeps a detailed log of every bet a player makes, tracking not only how much is being bet but also how frequently bets are placed. If someone who usually bets small-ish amounts suddenly starts placing much bigger ones, or if their betting ramps up after a losing streak, this change in behavior could be an early sign that they’re chasing losses, which is a classic sign of gambling trouble.
  • Watching Session Duration: The length of time a player spends gambling is another important factor that AI monitors. Extended gambling sessions, especially those that happen late at night, can be red flags. The system is particularly good at identifying when a player’s sessions are getting longer or more intense, which might suggest they are having a hard time walking away from a game.
  • Observing Emotional Responses: AI can also pick up on the more subtle signs of distress—if a player dramatically increases their bet size after a loss, it could indicate frustration or desperation—both of which are common in problem gambling. The AI system is trained to recognize behavioral shifts and respond accordingly.

A constant vigilance enables the system to intervene when needed and give players reminders to take breaks, suggesting they set limits on their spending, or even temporarily suspending their ability to place bets. A proactive approach helps catch potential problems before they could spiral out of control!

Personalizing Risk Assessments

One of the most powerful aspects of AI in gambling is its ability to treat each player as an individual. Instead of applying blanket rules, AI builds a detailed profile of each player based on their distinct behaviors and tendencies. A personalized approach means that the system can customize its responses to every player’s specific situation, which makes interventions much more effective.

  • Creating Detailed Player Profiles: Over time, AI gets to know each player’s habits—how much they tend to bet, how often they play, and how they react to both wins and losses. Due to a detailed understanding, the system can spot when something seems off. For instance, if a player who usually bet conservatively starts taking bigger risks, the AI will recognize this as a potential issue and flag it for further attention.
  • Customizing Alerts and Interventions: When the system detects that a player’s behavior is changing in a way that suggests they might be developing a problem, it doesn’t just send out a generic warning—it tailors its response to the person. A player who is flagged as high-risk will get more frequent reminders to take breaks or will be prompted to set stricter limits on their gambling activity. If necessary, the system can even restrict their ability to place bets for a period, giving them time to cool off and think about their actions.

A personalized approach to risk assessment means that interventions are not only more likely to be timely, but they are also more likely to be effective. By focusing on the distinctive behaviors of each player, AI helps the people who are at risk of developing gambling problems to get the help they need, exactly when they need it.

AI in Collaboration with Human Intervention

Two heads are always better than one, as is evidenced by the collab between AI and humans. The partnership leverages the strengths of both AI’s data-driven insights and human empathy to create a more successful approach to responsible gambling!

The Human-AI Partnership

AI is an advanced tool to support, not to replace, human efforts in identifying and addressing problem gambling. The technology constantly monitors player behavior, noticing subtle patterns that might indicate a growing issue. For instance, if a player begins to increase their bets significantly or start gambling more often than they usually do, AI systems can identify shifts in behavior as potential red flags. When these kinds of patterns are detected, AI triggers alerts for human intervention teams, who can then step in to assess the situation and engage with the player.

Human intervention will always be a critical component of this process. Yes, AI can analyze tons of data and spot trends that might go unnoticed by humans, but it lacks the ability to understand the full context of a player’s situation.

Human teams can interpret AI’s findings, taking into account factors like the player’s personal circumstances, emotional state, and other non-quantifiable aspects that might be influencing their behavior. This means there will be a more nuanced and empathetic response that is tailored to the person’s needs.

Obviously, human intervention teams can engage with players in ways that AI cannot, like talking and direct communication. They can give personalized advice and provide resources that are specifically suited to the player’s situation. A flagged player will receive a phone call from a support team member who can talk about their gambling habits in a non-confrontational way, give them support, and suggest practical steps to manage their behavior.

The Role of Customer Support and Personalized Interventions

When AI flags a player as potentially at risk, the next step involves the human teams taking action based on the specific needs of the player. This can look like tailoring interventions to the player’s behavior patterns, like if a player is identified as having lost control over their gambling, the support team can suggest setting limits on the amount of money or time they can spend on gambling. They can use the tools that restrict the player’s access to gambling platforms during certain hours or limit the amount they can deposit in a given period.

Another important intervention is the recommendation of self-exclusion programs, which allow players to voluntarily block themselves from accessing gambling services for a specified period of time. When AI detects behaviors like persistent loss-chasing or erratic betting patterns, it can prompt the player to consider self-exclusion as a way to regain control over their gambling. The human support team can then provide detailed info on how they can enroll in the programs and talk through the benefits of taking a break from gambling.

Casinos and online platforms all have a host of resources that can be provided to flagged players, from counseling services to educational materials about the risks of problem gambling. Human teams can guide players to these resources, helping them access the support they need to address their issues. In some cases, AI might even suggest a “cool-off” period where the player’s account is temporarily suspended, giving them time to think about their gambling habits without the immediate temptation to gamble.

AI-driven interventions can also include more immediate actions, like limiting a player’s ability to place bets or restricting access to certain types of games that are particularly associated with problem gambling. The measures are designed to prevent players from making impulsive decisions that could exacerbate their issues, but they still allow them to engage with the platform in a safer, more controlled manner.

The collaboration between AI and human teams in the gambling industry represents a big advancement in how problem gambling is managed. When you combine the strengths of AI’s concurrent data analysis with the empathy and understanding that only humans can give, the partnership creates a more comprehensive and successful way to support any at-risk players. The goal is not just to identify problem gamblers—it’s to give them the tools and support they need to take back control and gamble responsibly.

Ethical Considerations of AI in Casinos

The integration of AI into the operations of casinos, both online and offline, brings with it the always-present ethical considerations. AI does give casinos a helping hand with advanced capabilities in monitoring player behavior and responsible gambling, it also raises a lot of concerns about privacy, data security, and the balance between profit and responsibility.

AI’s ability to monitor gambling behavior relies heavily on collecting and analyzing vast amounts of player data, and this data doesn’t just include basic info like betting patterns and game preferences. It has access to more sensitive details like location data, financial transactions, and behavioral trends. Given the sensitive nature of this information, casinos have to put in place strong measures to protect player data from breaches and misuse.

Data Collection on computer keyboard background

To safeguard all player data, casinos are increasingly adopting advanced encryption technologies and strict data governance protocols. The measures help guarantee that personal information is stored securely and accessed only by authorized personnel. Additionally, anonymization techniques are usually employed to protect individual identities when data is used for AI training and analysis.

But because of the sheer volume of data that is required for effective AI monitoring, it comes with inherent risks. The potential for misuse of data, whether through unauthorized access or internal mishandling, is a huge concern. Moreover, as AI systems become more integrated into casino operations, the need for transparency in how player data is collected, stored, and used is also paramount. Players have to be fully informed about how their data is being utilized, and they should have the ability to opt out of certain data collection practices if they so choose.

Transparency is not just a legal requirement but also a main factor in keeping player trust—casinos that are upfront about their data practices are more likely to earn the trust of their customers, which is a must for long-term success in an uber-competitive industry. As players become more aware of their digital rights, the demand for clear, accessible privacy policies and the option to control personal data is likely to expand.

Balancing Profit and Responsibility

The dual goals of maximizing profitability and promoting responsible gambling are quite a quandary in the realm of the ethics for casinos that use AI. On one hand, AI is super effective at identifying players who may be at risk of developing gambling problems, meaning there can be timely interventions that can help prevent harm. On the other hand, that same technology can be used to increase player engagement, which means encouraging longer play sessions and higher spending from those who are not considered at risk.

This raises the following ethical question: Is AI being used primarily to prevent harm or to drive revenue? Because responsible gambling initiatives are usually touted as a main benefit of AI, the technology’s ability to analyze player behavior can also be exploited to maximize profits from non-problem gamblers. How so? AI is able to curate game suggestions, bonuses, and incentives to players based on their preferences and past behavior, which could cause more intense gambling activity.

Casinos have to negotiate a balance to avoid crossing any ethical lines carefully. The temptation to use AI solely for profit-maximizing purposes can undermine responsible gambling efforts, especially if the technology is used to encourage risky behaviors in players who have not been flagged as problematic. It could cause a situation where the pursuit of profit conflicts with the ethical obligation to protect vulnerable players.

To address this, there are some in the industry who advocate for a more responsible approach to AI deployment—one that prioritizes player welfare over short-term gains. This means implementing strict internal policies that limit the use of AI for promotional activities and verifying that any engagement strategies are balanced with measures that promote safe gambling practices. Additionally, external regulation and oversight may be necessary to make sure that casinos are held accountable for how they use AI, particularly when it comes to protecting players from the potential harms associated with gambling.

The Future of AI in Gambling

What does the future of AI in gambling hold? The possibilities are immense—from improving the detection of problem gambling to creating more personalized and immersive gaming experiences, AI will completely change how casinos operate and interact with players. Looking to the future, there are some innovations on the horizon that will not only improve the effectiveness of AI in certain areas but will also introduce new applications that could reform the industry.

Innovations on the Horizon

The next decade is likely to witness the introduction of advanced AI technologies that are designed just to improve the monitoring and support of players at risk of gambling problems. One such development? The refinement of predictive analytics. By harnessing even larger datasets and more sophisticated machine learning models, AI will be able to anticipate problematic behavior with better accuracy, which means casinos can implement interventions way earlier, potentially preventing at-risk behaviors from developing into full-blown gambling addictions.

Another cool area of innovation is the use of biometric data in conjunction with AI. Future AI systems might integrate data from biometric sensors, like those measuring heart rate, skin conductance, or facial expressions, to gauge a player’s emotional and physical state. This could provide invaluable insights into a player’s well-being so that casinos can intervene when they detect any signs of stress or agitation that conventional monitoring methods would likely miss.

AI is also expected to play a bigger role in improving immersive technologies like Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). The technologies, powered by AI, are able to create virtual casino environments that mimic the excitement and atmosphere of physical casinos, which is a much more engaging experience while still giving players the tools they need to promote responsible gambling. Players could find themselves in a virtual space where AI adjusts the gaming environment instantaneously based on their reactions so that the experience is kept fun and safe

Expanding AI Usage Beyond Detection

AI’s ability to detect problem gambling is of huge importance, but its potential applications extend way past this function! AI is set to become an integral part of a few other aspects of the casino experience, including the following:

  • Personalized Gaming Experiences: AI is already being used to curate game recommendations to individual player preferences, and in the future, this personalization will become even more sophisticated. AI could analyze not just a player’s past gaming behavior but also their current mood, preferences, and even their current reactions, and then suggest games that are in line with their current interests.
  • Security and Fraud Prevention: As casinos continue to deal with increasingly sophisticated fraud techniques, AI will be essential in protecting both the operators and the players. AI algorithms will monitor for irregular betting patterns, unusual account activities, and other potential signs of fraud, enabling rapid responses that protect the integrity of the gaming environment. The systems will also be able to adapt to new threats as they pop up, making them an integral part of the casino’s security infrastructure.
  • Customer Loyalty Programs: AI’s ability to analyze player behavior exceeds game recommendations to customer loyalty programs. By understanding what motivates each player, AI can help casinos create better loyalty programs that offer rewards and incentives customized to individual preferences. This could look like personalized bonuses, exclusive game access, or targeted promotions that resonate with each player.
  • Game Development and Design: AI will also change the way casino games are developed and designed. By analyzing player data, AI will be able to help developers build games that are more engaging and suited to the preferences of specific player segments. For instance, AI could suggest adjustments to game mechanics in real-time, so that games remain challenging and entertaining for a broad range of players.


AI is a part of our lives whether we like it or not, but in this instance? We like it. Why? Because it is actively working to make gambling safer. AI’s ability to detect problem gambling early on, personalize player support, and ramp up security is changing how casinos look at and promote responsible gaming. It is creating a more supportive environment for players so that the fun of gambling doesn’t come at the expense of their well-being, and we can get behind that!

Time for a recap! Look below for a brief overview of why AI is a good ally in the fight for responsible gambling:

  • Early Detection and Intervention: AI monitors player behavior in real-time, spotting potential issues before they escalate. This allows casinos to offer help early, making a big difference in preventing gambling problems.
  • Personalized Support: AI isn’t just about data—it’s about understanding players on an individual level. By tailoring support to each player’s needs, AI ensures that interventions are more effective and meaningful.
  • Better Security: In an age where security is paramount, AI’s role in fraud detection and maintaining a fair gaming environment is invaluable. It helps protect both the casino and the players, ensuring a safe and trustworthy experience.

Final Thoughts

Looking forward, AI’s influence in the casino industry is only set to grow. We can expect to see even more personalized gaming experiences, where every recommendation and reward feels uniquely tailored to each player’s preferences. Security measures will also continue to advance, with AI leading the charge in protecting against fraud and unauthorized access. Beyond that, we might see AI integrating biometric data to monitor emotional and physical states, offering support in ways we can’t yet fully imagine. Game design, too, will benefit from AI, leading to more engaging and dynamic games that resonate with a diverse range of players.

AI is not just a tool—it’s a partner in creating a casino environment that is as safe as it is fun.

If you’re worried about your gambling habits or those of someone you love, it’s really important to reach out for help! There are so many resources available for support, and customer support teams are trained for this and will point you in the right direction. Gambling should be fun—not a source of stress or harm. Don’t wait to check out the help that’s available to you—it’s never too late to take control!

Secrets of High Rollers: Strategies for Winning Big

If you know anything about casinos, then you know about high rollers. They are the big dogs (not to be confused with the famous “dogs playing poker”

painting) who play at the tables that are reserved just for them, with big money buy-ins and the chance for big money wins.

But why do these high rollers appear to have such an edge when it comes to big wins? Is it some kind of secret sorcery they conjure up for luck?

It’s def not witchcraft, but there is some luck at play—and we can tell you how they do it! There are some main strategies that high rollers use to maximize their chances of winning.

With a moniker like high rollers, you’d think they are just throwing around cash. But this isn’t the reality— high stakes players know exactly how much they’re willing to risk and they stick to that limit. And they don’t play just any game—they play the ones where they have the best chance at winning. Be it blackjack, poker, or a slot with great odds, they know where to put their money for the biggest bang. It’s not just luck; it’s smart play.

From bankroll management to game selection, we’ll look into how they manage to stay high rolling with the secrets of high rollers: strategies for winning big!

Mindset of a High Roller

High rollers don’t just toss money around without thinking; they are gambling with an attitude that is a combo of confidence, patience, discipline, and strategic thinking, and it’s this temperament that gives them a firm head start over casual players and keeps them in the game even when the stakes are super high!

Confidence and Risk Tolerance

The thing that separates high rollers from the rest is not just confidence—it’s also their willingness to take risks. They aren’t betting big for the heck of it; they’ve done their homework, understand the odds, and know the games they’re playing inside and out. This kind of knowledge gives them the confidence to make daring moves—they know that every bet is part of a bigger strategy. They’re comfortable with risk because they’ve learned how to manage it, and they view losses as part of the process and not only as setbacks.

High Roller Mindset

Patience and Discipline

High rollers are in no rush because they know that having patience pays off in the end. Instead of jumping at every opportunity, they wait for the right moment to place their bets. This could mean they sit through countless rounds in a poker game until the odds are in their favor, or they tamp down the urge to double down after losing. It’s this type of discipline that keeps them grounded so they can stay far away from the temptation to chase losses or get carried away by a winning streak. They understand that gambling is a long game and that their patience is a main part of their long-term success.

Avoiding Emotional Decisions

You can’t say that gambling doesn’t get your blood pressure or heart rate up—it’s exciting when you are winning, and not so much when you are losing. But high rollers know how to keep their emotions under wraps! They have mastered the art of staying cool and collected under pressure and won’t let a bad hand or a losing streak push them into making rash decisions. By erasing emotions from the equation, they can stick to their plans and steer clear of the dangers that come from betting that is based on anger or excitement. This kind of emotional control is how they remain focused and make decisions based on logic and not on impulse.

Strategic Aggression

Almost every high roller knows when to hold back and when to go all in—it’s why they are high rollers. The ability to switch gears and get aggressive at the right moments is a big part of their strategy. This is anything but reckless; their aggression is calculated, and is used to maximize gains when the odds are stacked in their favor. It’s this kind of strategic play that can throw off opponents, especially in games like poker, where reading the room and knowing when to push can make all the difference. It’s a delicate balance—knowing when to strike and when to play it safe—but it’s a balance that high rollers have down to a science.

Bankroll Management

If you think that high rollers just make huge bets and win tons of money, think again! These players are l meticulous planners who know that without careful bankroll management, even the best laid plans will fall apart. Financial discipline is what keeps them in the game long enough to capitalize on their skills and luck, and it’s what distinguishes them from less experienced gamblers.

Setting Limits

High rollers don’t go into a gambling session without first setting strict limits on exactly how much money they’re willing to risk. And it isn’t a random number pulled out of thin air; it’s a carefully calculated figure that takes into account their entire financial situation and their goals for the session. For most, the limit is a small portion of their total bankroll—just enough to enjoy the game and take some calculated risks without jeopardizing their overall financial health.

It’s not only setting a limit—they have to adhere to it. Once that number is set, high rollers treat it as if it is set in stone. No matter how the session goes, they don’t dip into funds that are meant for other purposes, and it keeps them grounded and prevents them from chasing losses or betting more than they intended. They are staying in control of the situation.

Using Only Disposable Income

For high rollers, gambling isn’t a way to make more money—it’s a form of entertainment. And like any other form of entertainment, it has a cost. That’s why they only gamble with disposable income—money that’s left over after all other financial obligations have been met. This means they can enjoy the game without the stress that comes with risking money that they can’t afford to lose.

This state of mind is super important because it frames gambling as an experience rather than a necessity. High rollers know that losing is all part of the game, and by only using disposable income, they protect their financial well-being. They understand that the main goal isn’t necessarily to walk away richer but to have a good time and enjoy the game. This perspective means they can elude the desperation that can result in reckless betting!

Bet Sizing

High rollers don’t just throw down massive bets on a whim—they approach each wager with a clear strategy. Bet sizing is a huge part of this strategy, and it’s all about proportion. Typically, they bet a small percentage of their total bankroll, and that’s usually around 1% to 5% per wager. This approach minimizes the impact of any single loss, so they can stay in the game longer and take advantage of winning streaks when they happen!

A methodical approach to bet sizing also helps high rollers manage their risk—by keeping their bets within a specific range that’s relative to their bankroll, they protect themselves from the volatility that can wipe out less prepared gamblers. It’s not just about making big bets—it’s about making smart bets that match up with their overall strategy and bankroll management plan.

Staying Calm in Losing Streaks

Even the best and most experienced high rollers have losing streaks, but what sets them apart is how they handle them. Instead of panicking and trying to win back their losses with bigger, riskier bets, they stay calm and follow their strategy. They know that losing streaks is a part of gambling, and they don’t let temporary setbacks shake their confidence or make irrational decisions because of them.

A level-headed approach is a must for maintaining a healthy bankroll. High rollers know that chasing losses—which is when you try to recover lost money by increasing the size of your bets—is a dangerous trap. They focus on the long game, trusting in their strategy and that it will pay off over time. They will take a break to clear their mind and reset before going back into a game, as they want to always make decisions from a place of clarity and not from emotion.

By setting limits, using only disposable income, carefully sizing their bets, and staying calm during losing streaks, high rollers guarantee that they stay in control of their gambling experience. A disciplined approach not only protects their financial health but also makes it more fun! They are able to take risks and enjoy the excitement of gambling without the anxiety that comes from playing beyond their means.

Bankroll management is basically playing the long game. High rollers aren’t looking for a quick win—they’re looking to stay in the game, maximize their chances of success, and walk away with their finances intact, regardless of how any single session shakes out.

Game Selection and Mastery

High rollers know that in order to maximize their success in the casino, they have to master a select few games and not spread their efforts thinly across too many! The approach is strategic, and they concentrate on the games where their skills and knowledge can give them any kind of edge over the house.

Concentrating on Specific Games

High rollers aren’t dabbling in every game at the casino—they invest their time and energy into mastering one or two games where they excel. Blackjack and baccarat are among their favorites because the games use strategy and aren’t merely ones based on luck alone. If they dedicate themselves to these games, they learn every intricacy, from optimal betting strategies to recognizing patterns that others might not notice!

Playing Games with the Best Odds

A critical consideration for high rollers is choosing games that give them the best chances of winning. Blackjack is a prime choice because, with the right strategy, the house’s edge can be reduced to as low as 0.5%. And baccarat is also a favorite because it has a low house edge, especially when betting on the banker. Conversely, games like American roulette or slot machines, which have much higher house advantages, are less appealing since they decrease the player’s chances of walking away with a win.

Understanding the House’s Advantage

A complete and total understanding of the house advantage is part of being a high roller. The advantage, which is the casino’s built-in profit margin, changes from game to game. In blackjack, skilled players can pretty much eliminate the house’s advantage by following optimal strategies and techniques like card counting. In contrast, the house’s advantage in games like American roulette can be way higher, especially compared to European roulette, where the absence of the double zero reduces the house’s edge. This type of knowledge means high rollers can pick games and strategies that keep the odds on their side.

Studying and Perfecting Strategy

Success isn’t left to chance for high rollers—they throw themselves into studying and perfecting their strategies. In blackjack, this could mean memorizing complex strategy charts or mastering card counting. In poker, it could revolve around analyzing opponents’ behaviors, polishing their bluffing tactics and poker faces, and always adapting to new situations. Even in baccarat, where the strategy is more straightforward, high rollers are cautious to give a wide berth to bets like the tie, which carries a much higher house advantage. The rigorous preparation is what enables them to outperform the less experienced players.

With diligent preparation, strategic game selection, and a strong understanding of the house’s advantage, high rollers manage to tilt the odds in their favor, which turns what seems like a game of chance into a calculated pursuit of success.

Taking Advantage of Casino Comps and VIP Perks

Yes, high rollers are in it for the love of the game, but they’re also taking advantage of every possible perk that comes with their VIP status, as they should! The perks can totally level up their casino experience and offer them everything from free luxury stays to exclusive invitations. How do they make the most of these rewards? Look below to find out!

Maximizing Rewards

High rollers have access to rewards that elevate their entire casino experience, and by taking advantage of their VIP status, they get complimentary suites, gourmet meals, and access events that regular players will not. The rewards are calculated based on the player’s “trip worth,” which is a direct reflection of their gambling activity and value to the casino.

Below are some of the casinos that are known for their generous comp systems:

  • MGM Resorts (MGM Rewards Program): Properties like the Bellagio and MGM Grand have luxurious rooms, fine dining, and exclusive event invitations to their high rollers.
  • Caesars Entertainment (Caesars Rewards Program): The program covers properties like Caesars Palace and Harrah’s Las Vegas, offering free stays, dining credits, and show tickets to high rollers.
  • The Venetian Macau: The Asian gaming giant is known for catering to high-stakes players and providing extensive rewards and exclusive benefits to its VIP clientele.
  • Wynn Las Vegas (Red Card): Wynn is famous for its high-end rewards, including room upgrades, private check-ins, and priority services, making it a fav among high rollers.
  • The Palazzo at The Venetian Resort: This high-end casino has personalized service and lots of rewards through its Grazie Rewards program, and it appeals to those who play big.
  • Casino de Monte-Carlo: Known for its elegance and exclusivity, this historic casino in Monaco gives personalized services and a variety of perks to its most valued patrons, aka the high rollers.

Leveraging Perks for Extra Play

Comps aren’t just ordinary add-ons like being bumped up to business class in a flight; high rollers can strategically use them to draw out their gameplay! Complimentary rooms, meals, and entertainment mean that players can conserve their bankroll and spend that at the table. When they choose where and how they earn their comps, players can effectively stretch out their resources, which means more time gambling and possibly winning.

Casinos typically reward the games that bring in higher revenue, meaning high rollers can tactically choose the games that give them the best comp rates. And tactical play helps them not only enjoy the perks—they also get to stay in the game longer!

Negotiating with the Casino

For those at the tippy top of the gambling world, negotiation is a very powerful tool, and high rollers can use this status to negotiate for better conditions, like lower house edges on specific games, higher betting limits, or extra comps. This could include higher percentages of cashback on losses or waiving certain fees altogether.

This kind of wheeling and dealing are usually facilitated by a casino host, who is a dedicated staff member who manages and tends to every need of high rollers. When they have a strong relationship with their host, high rollers are able to make sure that their casino experience is tailored to their preferences and that they receive the VIP treatment.

By understanding and taking full advantage of these perks, high rollers change their casino visits into experiences that are as rewarding as they are entertaining—these players know exactly how to use their VIP status to their advantage.

Knowing When to Walk Away

High rollers don’t just rely on their ability to place big bets—they also know when it’s time to walk away from the game. This understanding is a necessity, as it is often the difference between leaving as a winner or ending their casino stay empty-handed. The discipline to bounce at the right moment is what distinguishes the best players from the rest of the gambling population.

Quitting While Ahead

Leaving the table while on a winning streak sounds like an easy decision, right? It’s not so cut and dried! It’s actually one of the toughest decisions a gambler can make, but it needs to be made. Why? Because a hot streak can end just as quickly as it began—it’ll give you whiplash. By walking away while they’re ahead, they keep their profits rather than risking them in hopes of an even bigger payout. The practice takes not just self-control but also a solid grasp of how fast luck can turn into loss. High rollers have trained themselves to know when enough is enough, evading the common mistake of pushing their luck too far. The thrill of winning can and does cloud judgment, but the most experienced players ignore that little voice in their head that tells them to keep going.

Setting Win and Loss Limits

High rollers don’t leave anything up to chance—they plan everything before they’ve sat down at a table. They’ve already determined their win and loss limits, and the thresholds are carefully calculated to maximize enjoyment while minimizing risk. A win limit guarantees they don’t get greedy, so they’ll cash out once they’ve hit their target. And a loss limit stops them from spiraling into reckless play, which can happen when trying to recover losses. By adhering to the pre-set boundaries, they stay in control over their gambling experience, and don’t lose more than they can afford or give back any hard-earned winnings to the house!

Setting Limits Icon

Avoiding Long Play Sessions

One of the less commonly discussed but still important strategies of high rollers is not engaging in long play sessions. Fatigue can obviously impair a person’s decision-making, and the longer a session goes on, the more likely a player is to make mistakes. High rollers know the importance of staying sharp and alert, which is why they like shorter, more focused gambling sessions. The brief sessions mean they can play at their peak with their mental acuity running at 100% and not risk the consequences of exhaustion.

What are the dangers associated with long play sessions? Look below:

Dangers of Fatigue in Gambling

  • Decreased Decision-Making Ability: Fatigue can cause slower reaction times and impaired judgment, so it is much harder to make sound decisions.
  • Increased Emotional Responses: Tired players are more likely to make impulsive decisions based on emotions and not strategy, which means poorer choices.
  • Chasing Losses: Fatigue can make players more susceptible to the urge to chase losses-they think they can recover if they just keep playing.
  • Overlooking Strategies: A tired mind might forget or disregard well-planned strategies, causing mistakes that wouldn’t have happened if they were well-rested.
  • Physical Strain: Long hours at the table can take a physical toll and cause discomfort or pain, which further distracts from the game.

High rollers mitigate these risks by taking regular breaks, walking away from the table to clear their minds, and making sure that when they do go back, they’re refreshed and ready to go. A disciplined approach keeps them in ship shape form and prevents the common traps that can lead to big losses.

When you know how important it is to quit while you’re ahead, set strict limits, and the dangers of fatigue, you make sure that your time in the casino is not only fun but also profitable. High rollers have the ability to walk away at the right moment, and it is a skill that is honed over time—one that pays off in more ways than just financial gain.

Using High-Stakes Bonuses and Promotions

High rollers have a distinct approach to gambling, where every decision counts, including how they leverage high-stakes bonuses and exclusive promotions. These offers are not just perks—they are strategic tools that can extend their gameplay, increase their chances of winning, and ultimately contribute to a better casino experience. The following is a look at how high rollers use all of these opportunities to their full potential!

Exclusive Promotions

Casinos go above and beyond to keep the high rollers happy and engaged, and this means offering them promotions that cater specifically to their wants and needs. Unlike the general promotions that are available to all players, the exclusive offers are designed with the high-stakes player in mind. These can be personalized bonuses, higher match percentages, or even invitations to private tournaments where the stakes—and the potential rewards—are much higher.

A high roller might get an invitation to a high-limit slot tournament or a private poker game with a prize pool that absolutely dwarfs what is available to regular players, and casinos like Caesars and BetMGM are known for these kinds of exclusive experiences.

The promotions include things like free spins on high-stakes slots, bigger cashback deals, or tailored deposit bonuses that add a lot more value. High rollers know the importance of these types of offers and pick the ones that line up with their gaming strategy so that they can maximize their returns and prolong their playing sessions!

Conditions of High-Stakes Bonuses

Yes, high-stakes bonuses can be incredibly lucrative, but they come with specific conditions that have to be met in order to unlock their full value. One of the main aspects that high rollers pay attention to is the wagering requirements, which dictate how many times the bonus amount has to be wagered before any winnings can be withdrawn. Although high roller bonuses usually have more favorable wagering requirements compared to standard bonuses, they are still an important factor that players need to understand and plan for.

  • Not all games contribute equally toward meeting these wagering requirements—slot games may contribute 100%, and table games like blackjack only contribute a fraction of that. If you have this info, you can strategically pick which games to play with their bonus money and optimize the chances of meeting the requirements and cashing out.
  • Timing is also a critical factor, and high rollers need to be aware of the expiration dates on their bonuses and any maximum bet limits that apply while the bonus is active.

When you know the details, you can steer clear of common mistakes and get the most out of the high-stakes bonuses.

Exploiting Signup Bonuses

Signup bonuses are a staple of online gambling sites, and high rollers are particularly adept at using them to their advantage. The bonuses, which involve the casino matching the player’s initial deposit, can give users a big boost to a bankroll right from the jump. An influx of bonus money means high rollers can play at higher stakes or for longer periods without immediately dipping into their own funds.

High rollers won’t typically deposit large sums into a single casino—they spread their deposits across several platforms so they can take advantage of multiple signup bonuses. This not only maximizes the amount of bonus money they receive but also means they can check out different casinos and the games they offer without putting too much of their own money on the line.

Playing the Long Game

For high rollers, gambling isn’t a rush to the finish line—it’s more like an endurance test. They’re not only trying for that one big win; they’re in it for the long haul. This means being patient, staying consistent, and always thinking ahead.

Consistency Over Time

If high rollers know one thing, it’s that gambling is a long-term commitment. They understand that success comes from making smart choices consistently over lots of gameplay sessions—they don’t rely on luck in just one or two games. They go at gambling with a steady hand, concentrating on the methods that work over time. They play smart, not fast. And when they lose, they don’t panic or chase after wins; they stick to their plan, trusting that it will pay off in the end.

Tracking Progress

To stay ahead, high rollers keep super close tabs on how they’re doing. They don’t just remember their wins—they track everything. They keep detailed records of their bets, strategies, and outcomes so they can see in black and white what’s working and what needs to change. High rollers then use this info to tweak their strategies, making any small adjustments that will help them stay on top of their game.

Balancing Luck and Skill

We are all aware that gambling is a combo of luck and skill, and high rollers know how to balance the two. They don’t get too caught up in the ups and downs that come with luck—they concentrate only on what they can control: their decisions. They know that while luck can and does influence short-term outcomes, skill is what makes the difference in the long run. Because they are able to keep a cool head and stay with their strategy, they make sure that they’re always in the best position to succeed, no matter how the cards may fall.

Long story short, playing the long game means being patient, consistent, and always working at their game. High rollers who adopt this perspective are the ones who find the most success, and not just in one game—over a lifetime of play.

Learning from Losses

In the VIP world of high-roller gambling, where the stakes are always high, and the pressure is immense and constant, losses are part of the game. But what sets the pros apart from the rest is their ability to learn from any losses. Instead of letting a setback throw them off their game, high rollers see every loss as a chance to sharpen their skills, rethink their strategies, and come back stronger. This ethos is what keeps them in the game, and it’s a determining element of long-term success.

Analyzing Mistakes

For high rollers, a loss isn’t just a loss—it’s a chance to gain knowledge. They don’t sweep their mistakes under the rug; they dissect them. This means really looking at what went wrong. Did they misjudge the situation? Did they let their emotions get the better of them? Or was it bad timing or bad luck? When they ask these questions and analyze the circumstances that surrounded their losses, they can pinpoint exactly where they messed up or if it was just an anomaly.

Analyzing Mistakes Icon

But they don’t just identify any mistakes, no sir. High rollers take it even further by figuring out what they can do differently next time. They’ll pore over and adjust their betting strategy if need be, practice their discipline, or sidestep certain types of bets that have consistently caused them to lose.

Keeping a Record

Like we said above, one of the best tools high rollers use to learn from their losses is meticulous record-keeping. How do they do this? Well, they track every hand they play, every bet they place, and every decision they make. They aren’t just keeping a tally of wins and losses; they are making a detailed log that will help them better grasp their patterns and tendencies.

By keeping careful records, they are able to review their gameplay and see where they went wrong. Maybe they’ll notice that they tend to bet too aggressively when they’re up, or perhaps they see a pattern in losing hands that they hadn’t recognized before. The info they can get from their records is invaluable—high rollers can use it to make data-driven decisions so they don’t repeat past mistakes. The practice also helps them stay disciplined, as they’ll be able to see the concrete impact of their decisions over time.

Resilience and Recovery

You have to have resilience to be a successful gambler, and rollers know that losses are inevitable. They also know that what matters most is how they bounce back. Developing resilience isn’t only having a thick skin; it also entails keeping a positive outlook and staying motivated, even when things don’t go their way.

After a tough loss, it’s not hard to get discouraged or to start doubting your abilities. But high rollers have learned to keep these feelings at bay because they know that setbacks are part of the game. This mentality helps them escape the dangers of chasing losses—a dangerous habit that can lead to even bigger setbacks.

What do they do instead? They concentrate on recovery, which might mean taking a break to clear their head, reevaluating their strategy, or just reminding themselves that the game is far from over. By being resilient, high rollers can keep their confidence up and keep moving forward, no matter how many times they stumble.

Ultimately, high rollers know that a win isn’t just about walking away with more money—it’s about walking away a better player. A loss is a chance to learn something, to hone their methods, and to get even better at the game. By analyzing their mistakes, keeping detailed records, and building up resiliency, they manage to turn their losses into lessons that will help them in the future.

A steady approach guarantees that they’re always getting better, always learning, and always ready for an upcoming challenge. It’s this kind of philosophy that keeps them at the top of their game, no matter how many setbacks they bump up against along the way.

Conclusion: High Rolling Hog Heaven

High rollers definitely bring a different energy to the casino tables. Not only do they look like they’re in the VIP section of a nightclub, but they can keep their wits about them when the pressure is on. They make smart moves, stay cool as a cucumber under pressure, and are constantly adapting their strategies to the environment and games that are happening around them. They stay on top because they have practiced, and practice makes perfect. But you know the best part? You don’t have to have a massive bankroll or be a billionaire to think and act like a high roller. The strategies they use can make your game more fun and give you an extra edge, no matter what the stakes are!

If you want a quick recap of the main strategies high rollers use, look below:

  • Learning from Losses: High rollers take their mistakes super seriously, and analyze where things went wrong, keep detailed records, and use the lessons to hone their game—they are always looking for ways to get better.
  • Playing the Long Game: Quick wins are great, but high rollers are hyper-focused on the bigger picture. They track their progress, stay consistent, and know that success is tallied by how well they play over time, aka the long game.
  • Maximizing High-Stakes Bonuses and Promotions: The smartest players know how to get the most out of casino bonuses and promotions, and they read the fine print so they can make the right moves, and are able to stretch their bankroll and increase their chances of winning.
  • Knowing When to Walk Away: One of the hardest, yet most important, skills is knowing when to quit. High rollers follow strict limits, don’t play for too long, and always leave the table while they’re still ahead.
  • Taking Advantage of Casino Comps and VIP Perks: High rollers use their status to enjoy perks like free stays, meals, and personalized services—are you even a high roller if everything isn’t comped?

Want to take your gambling game up a notch? You don’t just throw a wad of money at any table—you need a plan. You can start by implementing the strategies we covered in your own gameplay! Be mindful, stay disciplined, and always look to learn from your sessions. Even if you are just playing for fun and aren’t shooting for the stars of the high-roller lifestyle, the techniques will help you make smarter decisions and enjoy your time at the casino even more!

Can Gambling Algorithms Be Hacked? The Truth Behind Casino Software Security

Okay, we are going to cut to the chase with this topic—are online casino games rigged? Can they be hacked? You know you’ve wondered if it’s possible, and we have, too!

The short answer? Possibly. But it’s a rare possibility. The games we play on gambling sites are designed to be safe and fair, but we like to question everything around here. And this question certainly merits an examination when you are playing with real money! When you have cash on the line, it’s totally normal to wonder if someone, somewhere, somehow, is playing the system.

Because online gambling has become so popular, there has to be trust between the players and the sites they use. Players want to be assured that they’re getting a fair shot, and casinos are more than aware that even a hint of rigging would ruin their rep.

So, while the notion that gambling algorithms can be hacked is pretty much a myth, it could happen, as nothing is 100% guaranteed. No system out there is totally immune to tampering, but online casinos put serious resources into making sure that all of the games are secure and fair. With that being said, let’s get into the truth behind casino software security!

How Do Gambling Algorithms Work?

When you play an online slot or place a bet in a digital card game, there is a lot happening besides the fun graphics and beep-boop-boop sounds. In addition to the action happening in front of you, the software is hard at work running the games. Part of this software is a little something called a Random Number Generator (RNG), and this tech is what verifies that every single spin, deal, or roll is unpredictable and fair. How exactly do these gambling algorithms work, and why are they so important to the integrity of online gambling? Look below to find out!

What Are Random Number Generators (RNGs)?

Random Number Generators, aka RNGs, are a pillar of online casino games—these babies keep the games fair by generating outcomes that are always unpredictable. You could look at an RNG as a sort of high-tech dice roller that’s constantly at work behind the screens. The second you click “spin” or “deal,” the RNG has already generated a random result, and it’s this result that determines what happens.

The following are the two main types of RNGs that are used in online gambling:

Man Pulling the Slot Lever on a Rng Machine
  • Pseudo-Random Number Generators (PRNGs): These are the most common type and rely on algorithms to produce sequences of numbers that appear random. PRNGs use an initial value, called a seed, to kick off the number generation process. If you knew the seed (which is virtually impossible without insider knowledge), you could theoretically predict the sequence. But the complexity of the algorithms means they are nearly impossible to crack, which is why they’re so used so often in the industry.
  • True Random Number Generators (TRNGs): These use physical phenomena, which can be compared to atmospheric noise or radioactive decay, to generate numbers. Because they rely on naturally occurring, unpredictable events, TRNGs produce truly random results. Alas, they’re much less common in online gambling because of their intricacy and the resources that are required.

How RNGs Simulate Randomness in Casino Games

RNGs are working their magical algorithms even when no one is playing. In slot machine games, the RNG is constantly generating numbers. When you hit that “spin” button, the RNG picks the number it’s on at that exact moment, and that number determines the outcome of the spin. It’s a process that verifies that every spin is independent of the last, so there’s absolutely no way to predict what will pop up next.

In card games like poker, the RNG shuffles a virtual deck of cards randomly, and each time a hand is dealt, it’s as if the deck has been reshuffled by an invisible dealer, which means that no two games are ever the same.

The Importance of RNG Auditing

We’ve established that RNGs are a must for fair play in online gambling, but how do we know that they’re actually working as they’re advertised to the public? Good question! The answer is third-party auditors. These are organizations that specialize in testing and certifying RNGs to make sure they’re producing random and unbiased results.

Two of the most prominent names in RNG auditing are eCOGRA and GLI (Gaming Laboratories International). These auditors don’t just check RNGs once and stop there—they are conducting ongoing tests to guarantee the RNGs keep functioning correctly. They examine everything from the algorithm’s randomness to its consistency over time. By doing this, these orgs are helping to build trust between players and casinos.

eCOGRA and GLI are the most well-known auditors, but they’re not the only ones! There are several other reputable organizations around the world that also do RNG testing:

  • iTech Labs: Based in Australia, iTech Labs is known for its comprehensive testing procedures. They’ve been in business since 2004 and have built up a strong reputation for ensuring fairness in online gambling.
  • BMM Testlabs: One of the oldest testing agencies in the gaming industry, BMM Testlabs has been around since 1981, providing a host of services, including RNG certification, and has a global presence.
  • Quinel: Operating primarily in Europe, Quinel offers independent RNG testing and certification services. Their reports are detailed, and their testing is rigorous—they’re a trusted name in the gambling industry.
  • SQS Group: Based in Germany, SQS concentrates on software testing and quality assurance, and that encompasses RNG certification for online gambling platforms.

The RNG Auditing Process

What are auditors looking for when they test an RNG? For one, they are checking that everything is working properly, among other things. The following is what else they are checking up on:

  1. Randomness: The RNG has to produce results that are genuinely random, and auditors perform extensive statistical tests to make sure there are no patterns or biases that could even potentially influence a game.
  2. Security: The RNG must be secure from tampering—they check this by reviewing the source code and guaranteeing that the RNG is implemented in a way that will prevent any form of manipulation.
  3. Consistency: The RNG has to consistently produce random results across all games and over time, which means that every player has an equal chance of winning.

Can Gambling Algorithms Be Hacked?

You’re about to start a game of blackjack on your go-to gambling site when an intrusive thought enters your mind: How do I know that this game is fair? Or you might wonder if someone could hack the system and win a jackpot. 

These aren’t unreasonable questions! After all, there are data breaches all of the time. But before you spiral out or go down a rabbit hole of conspiracy theories, you need to separate fact from fiction and myth from reality that surrounds the security of gambling algorithms!

Common Myths About Casino Hacks

Sorry, but just because you saw the movie Hackers once or watched the TV series Mr. Robot doesn’t make you an expert on hacking. Is it possible? Sure. But the pervasive myth that gaining access to a casino’s software would be a cinch for anyone with the right technical skills is bonkers. The idea of this has been propped up by movies and TV shows where a hacker, sitting in a dark room surrounded by computer monitors, breaks into a system and manipulates it in order to steal millions. But like most things that are portrayed on the big and small screens, it’s not a reality outside of Hollywood.

The casino software is incredibly sophisticated and is built to withstand almost every type of possible attack. We aren’t just talking about throwing up a firewall; the systems are developed with so many layers of security that getting unauthorized access is extremely difficult. Yet, despite the protections put into place, the myth persists that any decent hacker can get into these systems.

A big reason for this misconception is that most people don’t really understand the complexity of the software that powers online casinos. They see the nice interface and assume that it’s all there is to it. But behind that sleek interface is a labyrinth of code and security measures that are designed to keep the system secure. And the RNG algorithms we talked about earlier that are used to determine game outcomes are especially well-guarded.

The idea that casino software is vulnerable to simple hacks usually pops up from stories about cybersecurity breaches. But those incidents involve totally different types of attacks, like phishing schemes or social engineering, rather than direct manipulation of the gaming algorithms. There was a case that involved hackers who exploited security flaws not in the game itself, but in the casino’s payment processing system, but that was more about finding weak spots in the bigger infrastructure and not hacking the games to manipulate outcomes.

The Reality of Casino Security

Back in the real world, hacking into the algorithms that determine game outcomes is exceedingly rare and super difficult. That’s not to say that casinos haven’t been targeted—there have been attempts, but they have fallen well short of the dramatic success some might conjure up.

When we talk about the security of online casinos, it’s important to understand the sheer depth of protection in place. The systems are designed by teams of experts who anticipate and defend against numerous potential threats. The algorithms that run the games are almost always the most secure part of the entire system—we’re talking about RNGs again.

Safety and Security - 3D Hand Holding Shield and Padlock

To further protect against such threats, casinos employ several layers of security besides the basic encryption. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption is just the start, and it guarantees that any data transmitted between the player and the casino is securely encrypted and prevents anyone from intercepting it. But that’s only one part of a bigger security strategy.

A hacker did manage to exploit a weakness in a casino’s security, but it wasn’t a case of cracking the RNG or manipulating the game’s outcome—the hacker used social engineering, which is a technique that tricks people into giving up sensitive info. They got access to an employee’s login credentials, and could then access the system, but even then, altering game outcomes proved to be impossible.

Casinos also use multi-layered security protocols, which include two-factor authentication (2FA) and behavioral analysis systems. 2FA requires players to provide a secondary form of verification, like a code sent to their phone, which adds more protection against unauthorized access. Behavioral analysis monitors player activity for any signs of unusual behavior, like sudden changes in betting patterns or access from unfamiliar devices. The casino’s security team will intervene ASAP if anything suspicious is detected.

All of these measures make it extraordinarily difficult for hackers to succeed. Even if they do manage to breach one layer of security, they will be stopped by another. And if all else fails, the casino’s ongoing monitoring and regular security audits verify that any possible vulnerabilities are quickly identified and addressed.

The Complexity of Casino Software Security

Online casinos are built to be like digital vaults—not only are they guarding the outcomes of the games, but also the personal and financial info of millions of players. Every spin of a virtual slot or deal of a digital card is backed by a web of intricate software that is designed to be as secure as possible. The security of this software isn’t solely for protecting the money; it’s built so that every game is fair, every transaction is safe, and every player’s data is secure. Below, we’ll take an inventory of the strong systems that are in place that make hacking these platforms a mission impossible.

Built-in Security Features of Casino Algorithms

Casino software is constructed with numerous layers of defense, each designed to prevent tampering and make sure that the games are fair. One of the main elements of this security is the Random Number Generator (RNG), which is not just a simple number generator; they are advanced piece of software that verify every outcome in a game is totally random, and the generators are meticulously tested and certified by independent bodies to make sure they are working as intended.

And some online casinos have begun to integrate blockchain technology into their systems! Why? Because the blockchain is a decentralized way of recording transactions, meaning that once a game outcome is recorded on the blockchain, it cannot be altered without being detected by the entire network. The transparency and immutability add an extra safeguard, so it is pretty much impossible for anyone to tamper with the game results.

Moreover, casino algorithms are typically designed with self-checking mechanisms built in—they are constantly monitoring the software for any irregularities. If an anomaly is indeed detected, the system can shut down or alert security teams before any damage is done. A proactive approach means that even if someone attempts to interfere with the software, their actions are detected and thwarted before they can have any kind of real impact.

Why Hacking Is Almost Impossible

Movies and TV series tend to glamorize the idea of hacking into a casino system, but the reality is really kind of boring and less Bond-esque. The obstacles that any would-be hacker would come up against are nothing to sneeze at. The first major one they would hit is encryption. All data transmitted between players and the casino is heavily encrypted, using tech like SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and TLS (Transport Layer Security). This encryption means that even if a hacker manages to intercept the data, they wouldn’t be able to decipher it without the necessary keys, which are kept securely out of reach.

In addition to encryption, online casinos implement multi-factor authentication and access control systems. These measures ascertain that only authorized personnel have access to critical parts of the system. Multi-factor authentication requires users to give multiple forms of identification before they can access sensitive data, making unauthorized access super unlikely.

Another big barrier is the continuous auditing and monitoring of the casino software. Independent third-party auditors regularly review the systems to make sure they are secure and working as they should be. The audits also help to identify and patch any potential vulnerabilities before they can be exploited. Meanwhile, monitoring systems track all activity on the platform in real-time. The systems are designed to detect and respond to any and all suspicious behavior immediately, which prevents l potential breaches from escalating.

Past the technical safety measures, casinos also use behavioral analysis to detect fraudulent activity. It tracks player behavior to spot any patterns that have deviated from the norm. Like if a player suddenly starts making unusually large bets or accessing their account from multiple locations in a short period of time, the system will flag this behavior for further investigation.

The logs of all player activities are another big component of casino security-every action taken by a player, from logging in to placing a bet, is recorded. The logs are a detailed record that can be used to investigate any suspicious activity. And if a player does try to cheat or manipulate the system? The logs can be pulled up and reviewed to see exactly what happened and take appropriate action.

What About Insider Threats?

If you conjure up a picture of what goes down during security breaches in online gambling, you could be seeing a hacker in their basement who’s trying to break into a system from the outside. But what happens when the threat is coming from the inside? Insider threats, which are when employees or contractors use their legit access to systems for illicit and illegal purposes, pose a different and more dangerous risk to online casinos than any lone hacker does. How do these threats manifest, what makes them so scary, and has it happened? Read on to find out!

The Danger of Internal Tampering

Internal tampering is a huge risk for any online gambling platform. Employees who have access to the backend systems—like game servers, databases, or payment processing tools—could possibly manipulate game outcomes, steal sensitive data, or even divert funds to another place. This kind of insider threat is super concerning because it’s usually much harder to detect; after all, these people are supposed to have access to these systems as part of their job.

Casinos and online gambling sites go to great lengths to mitigate these types of risks with a variety of strategies. It begins with thorough background checks during the hiring process—they are trying to make sure that only upstanding and trustworthy people are brought into the mix.

Once someone is hired, they are continuously monitored. It sounds sort of Big Brother-ish, but it’s a necessary evil if they want to protect the integrity of the platform and the fairness of the games.

To make it harder for any one employee to carry out fraud, all reputable online gambling sites employ role-based access controls. This means that each employee only has access to the systems and info they need to do their job, nothing more. A customer service representative will not have access to the code that controls the payout algorithms of a game, and the segmentation of duties goes a long way in lessening any opportunities for tampering.

Cases of Insider Tampering

Understanding the very real risks of insider threats is much easier when we look at IRL cases where things have gone awry. Below are two notorious examples of insider tampering:

  • Absolute Poker Scandal (2007): In this infamous case, an employee at Absolute Poker used a “superuser” account that allowed them to see other players’ cards during poker games. This gave them an incredible—and illegal—advantage, and they won millions of dollars over several months. The scam was eventually uncovered by suspicious players who noticed the account’s unusual winning streak and demanded an investigation and the incident was a big wake-up call for the industry, showing just how damaging insider threats can be if left unchecked.
  • Betfair Employee Fraud (2011): Betfair, one of the largest online betting exchanges, was rocked by an insider fraud case when a former employee attempted to extort the company. The employee threatened to expose sensitive customer data unless they were paid off. Fortunately, Betfair’s security measures and law enforcement cooperation led to the employee’s arrest before any data was leaked. While not an algorithm hacking case, it does show how important it is to not just secure systems but also to monitor employee behavior and have a plan in place for if and when things go sideways.

The above examples show that insider threats aren’t just theoretical—they can and do happen, usually with severe consequences. They also underscore how important it is to have ongoing monitoring and the need for the strictest controls over who can access what within an online casino’s systems.

You thought the stories of insider tampering in online gambling ended with Absolute Poker and Betfair? Nope! There have been other incidents that further illustrate the dangers of insider access and the insane lengths to which some will go to exploit it.

  • UB Poker Scandal (2008): Hot on the heels of the Absolute Poker scandal, UB Poker (Ultimate Bet) was embroiled in a similar incident. Insiders at the company used a “superuser” account to cheat in online poker games, again by viewing other players’ hole cards. The cheating went undetected for years, with estimates suggesting the scammers may have stolen up to $50 million from unsuspecting players. The scandal was eventually exposed by players who, again, demanded an investigation. The fallout from this incident was massive and caused a loss of trust in online poker—stricter regulations on monitoring player behavior and game integrity were put in place.
  • Amaya Gaming Group Data Theft (2014): In this case, an insider at Amaya Gaming Group, a major provider of online gambling software, was caught stealing confidential info about upcoming corporate acquisitions. The employee passed this information on to external traders, who used it to make profitable stock trades—basically insider trading. The scheme was uncovered by financial regulators and resulted in arrests and fines. Again, not an exploration of a gambling algorithm, but still worthy of mentioning.

Insider fraud in online gambling can take many insidious forms, from manipulating game outcomes to leaking sensitive corporate data. They all

caused big financial losses and damaged the trust that players and investors had in the affected companies. As a result, the cases spurred industry-wide changes, which resulted in better monitoring, more rigorous access controls, and a heightened awareness of the dangers that are posed by insiders.

Current Regulations to Prevent Insider Manipulation

To combat the danger of insider manipulation, the online gambling industry is subject to a host of regulations that are designed to guarantee fair play and secure operations. These regulations aren’t just for show—they’re pivotal in helping platforms detect and prevent insider threats before they can cause damage.

The following are the main regulations and standards that are currently in place: 

  • Independent Audits: One of the most effective ways to verify that online gambling sites are following the rules is via regular audits by independent third parties. These audits aren’t just checking the books; they involve an extensive examination of the platform’s security measures, including how well it controls and monitors insider access. Auditors look for any signs that an employee might be manipulating games or stealing data, and they make recommendations for tightening security where it is needed.
  • Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) Requirements: Regulations like AML and KYC are super important in the fight against insider fraud. The rules require gambling platforms to verify the identities of their customers and to monitor transactions for suspicious activity. This helps to prevent money laundering, which can sometimes involve insiders helping criminals to clean dirty money through the casino. The regulations also mandate that any unusual activity, including behavior that might suggest insider manipulation, is always reported to the relevant authorities.

Famous Cases of Casino Software Manipulation

Online casinos operate in a digital space where the stakes are not just high in terms of money but also in terms of reputation and trust. And with big sums of money flowing through these platforms every day, obviously they are prime targets for hackers who are looking to exploit any vulnerabilities. Although security measures are constantly being ramped up, there have been some instances where cybercriminals have managed to breach the defenses.

Real Hacking Attempts

There have been some high-profile hacking attempts over the years, and all of the incidents exposed different vulnerabilities and the always-present dangers that online casinos are up against. Below, we take a look at some of the most famous examples!

Primedice Hack (2014)

Primedice, a popular platform for online dice games, had a serious breach in 2014. A hacker, known by the alias “Hufflepuff,” found a flaw in Primedice’s “provably fair” system, which was designed to guarantee transparency and fairness in games. This system worked by allowing the players to verify that the outcomes of their games were not manipulated. But Hufflepuff found that by sending a massive number of requests to the server, he could overwhelm the system, which caused it to malfunction and reveal future outcomes of games. Armed with this info, he managed to win over 2,400 Bitcoin—worth nearly $1 million at the time. Primedice eventually got wise to what had happened, but by then, the damage was done.

Americas Cardroom DDoS Attack (2018)

In 2018, Americas Cardroom, a popular online poker platform, fell victim to a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. The attack was timed to coincide with several high-stakes poker tournaments, at which time the attackers flooded the site with traffic and successfully crashed it. The attack caused a huge disruption, and players were unable to access their accounts or continue playing in the middle of their real money games. The attackers’ goal was likely to cause chaos and perhaps extort money from the company in exchange for stopping the attack. While Americas Cardroom’s security team eventually managed to restore service, the incident was a scary reminder of just how vulnerable online platforms can be to DDoS attacks.

MGM Resorts Cyber Attack (2023)

MGM Resorts, a giant in the casino and hospitality industry, was hit by a sophisticated cyberattack in 2023. The attackers used social engineering tactics and tricked employees into giving up their login credentials. Once they got access to MGM’s systems, the hackers deployed the ransomware, effectively locking up the company’s data and operations. They also stole six terabytes of customer data, which included sensitive personal info. The attack not only disrupted MGM’s operations across its properties but also dealt a heavy blow to its rep, not to mention the financial losses, which were substantial. The company had to invest heavily in rebuilding its cybersecurity infrastructure from the ground up and improving its employee training programs to prevent similar incidents in the future.

What Lessons Were Learned?

The incidents, while damaging, did give the industry some important, albeit painful, lessons, showing they not only is it important to have the most advanced security measures in place, but also the need for constant vigilance and adaptability.

The Need for Ongoing Monitoring and Updates

The Primedice hack demonstrated that even systems designed with fairness and transparency in mind can be vulnerable if they are not regularly updated and monitored. The hack showed that relying solely on the strength of an algorithm without accounting for all possible attack vectors can be dangerous. In response, most online casinos have since adopted more rigorous monitoring practices so that their systems are regularly tested for vulnerabilities and updated to address any newly discovered flaws.

Importance of DDoS Protection

The attack on Americas Cardroom highlighted the devastating impact that DDoS attacks can have on online gambling platforms. The attacks not only disrupt services but can also severely damage a company’s reputation and trust with its players. To prevent such incidents, l online casinos have now invested in advanced DDoS mitigation services, which help detect and block malicious traffic before it can overwhelm the site.

Strengthening Human Defenses

The MGM Resorts cyberattack stressed the fact that even the most secure systems can be compromised by human error. Social engineering, where attackers manipulate people into divulging their confidential information, proved to be a successful tactic in this case. This incident caused many companies, including online casinos, to put a much greater emphasis on cybersecurity training for their employees. Teaching staff how to recognize and respond to phishing attempts and other social engineering tactics has become a main part of most companies’ cybersecurity strategies.

All of these incidents serve as a stark reminder of the changing nature of cyber threats and the need for constant vigilance. Yes, technology can be a strong defense, but the human side is still an important part of any security strategy.

How Safe Is Online Gambling Today?

Because so many people are taking advantage of online gambling, safely placing bets with real money is a huge concern! If you’re wondering just how secure it is to gamble online, the good news is that major improvements have been made to keep everything on the up and up. But what exactly is being done, and how can you tell if an online casino is really secure?

The Current State of Casino Security

Online casinos are now operating with some of the most sophisticated security systems in the digital space. This is how they’re getting it done:

  • Advanced Encryption Technology: All reputable online casinos use encryption protocols like SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) or TLS (Transport Layer Security). The technologies encrypt the data transmitted between you and the casino, protecting your personal and financial info from prying eyes. Basically, it’s like sealing your info in a safe deposit box every time you interact with the casino.
  • Blockchain Technology: A number of casinos are adopting blockchain technology to bring even better security and transparency to their platforms. Blockchain keeps a public ledger of all transactions, which cannot be altered once recorded. This not only protects your money but also ensures that game results stay fair and untampered with.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): To prevent unauthorized access, most online casinos have implemented multi-factor authentication. This adds another step when you log in, like inputting a code that’s sent to your phone or using a fingerprint scan, so it’s harder for someone to access your account without your permission.
  • Regular Audits and Independent Verification: Online gambling sites routinely undergo audits conducted by independent organizations like eCOGRA or GLI. The audits verify that the games are fair and that the casino’s security protocols are up to date. By having third parties regularly inspect their systems, casinos show they are committed to maintaining a secure environment for players.
  • Real-Time Fraud Detection: Modern online casinos use advanced algorithms to monitor player activity in real-time. The systems look out for unusual betting patterns, potential collusion, or other activities that might indicate fraud, so the casino responds immediately if something looks amiss.

How to Recognize a Safe Casino

Even though the industry does take the right measures to secure platforms, it’s still important for players to know how they can identify a safe and reliable online casino. Below are 10 tips to help you pick the safest and most reputable platforms:

Gaming License Certificate - Curacao
  1. Check for Licensing Information: Always play at casinos that are licensed by well-known regulatory bodies like the UK Gambling Commission, the Malta Gaming Authority, or the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement. These licenses mean the casino is held to the strictest standards, including player protection and fair gaming practices.
  2. Look for SSL Certification: Before signing up, check if the casino website has SSL encryption. You can tell by looking for a padlock icon in the browser’s address bar, which shows that the site protects any info you share with it.
  3. Review the Privacy Policy: Take the time to read the casino’s privacy policy. A good casino will explain clearly and in easy to understand terms how they handle your data and what measures they take to keep it secure. If the privacy policy is hard to find or vague, that’s a red flag.
  4. Check for Independent Audits: Look for certifications from independent auditors like eCOGRA or iTech Labs, which test and verify that the games are fair and that the casino’s security protocols are strong.
  5. Read Player Reviews: See what other players have to say about the casino. Reviews on independent sites or forums will give you a decent sense of the casino’s reputation, especially in terms of how they handle security and customer service.
  6. Verify Payment Methods: Trustworthy casinos have a variety of payment options, like credit cards, PayPal, and bank transfers. Be super cautious of casinos that only offer obscure payment methods or that have slow withdrawal times.
  7. Assess Customer Support: A reliable casino will give users multiple ways to get in touch with their customer support team, including live chat, email, and phone support. Test their responsiveness by asking a question before you deposit any money!
  8. Look for Fair Gaming Certifications: Certifications from organizations like eCOGRA indicate that the games have been tested for fairness. This means that the outcomes are random and not rigged in favor of the house.
  9. Read the Terms and Conditions: Yes, it’s tedious, but reading the terms and conditions can save you from any unexpected surprises. Pay close attention to things like wagering requirements for bonuses, withdrawal limits, and how any disputes are handled.
  10. Look for Responsible Gambling Features: Safe casinos promote responsible gambling and give users features like deposit limits, self-exclusion options, and links to support organizations for problem gambling.

Conclusion: Hack No, Gambling Algorithms Can’t Be Rigged

It’s totally normal to question if the games you play at online casinos are actually fair! The notion that someone could rig a game isn’t that far-fetched, but the reality is that online casinos have put in place so many layers of security to protect their systems that it would make your head spin.

Below is a recap of why hacking a casino’s algorithms is virtually impossible!

  • Heavy-Duty Encryption: Online casinos use advanced encryption like SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to protect data. This means that every bit of info, whether it’s your personal details or game data, is scrambled and locked away from lookie-loos. Hackers would have an impossible time breaking through this barrier to alter any game outcomes.
  • Random Number Generators (RNGs): RNGs are the basis of casino games and generate the random outcomes that make games fair. The generators are rigorously tested and certified by independent auditors to guarantee randomness. There’s no way to predict or manipulate these outcomes, which means it is almost laughable that anyone would be able to rig a game.
  • Blockchain Technology: Casinos have started using blockchain to secure transactions and game outcomes—blockchain is like a digital ledger that’s public and unchangeable. Once something is recorded there, it cannot be altered in any way, so players and casinos alike can trust that the results are legit and untouched.
  • Continuous Audits: Trusted casinos don’t just set up their systems and leave them—they undergo regular audits by third-party organizations like eCOGRA or GLI to check that everything is running fairly and securely. Audits help catch any issues before they can become problems, keeping the system fair and honest.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: The best casinos monitor their systems around the clock. This means that if anything unusual happens—like strange betting patterns or a possible breach—it’s caught right away. Constant vigilance helps stop potential threats in their tracks.

With all of these security measures in place, the idea of someone hacking into a casino’s algorithms is way more of a fantasy than a fact. Online casinos have a lot to lose if their games aren’t fair, so they heavily invest in keeping everything above board. From the moment you log in to the time you cash out, there are layers upon layers of protection that are all working in tandem to keep your gaming safe—and fair.

For the players, all of this means that you can enjoy playing with peace of mind, and while it never hurts to be cautious, you can relax about one thing—the odds are not being secretly messed with behind the scenes. Just be sure that you’re playing on a gambling site that has a license and good security measures in place, and then you can concentrate on what matters: playing your favorite games!

The Impact of Gambling Advertisements on Youth and Society

How many gambling ads do you see a day? I did a little experiment and counted the number I encountered in a 24-hour period.

The number was 17, which might not seem like an outrageous number, but only three of them were from TV. The remaining 14 were all targeting me on social media platforms—Instagram, X (formerly known as Twitter), and TikTok. Not a big deal for me, who is of legal gambling age. But what about the teens who spend the most time on social media?

Chances are pretty good that they are scrolling through social media and are being hit with ads that make gambling look like just another harmless hobby. Like I said, the ads are everywhere—on TV, in apps, and even on streaming platforms like Hulu and Tubi—and are reaching young people who are probably not aware of the possible risks. In ads, gambling is shown as fun and easy, but the IRL consequences aren’t as clear cut.

As gambling ads flood the media, their impact on youth and society is pretty alarming. We aren’t clutching our pearls or anything, but the ads aren’t just promoting a product—they can mold attitudes and influence behaviors. This brings up some pretty important questions about the ethical responsibilities of both advertisers and the platforms that blast out these messages.

In our media-saturated world, where screens are an integral part of daily life, especially for the younger generations, the constant exposure to gambling advertisements is a real concern. And it’s not just that they are seeing the ads—it’s also how they can portray gambling as just another kind of entertainment. Why should we all care? Because it can affect them later in life! That’s why we are going to examine the impact of gambling advertisements on youth and society at large—the media has a responsibility to protect vulnerable minds.

The Rise of Gambling Advertisements

In the last five years, gambling ads have become a staple on almost every media platform. You see them on TV, plastered everywhere on social media, and at most pro sporting events. What was once relegated to a more quiet hobby, with the exception of Las Vegas, has leapfrogged into the mainstream due to the proliferation of online gambling sites, and with it comes a heightened concern about the effects on society, especially on the younger people who are being increasingly exposed to these ads.

Growth in Advertising

Gambling ads have literally exploded across all kinds of platforms. It doesn’t matter if you’re watching a football game on TV or doom-scrolling on social media; the ads are there, and they are abundant—all tempting you with lofty promises of big wins. The connection between sports and gambling has become even stronger, with major teams and events being sponsored by gambling companies. This kind of advertising is cleverly and strategically placed—during regular games, and then with the more exciting ones like playoff tournaments and the Super Bowl, so it stands to reason that gambling is almost an organic extension of watching sports. And if you are online, the ads get even more pervasive. They track you from site to site, learning your browsing habits, and perpetually reminding you of the “big money” you could be winning.

Marketing Tactics

To hook new customers, especially the younger generations, gambling companies use all kinds of cunning marketing tricks. They throw out offers like candy—free bets or big sign up bonuses, so it sounds like there’s nothing to lose. But the caveat? The deals are almost accompanied with super complicated terms that make it really hard to actually cash in without spending more money than you intended to. For younger people, who probably don’t fully get the long-term impact of their decisions, the ads can be enticing. The excitement of a possible win is dangled in front of them like a metaphorical carrot to a horse, and it’s hard to resist taking the bait.

Global Reach

The way gambling ads are handled differs around the world. Here in the U.S., since sports betting became legal in some states, the number of ads has skyrocketed. But this surge hasn’t gone unnoticed—some states are starting to push back, raising concerns about the sheer volume and potential harm of these ads. In Europe, the approach varies from country to country. The UK has put limits on when and where these ads can appear, while countries like Italy and Spain have taken a more severe stance, banning most gambling ads altogether. The regional differences show that it’s hard to regulate an industry that operates across borders and changes quickly to be in compliance with new rules and regulations.

The flood of gambling advertisements is not just about selling us something; it’s also about changing how we think about gambling itself. As these ads keep coming, their impact on society, especially on the younger generation, is harder to ignore. While there are efforts to reign in the industry, it remains to be seen whether they will be enough to curb the influence of these inescapable ads.

Impact on Youth

The influence of gambling advertisements on young people is an increasing concern, especially as they’ve been integrated into the digital world. From social media feeds to gaming apps, the exposure to gambling content is constant, which brings us to our next point—young minds have a harder time separating entertainment from risky behavior.

Exposure to Gambling Ads

Younger generations are the most connected yet,

and this has thrown open the door to increased exposure to gambling advertisements. Social media platforms, streaming services, and gaming apps are rife with ads that promote gambling as an exciting and simple way to make money. What makes the ads particularly insidious is their subtlety—a lot of them are designed to blend in with regular content. A teen who is watching a sports highlight on YouTube could be shown an ad from a gambling app about betting on a game, or they can see a social media influencer talk about a gambling site during a livestream. This kind of exposure is so commonplace that it normalizes gambling as part of everyday life.

The prevalence of these ads on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and X means that young people will encounter gambling content several times a day, whether they’re actively looking for it or not.

The lines between regular content and gambling promotion are really blurry—it’s hard for young audiences to know when they are being targeted. In some cases, the ads are disguised as harmless entertainment, which only increases their effectiveness in reaching an impressionable audience.

Psychological Impact

The impact that these ads can have on younger minds is actually scary—adolescents and young adults are in a formative stage of brain development, and they are super susceptible to external influences. The glamorization of gambling in these ads can have a strong appeal, playing on the human desire for excitement, social acceptance, and fast rewards, and this makes young people the most vulnerable to developing harmful behaviors that are associated with gambling.

Studies have shown that the repeated exposure to gambling ads can lead to a positive attitude towards gambling among youth, which can, in turn, increase the likelihood of taking part in gambling activities. This is extremely concerning because gambling at a young age is strongly linked to the development of problem gambling behaviors later in life. The ads show gambling as a fun, low-risk activity, which downplays the very real dangers involved and makes it that much easier for young people to justify taking a chance.

Surprised Young Girl Using Mobile Phone Pointing

Moreover, the psychological impact is not just about the act of gambling itself but also about the perception of gambling as a normal, common activity. When young people see their fav influencers or celebrities promoting gambling, it makes it even more attractive, so it comes off as a socially acceptable and even desirable behavior. This can cause a distorted understanding of the risks and rewards that are associated with gambling, further entrenching harmful attitudes.

Case Studies/Statistics

Recent studies and surveys give us compelling evidence of how gambling ads affect youth behavior and perceptions. A systematic review of studies on the impact of gambling advertising found that young people exposed to these ads were much more likely to develop positive attitudes towards gambling and were at a higher risk of engaging in gambling activities themselves. Studies also highlight the role of social media as a major conduit for these ads, with platforms like Instagram and X being especially successful at targeting younger audiences.

Another study revealed that about 10-14% of youth aged 12-17 are at risk of developing a gambling problem, with exposure to gambling ads being a big contributing factor. The research pointed out that the earlier young people are exposed to gambling, the higher the chances they have of developing problematic gambling behaviors when they’re older.

These findings underscore the urgent need for stricter regulations around gambling advertisements, especially on digital platforms where young people spend so much of their time.

Societal Impacts of Gambling Advertisements

Gambling advertisements have made their mark and the presence can be felt across multiple platforms—from TV screens to social media feeds. These ads don’t only promote their product; they mold societal attitudes towards gambling, embedding it into daily life and altering perceptions about its dangers and rewards. This evolution carries serious implications for both people and the communities we live in.

Normalization of Gambling

Gambling ads are the main contributor to the perception of gambling as a normal, typical thing to do. They present it as a fun, risk-free way to occupy yourself, completely glossing over the possible consequences. And for younger people this kind of portrayal obviously blurs the lines between harmless entertainment and behaviors that could turn into addiction. By constantly showing gambling in a positive light, the ads create an environment where gambling is not seen as a risky or stigmatized activity, but rather as just another option for passing the time or being social.

Economic and Social Costs

The impact of gambling goes way past single players—gambling addiction can (and does) cause financial strain, not only for the gambler but for their whole family. Those affected might be in a downward spiral of debt, and will sometimes resort to desperate measures to fund their gambling habit. The financial strain can result in the loss of homes, the breakup of families, and a lasting impact on children. The broader community also bears the brunt with increased demand for social services, mental health support, and financial aid programs.

Impact on Vulnerable Groups

Certain groups are more vulnerable than others to the influence of gambling ads. As an example, lower-income families could see gambling as a way out of financial difficulties. The promise of easy money can be incredibly seductive in a situation where their other options seem limited. However, whatever hope they had can turn into a trap, causing a cycle of gambling and increasing debt. Similarly, people who have existing mental health issues or a history of addiction can be more susceptible to the temptation of gambling ads, which are shown as a kind of escape from their struggles but, for the most part, only cause more problems.

Sure, gambling ads seem harmless at first glance, but have far-reaching consequences that ripple through society. They contribute to the normalization of gambling, impose scary economic and social costs, and disproportionately affect the most vulnerable groups.

Regulations Around Gambling Advertisements

Gambling ads have crept their way into every crevice of modern life, from TV to social media feeds—they are a constant presence in our lives. The ubiquity brings up important questions about how these ads are regulated and whether or not the current rules are enough to protect people, especially vulnerable groups like minors and those who are struggling with addiction.

Current Regulations

In the United States, the rules governing gambling advertisements change from state to state. Some states, such as Maine and North Dakota, have tougher laws that limit or outright ban certain kinds of gambling ads, especially those that are thought to be targeting minors or promoting activities that are illegal within the state. In Maine, gambling advertisements are heavily restricted, with promotions from out-of-state operators still being considered illegal if they are deemed to advance intentionally or profit from gambling within the state’s borders. This makes it a challenging environment for advertisers who have to carefully tailor their campaigns to comply with the differing state laws.

Meanwhile, in states where gambling is legal, there are more permissive advertising rules, provided that companies follow guidelines meant to prevent ads from targeting underage audiences or making any misleading claims. But even in these states, the regulations are not uniform, so it’s a complicated area for gambling companies to negotiate. They have to know each state’s specific requirements and verify that their advertising strategies do not violate local laws. This includes making sure that disclaimers like “Void where prohibited” are prominently displayed where the promotions are not applicable so there is zero confusion for those who see the ad.

Compliance Rule Law and Regulation Graphic Interface for Business Quality Policy

Internationally, the approach to regulating gambling ads differs as well. The United Kingdom implemented a “whistle-to-whistle” ban that restricts gambling ads during live sports events until after 9 PM, a rule designed to limit exposure to children. Italy has taken an even tougher stance, enacting an almost-total blackout on all forms of gambling advertising. The measures show there is a definite uptick in concern over the social impact of gambling and a desire to protect vulnerable populations from the potentially harmful effects of such ads.

Challenges with Existing Regulations

Despite the presence of these regulations, enforcing them is no small feat, as the digital age has ushered in new forms of advertising that traditional regulatory frameworks were not designed to handle. Social media platforms and online streaming services have become the main channels for gambling ads, usually with sophisticated targeting capabilities that can reach young and impressionable audiences. This means there is more concern that the existing regulations are not doing enough to curb the influence of gambling ads on vulnerable groups.

One of the biggest hurdles in regulating gambling ads is the global nature of the internet—a gambling company that is based in one country can easily broadcast its ads to users in another, bypassing local laws that might be stricter. This makes it difficult for regulators to enforce their rules effectively and leaves wiggle room for companies to exploit any loopholes. Even in countries that have the strongest advertising laws, gambling companies can use influencers or content marketing to promote their services in ways that are almost impossible to regulate.

Indirect forms of advertising are not always covered by existing laws, making them a gray area that companies can exploit—a loophole.

And while some countries have made progress in regulating gambling ads, others are still playing catch up. In the United States, there is no federal oversight specifically governing gambling advertisements, leaving regulation to individual states. This has put in place a fragmented system where the rules can change dramatically from one state to another. As a result of this, gambling companies have to tiptoe through a regulatory minefield, which translates into inconsistent enforcement and varying degrees of protection for consumers.

Calls for Stricter Control

As awareness of the potential harms associated with gambling ads increases, the pressure on governments and regulatory bodies to tighten the rules has ramped up. Advocacy groups, public health officials, and concerned citizens are calling for stricter controls to protect vulnerable groups, especially young people who are at a higher risk of being influenced by these ads. There is a bigger consensus that the current regulations don’t go far enough and that more needs to be done to limit the exposure of these groups to gambling advertisements.

In the United States, some states are starting to take action by proposing stricter rules around gambling ads. They include banning the use of celebrities in gambling promotions, requiring more prominent disclosures about the risks of gambling, and implementing stronger restrictions on ads that appear in media that is consumed by minors. However, the efforts are still in their early stages, and there is a lot of debate about how best to balance the interests of the gambling industry with the need to protect consumers.

The American Gaming Association (AGA) has also recognized the need for responsible advertising practices and has introduced a Responsible Marketing Code for Sports Wagering. The code sets standards for the industry, including guidelines on advertising responsibly and protecting vulnerable populations. But critics argue that self-regulation is not nearly enough and that government intervention is necessary to guarantee that these standards are upheld across the board.

As the debate rages on, one thing is apparent—the regulation of gambling advertisements is an issue that will take ongoing attention. The fast growth of the gambling industry, in combination with the changing nature of digital advertising, means that regulators will have to remain vigilant and adapt their strategies to keep up with the changes. The stakes are high, as the social and economic costs of gambling addiction can be devastating, not just for individuals but for entire communities.

Responsible Advertising and Industry Practices

The gambling industry, with its extensive reach and influence, faces increasing scrutiny over how it markets its services. As concerns expand about the potential harm these ads can cause, particularly to vulnerable groups, more companies are adopting advertising practices that are not only responsible but also socially conscious in response to both regulatory pressure and the industry’s recognition of the ethical responsibilities it has.

Ethical Advertising

The majority of gambling entities recognize that their advertising practices need to show a strong commitment to social responsibility. This means taking proactive steps to make sure that their ads are not just legal but also ethical. The Betting and Gaming Council (BGC) in the UK has updated its advertising code to introduce tougher measures on how and where gambling ads can be shown.

  • Their rules now require social media ads to be targeted only at users who are verified to be 18 or older unless the platform can guarantee that the ads will not reach younger audiences.
  • And all ads that appear on search engines have to state that they are for adults only clearly, and they must include frequent messages that promote safer gambling.

Some companies are also voluntarily dedicating a portion of their advertising budget to promoting responsible gambling messages. During the COVID-19 pandemic, several operators in the UK committed to using at least 20% of their TV and radio ad slots to promote safer gambling. This was a move that shows a growing awareness within the industry that their messaging has to be balanced, so that the possible risks of gambling are communicated just as plainly as the potential rewards.

Corporate Responsibility

On the corporate responsibility side, companies are increasingly expected to take proactive steps to mitigate the potential negative impacts of gambling, especially as their influence continues to expand. Brands like MGM Resorts and Las Vegas Sands are at the head of this movement, and they are implementing programs specifically designed to promote responsible gambling among their customers.

MGM Resorts has launched the “GameSense” program, which provides players with tools and info to help users gamble in a way that is safer and more controlled. The program stresses the importance of setting limits, understanding the odds, and knowing when to stop, which are all a must for stopping gambling before it turns into a problem. Similarly, Las Vegas Sands has developed the “Project Protect” initiative, which focuses on creating a safe and responsible environment for all of its customers. The initiative includes comprehensive training for employees on how to recognize and assist customers who could be at risk of developing gambling problems.

FanDuel is another company that has taken notable movement in promoting responsible gambling. Their “Play Well” initiative is integrated into their platform, and gives users features like wager limits, self-exclusion options, and educational content to help them make informed decisions about their gambling habits. By embedding these tools directly into the user experience, FanDuel is making it easier for users to manage their gambling responsibly.

Below are the brands that have responsible gaming programs and features:


DraftKings has implemented several responsible gambling initiatives, including tools like “My Stat Sheet,” which helps players monitor their gambling habits. The company also collaborates with Kindbridge Behavioral Health to provide clinical support for players facing gambling problems.

MGM Resorts

Through its “GameSense” program, MGM Resorts offers resources and tools to help players gamble responsibly. The program focuses on education and provides support to ensure that gambling remains a form of entertainment rather than a source of harm.


FanDuel’s “Play Well” initiative includes features such as wager limits, self-exclusion options, and educational content designed to help users manage their gambling activities responsibly.

Las Vegas Sands

The “Project Protect” initiative by Las Vegas Sands aims to create a safe gambling environment. This program includes employee training on identifying and assisting at-risk customers and emphasizes responsible gaming across all customer interactions.


Betr, co-founded by influencer and boxer Jake Paul (who is set to fight Mike Tyson), has integrated responsible gambling tools into its onboarding process. The platform automatically sets monthly deposit limits for users aged 21-25 and prohibits the use of credit cards, helping to safeguard younger and potentially more vulnerable users.


Entain, the parent company of brands like Ladbrokes and Coral, is known for its “Changing for the Bettor” campaign, which focuses on using technology to detect risky behaviors and promote responsible gambling.

Flutter Entertainment

Owner of popular brands like Paddy Power and Betfair, Flutter has been a leader in responsible gambling, implementing various tools such as deposit limits and real-time behavioral monitoring.

Kindred Group

The owner of Unibet and 32Red, Kindred, has committed to achieving zero revenue from harmful gambling by 2023. The company uses data-driven approaches to identify at-risk players and provide support before problems escalate.

Betting and Gaming Council (UK initiatives):

  • Socially Responsible Advertising Code: The Betting and Gaming Council (BGC) has implemented an updated Industry Code for Socially Responsible Advertising. This code mandates that all gambling ads on social media must target individuals aged 25 and over unless the platform can guarantee the audience is at least 18.
  • Whistle-to-Whistle Ban: The BGC introduced a “whistle-to-whistle” ban, preventing gambling ads from being shown during live sports broadcasts before 9 PM. This initiative resulted in a 97% reduction in the number of gambling ads seen by children during sports events.
  • Increased Responsible Gambling Messaging: The BGC members committed to ensuring that at least 20% of their TV and radio ads are dedicated to promoting responsible gambling, especially in response to concerns raised during the COVID-19 lockdown.
  • Crackdown on Under-18 Viewing: The BGC has also focused on preventing under-18s from viewing gambling ads online. This includes requirements that betting ads on search engines must clearly indicate they are for over-18s and must include responsible gambling messages.

Caesars Entertainment:

  • Responsible Gaming Program: Caesars Entertainment has a comprehensive responsible gaming program that includes employee training to identify and assist players who may be at risk of gambling problems.
  • Self-Exclusion Programs: The company has self-exclusion programs so players can voluntarily exclude themselves from gambling at Caesars properties for a set period of time.
  • Awareness and Education: Caesars actively promotes responsible gaming through awareness campaigns and educational materials distributed across their properties. They also provide resources and support for individuals who may need help managing their gambling behavior.
  • Collaboration with Problem Gambling Organizations: Caesars partners with organizations dedicated to addressing problem gambling, such as the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG), to provide better support and resources to those affected.

These companies are setting a good example by integrating responsible gambling practices into their operations, showing that it is possible to balance business goals with the well-being of their customers. By continuing to push for higher standards, these brands are helping to build a more responsible future for the gambling industry.

Potential Solutions

We acknowledge that the efforts above are commendable, but there is still a lot of work to be done to protect those who are most vulnerable to the dangers associated with gambling. Several potential solutions have been proposed to improve the regulation of gambling ads and promote more ethical advertising practices, including the following:

  • Limiting Ad Placement: One of the obvious and straightforward ways to lessen the impact of gambling ads is to limit where and when they can be shown. Restricting these ads from appearing during live sports broadcasts, particularly when children are likely to be watching, could help protect younger audiences from being exposed to gambling promotions.
  • Stricter Age Verification: Implementing more rigorous age verification processes is another solid move. This could mean requiring platforms like YouTube to verify the age of users before showing them any gambling-related content. By doing so, companies can make sure that their ads are reaching only those who are legally allowed to gamble.
  • Alternative Content: Another approach is to offer alternative content that promotes healthier behaviors. Instead of showing gambling ads, companies could be encouraged or required to run ads that focus on the possible dangers that are associated with gambling or that promote other activities that contribute to a balanced lifestyle. This would help shift the focus from gambling to more positive and constructive pursuits.

The Role of Parents and Educators

Because gambling is more accessible than ever due to online platforms and apps, parents and educators are in the position of helping young people understand and avoid the associated risks. Their involvement is important in giving the guidance and education that is needed to equip kids with the knowledge of how they can face the dangers in a safe and smart way!

Parental Guidance

Parents are the first line of defense when it comes to protecting their kids from the possible dangers of gambling, and they can do it early on by having conversations about gambling and making it an ongoing part of their relationship. These talks can be a part of regular daily life, like around the dinner table, while watching sports, when a gambling ad comes on during a TV show, or during any family activities that involve decision-making and understanding risks. The goal is to make these kinds of talks feel organic and approachable—not serious and like a lecture.

Parents should concentrate on a dialogue about how gambling can start out as a harmless thing but can go downhill in an instant and cause serious consequences. It’s important to be honest about the reality of gambling—stress that it is never a reliable way to make money and can cause financial problems, stress, and addiction. When you talk about the dangers openly, parents can help their children develop a realistic understanding of gambling and its potential hazards.

Teenager with Parent

In addition to talking about the dangers, parents should help their children understand the nature of gambling advertisements. Almost every ad is shot and shown to make gambling look easy and fun, but parents can teach their children to critically assess these messages and recognize them for what they are and the manipulation going on behind them. Critical thinking is a skill that’s invaluable for helping younger generations to resist the lure—or at least know what they really mean—of gambling ads.

Leading by example is another solid way for parents to influence their children’s attitudes toward gambling. When parents show responsible behavior—like setting limits on their gambling activities, not gambling when they’re upset, and seeing it as what it is, which is a form of entertainment and not a money-making strategy—they give their kids a model to follow. Children are more likely to absorb and adopt these attitudes if they see them practiced by the adults they trust and look up to!

Schools and Awareness Campaigns

Educators would have a really unique opportunity to help form young people’s understanding of gambling. They could do this by integrating gambling education into school curricula, and teachers can give students the knowledge and skills they need to make wise choices. This kind of education can take on many forms, from classroom discussions to interactive workshops and presentations. Of course, it has to be approved by the school, which is another kettle of fish entirely.

In a perfect world, we’d have programs that engage students in learning about gambling through interactive methods, like activities that help students understand the odds of winning and losing, the techniques that are used in gambling ads, and the potential consequences of gambling. If they make the learning process engaging and relatable, students would most likely take in the info and apply it in their own lives later on.

Schools could also collaborate with external organizations that specialize in gambling education and prevention. Organizations like YGAM (Young Gamers and Gamblers Education Trust) and GambleAware have great resources and training for teachers so they are able to deliver accurate and impactful lessons on gambling. These kinds of collabs would give students a better perspective and understanding of the dangers that are associated with gambling.

Awareness campaigns within schools are another solid way to teach students about the possible risks of gambling. Campaigns like Safer Gambling Week have a lot of resources that schools could use to raise awareness and promote healthy attitudes toward gambling. The campaigns typically include films, digital activities, and other materials that are designed to engage students and encourage them to think critically about gambling.

Educators also do their part in supporting students who may be at risk of developing gambling problems. By being aware of the signs of problem gambling—like changes in behavior, unexplained absences, or financial issues—teachers can intervene early and offer the necessary support. This could look like referring the student to a counselor or offering them info about where to get help. Early intervention can make all the difference in preventing small issues from escalating into serious problems.

How We Move Forward

Gambling ads have gone mainstream—they are now an everyday (or every hour) occurrence, and the impact they have on young people and the society can no longer be ignored. It’s obvious that this has to be confronted, and not just by regulators; but everyone who cares about the future!

  • Gambling as “Normal”: When gambling ads are everywhere—from sports broadcasts to social media feeds—they start to feel like just another part of daily life. This constant exposure can make gambling seem like a regular, risk-free activity, especially to young people who may not fully understand the potential consequences. It’s easy for them to start thinking of gambling as no different from other forms of entertainment, like video games or movies, which can be a dangerous misconception.
  • The Ripple Effect: The consequences of gambling go far beyond the individual who places the bet. When someone gets caught up in gambling, it can lead to financial struggles, strained relationships, and even mental health issues. Families often bear the brunt of these impacts, dealing with the fallout from lost savings, mounting debts, and the emotional toll of watching a loved one spiral. Communities, too, feel the strain as the social safety net gets stretched thinner by the increasing need for support services and intervention programs.
  • Who’s Most at Risk: Not everyone is equally affected by gambling ads. Young people, particularly those from lower-income backgrounds or with existing mental health challenges, are more vulnerable to the seductive appeal of gambling as an easy escape from their problems. These ads often target these groups more aggressively, presenting gambling as a quick fix for financial woes or a way to gain social status without highlighting the very real risks involved.
  • What Parents and Educators Can Do: Parents and educators have a unique opportunity to step in and make a difference. By having regular, honest conversations about the realities of gambling and the tricks used by advertisers, they can help young people build a strong foundation of critical thinking and self-awareness. It’s about more than just warning them of the dangers—it’s about equipping them with the knowledge and skills to navigate a world where gambling is increasingly normalized. Encouraging kids to question what they see in ads, understand the odds, and recognize the difference between entertainment and exploitation can go a long way in protecting them from making decisions they might later regret.

We can either sit on the sidelines doing nothing or choose to get in the game. If you’re a parent, teacher, or merely a concerned bystander, you can push for stricter rules on when and where gambling ads can pop up, especially in the places where kids spend time. You can also back the efforts to educate young people about the dangers and be aware of the influence that the ads have on those around you to shield the next generation and open their eyes to the very real hazards behind the splashy promises in gambling advertisements.

Final Thoughts

We find ourselves at a crossroads. As gambling ads become more ingrained in our everyday experiences, we must decide how we want to shape the future for those who come after us. The choices we make today—whether we advocate for change, educate the young, or stay vigilant—will determine whether we protect our society from the possible dangers of gambling or just let those risks go unchecked.

Unconventional Sports to Bet on in 2024

As the landscape of sports betting expands far beyond the familiar pitches and courts, a curious array of obscure sports is capturing the imagination of adventurous bettors. This shift is changing up the gambling industry for the better—and the bettor—with entirely new and novel excitement and the possibility of big money wins.

From the charming clap of pickleball paddles (you can bet on this sport) to the swift strides of reindeer across snowy tracks (you can’t bet on these beasts…yet), these definitely unconventional competitions provide a refreshing alternative to the same ol’ mainstream sports betting. Sports like cornhole, which has gone from backyard leisure to ultra-competitive tournaments, and curling, with a strategic twist that’s been compared to chess on ice, are not just fun to watch but are increasingly being recognized as serious betting platforms.

Then there’s quidditch (yes, the one with brooms), inspired by the universe of the Harry Potter books and films, which has leapt from the screen into real-life pitches with its own die-hard following. Even rock, paper, scissors, a game that’s usually reserved for settling low-stakes, friendly disputes, has carved out a niche in the competitive arena, complete with recognized championships (but no betting opportunities as of this writing).

Why Are These Quirky Sports Attracting Bettors?

  • They’re Fun: The sheer entertainment value of watching and wagering on something as whimsical as reindeer racing or as relatable as rock, paper, scissors is a huge draw.
  • More Unpredictability: With less historical data and fewer experts in the field, these sports have unpredictable outcomes, making the betting stakes more interesting and possibly more rewarding.
  • Community and Culture: Engaging with lesser-known sports revolves around a tight-knit community with its own culture and traditions, meaning it can be less impersonal than mainstream sports.

These obscure sports are not just a chance to place a wager—they’re a proposition to be part of something new and fun in the world of online betting!

Overview of Obscure Sports Betting

In the context of betting, “obscure” sports are those that aren’t featured prominently in mainstream sports media or betting platforms. They can start out as local traditions or super niche hobbies before turning into organized competitions with a loyal following. Unlike the high-profile visibility of sports like football or basketball, unconventional sports aren’t “recognized” by million-dollar leagues and backers. The biggest distinction lies in their market size, spectatorship, and the frequency with which they are bet, making them less common but growing in popularity for betting markets.

The Appeal to New and Experienced Bettors

Unconventional sports offer a novel charm and lure that will attract a range of different bettors for the following reasons:

  • New Opportunities: For newcomers, the novelty of these sports can be a huge draw. The rules are usually pretty simple, making it easier for those who may be unfamiliar with traditional betting to get in on the action. The novelty of betting on something like drone racing or cornhole adds extra fun and accessibility that isn’t always there in more conventional sports betting.
  • Strategic Betting: For the experienced bettor, obscure sports mean new challenges and opportunities to hone strategy. The absence or lack of expertise and historical data can level the playing field and make for a more engaging betting experience. Seasoned players could find it rewarding to develop new methodologies or adapt their wagering skills to these less-charted territories.
  • Community and Involvement: Both newbies and experienced bettors could be interested in the community feeling of these sports. Most unconventional sports have a grassroots vibe with close-knit communities and a sense of camaraderie that is absent in mainstream sports. Betting on these events means taking part in a smaller, engaged community where fans and bettors are invested in the niche sport.
  • Variety and Entertainment: Lastly, the entertainment value cannot be played down! Betting on a sport where a match could be decided by a sudden death round of rock, paper, scissors, or the strategic toss of a cornhole bag is a fun departure from trying to predict the next home run or touchdown.

Obscure sports betting not only diversifies a bettor’s portfolio but also levels up the overall experience by combining entertainment, community, and innovation in sports. As these markets develop, they’ll likely continue to draw in a bigger audience, which will inject new energy and excitement into the world of sports betting!


Pickleball, a sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis, has quickly morphed from a backyard hobby to a competitive sport that is played globally. It features a mix of fast-paced rallies and strategic gameplay, making it appealing to players of all ages and skill levels. Officially played on a court that is the same size as a badminton doubles court, the game can be played both indoors and outdoors, which adds to its accessibility.

Betting on Pickleball

The Professional Pickleball Association launched the first professional pickleball betting platform in April of this year—it began with the Vulcan Kansas City Open. In 2023, FanDuel introduced betting markets for the PPA Tour in several U.S. states, including Maryland, Louisiana, Connecticut, Illinois, Wyoming, Michigan, Tennessee, Colorado, and Washington, as well as in Ontario, Canada.

Two Pickleball Rackets and Sports Balls on the Playground 3D Rendering

Pickleball betting primarily features three options: Money Line, Over/Under, and Point Spreads. For those looking to amplify potential returns, combining these bets into Parlays is also possible. Additionally, the platform accommodates Dynamic In-Game Betting, allowing bettors to make wagers as the game progresses.

As of now, the availability of pickleball betting isn’t uniform across the country because each state has its own set of regulations and required documentation, which can slow down the introduction of betting in those areas, but states will gradually become eligible for pickleball betting, evaluated and added one at a time.

Key Events and Competitions in 2024

Pickleball’s competitive scene is booming with numerous local, regional, and national tournaments. The sport has gained notable recognition through events like the US Open Pickleball Championship and its inclusion as a medal sport in the World Games. Additionally, the Association of Pickleball Professionals (APP) and the Professional Pickleball Association (PPA) are significant organizers, promoting high-standard tournaments that attract top players from various regions.

These platforms, along with the Dynamic Universal Pickleball Rating (DUPR), which provides a universal scale for player ratings, support the structured competitive environment that is essential for both player ranking and the sport’s integrity in betting.

Here’s the APP 2024 schedule:

  • May 22-26: APP Tour: New York City (Major)
  • June 12-16: APP Signature Event: APP U.S. Indoor Championships
  • June 26-30: APP Tour: Southern California (Major)
  • July 18-21: APP Next Gen – Kansas City
  • July 24-28: APP Signature Event: APP Women’s Open
  • August 28-September 1: APP Tour – Chicago
  • September 25-29: APP Tour – Boca Raton
  • October 9-13: APP Tour – Dallas
  • October 23-27: APP Tour – Southern California
  • November 13-17: APP Next Gen – Dallas
  • December 4-8: APP Tour: Fort Lauderdale (Major)

This schedule highlights various APP tour stops, major tournaments, signature, and next-gen events throughout the year.

Drone Racing

Drone racing is a high-speed competitive e-sport where pilots navigate remotely controlled drones through complex 3D racetracks using a First Person View (FPV) perspective. This immersive experience, similar to video game playing, challenges pilots to race through courses at high speeds with the aim of finishing first. The sport combines advanced technology with the thrill of racing, appealing to both technology enthusiasts and sports fans alike.

Betting on Drone Racing

Betting on drone racing is becoming more popular as the sport gains global recognition. Bets can be placed on various outcomes, such as race winners, podium positions, and head-to-head matchups between pilots. Betting opportunities are expanding with the sport’s growth and platforms. In 2022, DraftKings and the Drone Racing League (DRL) announced an exclusive partnership that allowed betting on drone racing competitions. This initiative was in hopes of DraftKings appealing to a younger audience.

Key Events and Competitions in 2024

Some of the major drone racing events in 2024 include the DRL, which is known for its high-speed competitions broadcast globally. The FAI World Drone Racing Championship also continues to be a prominent event, featuring a mix of high-speed trials and head-to-head battles. Additionally, the Drone Champions League (DCL) offers a team-based competition format, making the races not only a test of individual skill but also of team strategy.

  • May 12: Eco 2024 Spring MultiGP Global Qualifier
  • May 16, 2024: The Summer Opener
  • May 18: Season Opener; Spring Global Qualifier Doubleheader; Spring MultiGP Global Qualifier #2; Spring Season Race #2; Deadlock 2024 Spring MultiGP Global Qualifier (DOUBLE HEADER); Spring MultiGP Global Qualifier #1
  • May 19: Australian Drone Nationals Qualifier; CQR 2024 Summer Season Race 1; QRGO 2024 Opener; MULTIGP Drone Race Event 2024
  • May 20: Spring MultiGP Global Qualifier
  • June 1: Aircrasher MultiGP Global Qualifier #2; KDC 2024 Spring MultiGP Global Qualifier 1
  • June 15: Spring MultiGP Global Qualifier – Day 1
  • June 16: Spring MultiGP Global Qualifier – Day 2
  • June 29: DCS Messecup Salzburg “Messe LevelUP”
  • July 13: Summer Global Qualifier Doubleheader
  • July 14: CQR 2024 Summer Season Race 3
  • July 20: FAI Drone Club Varna 2024 CUP
  • July 28: Millington, MD Park Race

These events are set to showcase the best in drone technology and pilot skill, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in drone sports. With their global reach and appeal, these competitions are central to the growing popularity of drone racing as a spectator—and betting—sport.


Cornhole has gone from a backyard leisure activity to a super competitive sport with a formal structure overseen by organizations like the American Cornhole League (ACL). This sport involves players throwing bags filled with corn kernels at a raised platform with a hole at the far end. Points are then scored based on where the bags land on the platform or if they enter the hole.

Structure of Competitive Cornhole Tournaments

Competitive cornhole tournaments are organized by entities such as the ACL, which holds over 25,000 tournaments annually with a strong professional scene. Tournaments can vary in scale from local and regional to national championships and are usually structured in a bracket format with single or double elimination.

Betting on Cornhole

Betting on cornhole is relatively new but growing, with options like prop bets where you can bet on specific game outcomes, such as which player will score the highest points per round or outcomes like which team will win a particular section of the tournament bracket.

The betting landscape is expanding as more states in the U.S. are expected to legalize sports betting, with platforms like DraftKings already offering markets for cornhole events.

Tips for Betting on Cornhole

When betting on cornhole, consider the players’ historical performance and their adaptability to different playing conditions, such as weather, which can influence the trajectory of throws. Understanding the game’s scoring system and format is crucial, and it’s advisable to seek out the best odds and take advantage of any bookmaker bonuses. Importantly, practice good bankroll management to make informed betting decisions.


Curling originated in Scotland in the 16th century, with early evidence pointing to games played on frozen ponds and lochs using stones. The sport’s strategic and team-oriented nature led to its spread across Scotland and later to other countries through Scottish emigration, notably to Canada, where it became immensely popular. Curling’s inclusion in the Olympics, first as a demonstration sport in 1924 and then as an official medal sport in 1998, did wonders for boosting interest in the icy activity and its global profile.

Curling Tournaments That Attract Betting

The curling tournaments that attract betting include the World Curling Championships, the European Curling Championships, and national championships like the Tim Hortons Brier in Canada and the Scotties Tournament of Hearts, which are pivotal in the curling calendar and draw a ton of betting interest.

Advice for Bettors

When placing your bets on curling, you should consider several factors to make the best and most informed decisions, like the following:

  • Team Cohesion: Teams that have played together longer tend to perform better due to enhanced coordination and understanding.
  • Substitutions and Injuries: Changes in team composition, such as substitutes for injured players, can affect team performance.
  • Venue: Home advantage can play a critical role, as teams are generally more comfortable and perform better in familiar settings.
  • Game Dynamics: Unlike many sports, draws are rare in curling since the games continue until a winner is determined. Also, focusing on team performance rather than individual players is advised since curling is a highly strategic and collaborative sport.

For those who are looking to or interested in betting on curling, understanding these factors and following regular updates on team forms and historical performances at tournaments can potentially increase the chances of successful outcomes re winning money!

Underwater Hockey

Underwater hockey, also known as Octopush, is probably the most obscure and terrifying-sounding sport that is played at the bottom of a swimming pool. Let us repeat that: the BOTTOM of a swimming pool. Two teams compete to maneuver a puck across the pool floor into the opponent’s goal using a short stick or pusher.

Players wear snorkels, masks, fins, and gloves and must hold their breath while playing, as no breathing devices are allowed, which sounds insane. The game demands strong swimming skills, excellent breath control (no duh), and good teamwork. It’s played globally and has variations, including different numbers of players and pool sizes, but typically involves six players per team actively competing at any time.

Exploration of the Betting Scene Surrounding Underwater Hockey

Currently, underwater hockey does not have a betting scene. This is likely due to its niche status and lower visibility compared to mainstream sports. But like with any sport, no matter how unconventional, if its popularity were to rise, particularly in countries where sports betting is a growing market, this could soon change. Events like the World Championships could potentially attract attention from bettors looking for new sports to follow and wager on.

Analysis of the Factors That Can Influence Game Outcomes

Although you can’t bet on it (yet), if and when you can, there are factors that can influence the outcomes of underwater hockey games. When the time comes, you should take the following into consideration for any potential betting strategies!

  • Player endurance and breath-holding capacity can significantly impact performance due to the nature of the sport requiring players to operate underwater for extended periods.
  • Team cohesion and experience, as teams that have played together longer, will likely perform better due to better communication and understanding among players.
  • Physical conditions of players, including speed and agility, are vital in a sport that demands rapid movements and quick changes in direction underwater.
  • Technical skills, such as stick handling and puck control, are critical, especially in a challenging underwater environment where precision is key.

Chess Boxing

Chess boxing is a hybrid sport that intriguingly combines the cerebral demands of chess with the physical challenge of boxing. Participants alternate between rounds of chess and boxing, testing both their strategic thinking and physical endurance. You can make a move and then punch your opponent in the face! That. Is. Wild. The sport has its origins in a concept introduced by Dutch artist Iepe Rubingh in 2003, inspired by a graphic novel. Since then, it has grown to include clubs and competitions worldwide, especially popular in Germany, the UK, and Russia.

Challenges of Betting on Chess Boxing

Betting on chess boxing is not yet available on legal gambling platforms, but if it comes to fruition, it will present a few uncanny challenges due to its dual nature. It combines unpredictable physical combat with strategic gameplay, which will make it harder to assess outcomes accurately. Bettors will have to take into account not only the athletic prowess and boxing skills of the competitors but also their chess skills. The varied nature of the rounds will add much more complexity to predicting winners, as a match can end via knockout, checkmate, or judges’ decision if the game goes the distance.

Tips on Following the Sport and Understanding Betting Odds

Again, these tips are all hypotheticals for chess boxing!

  • Familiarize Yourself with the Competitors: Knowledge of the competitors’ backgrounds in both chess and boxing is crucial. Check their previous matches, strengths, weaknesses, and ratings in both sports.
  • Understand the Rules: Knowing how rounds are structured, how victories can be achieved, and the time controls for each chess round are vital. This understanding helps in assessing how matches might unfold.
  • Watch Past Matches: Observing past matches can provide insights into how players cope with the rapid switch between mental and physical exertion and how they handle pressure in both aspects of the sport.
  • Stay Updated: Follow chess boxing organizations like the World Chess Boxing Organisation (WCBO) and Chess Boxing Global, which promote the sport and organize events. This can provide information on upcoming matches and top competitors.

Remember, while chess boxing is an exciting and growing sport, it still sits in a niche position, which means there are currently no betting opportunities on legit gambling apps. All of our betting tips are hypothetical until the sport is legally available for wagering in your jurisdiction.

Betting Strategies for Obscure Sports

When betting on these less mainstream sports, there are strategic approaches that can greatly increase your chances of winning! We put together a general guide to betting strategies for obscure sports:

  • Understanding of the Sport: Familiarize yourself thoroughly with the rules, nuances, and unique characteristics of the sport. Each unconventional sport has specific factors that significantly influence outcomes, such as the playing environment in underwater hockey or the endurance aspect in chess boxing.
  • Know the Athletes and Teams: In niche sports, information about athletes might not be as readily available as in mainstream sports. Study the competitors’ past performances, strengths, weaknesses, and any recent changes such as injuries or changes in coaching staff.
  • Comprehend the Competition Format: Understanding the format of the competition is super important! Most obscure sports have different formats that influence outcomes, like the number of rounds in chess boxing or the sudden death rounds in drone racing. The format can affect athletes’ strategies and performance differently.
  • Reliable Sources of Info: For unconventional sports, reliable information might be few and far between, so check out niche websites, official sports organization websites, and forums where fans come to talk about the sport. Examples include the World Chess Boxing Organisation for Chess Boxing or specific drone racing event sites for updates on competitors and upcoming tournaments.
  • Choosing Betting Sites: Not all sportsbooks offer betting on less mainstream sports, so you’ll need to find reputable betting sites that do. Make sure these sites are legally compliant in your jurisdiction, offer competitive odds, and have a history of reliability. Checking out the reviews determines the credibility of these sites, too!
  • Statistical Analysis and Historical Data: Use any available data to analyze trends and statistics that could inform your betting strategy. In sports with less coverage, even basic data can provide an edge over other bettors who may not delve as deeply.
  • Risk Management: Betting on lesser-known sports will be unpredictable. It’s smart to manage your bets carefully—start out by placing smaller or more conservative bets until you gain more experience and confidence in understanding the sport’s unusual dynamics.

By integrating these strategies, you can take on bets on obscure sports with a well-informed perspective that boosts your chances of making the best bets possible!

Finding reliable sources of information and trustworthy betting apps for less mainstream sports involves solid research and making sure they are legit. Here’s how you can make sure the sources and sites you use are credible:

  • Official Sport Organizations and Federations: Start with the official websites of the sports’ governing bodies. These often provide the most accurate and up-to-date information about the sport, athletes, schedules, and competition results. For example, the World Chess Boxing Organisation provides comprehensive information on chess boxing.
  • Specialized Sports News Websites: Look for websites and platforms dedicated to specific sports or niche areas within sports. These sites often have detailed articles, expert analyses, and updates that mainstream sports media might overlook.
  • Social Media and Forums: Social media platforms, Reddit, and specialized forums are excellent resources for real-time updates and community insights. Followers of the sport share live updates, opinions, and insider info that is valuable, especially when betting on live events.
  • Betting Reviews and Comparison Sites: Use reputable review sites that compare different sportsbooks and betting platforms. These sites assess the legality, user experience, odds, and payout reliability of various betting sites, providing an aggregated score or rating to guide you.
  • Academic and Market Research: For a more analytical approach, look up academic papers or market reports on the sport. These documents can provide deeper insights into trends and statistical analyses that could influence betting strategies.
  • Check Licensing and Regulation: When choosing a betting site, verify that it is licensed and regulated by a recognized authority. Sites should display their licensing information at the footer of their homepage. Regulatory bodies vary by region but include organizations like the UK Gambling Commission, Malta Gaming Authority, or your local regulatory body.
  • User Reviews and Testimonials: Read reviews and testimonials from other users. Be wary of platforms with a lot of negative reviews or reports of unpaid winnings. Sites like Trustpilot or Google Business reviews provide real and honest user feedback.
  • Security Measures: Verify that the betting site uses secure connections (HTTPS) and has clear privacy policies and secure payment methods. This protects your personal and financial information.


Betting on obscure sports opens up a whole new world that is filled with opportunities for those looking to explore new areas beyond traditional sports betting. These less mainstream sports, like underwater hockey (no thank you), pickleball, chess boxing, and drone racing, are a breath of fresh air for those who want to expand their betting horizons outside of the box. The appeal lies in the novel combo of skills these sports require, from strategic thinking to physical endurance, which introduces a fun new angle to betting strategies!

As these niche sports gain more followers and increase in popularity, they not only broaden the scope of options available for betting but also invite bettors to explore these emerging markets. For those curious about them, venturing into these sports can be financially rewarding and a different experience. And with the proper research, understanding the nuances of each sport, and finding the most reliable info on them from reputable sites and sources, betting on obscure sports can be both profitable and so much fun for the sports betting community. Now, who’s up for some chess boxing?

Analyzing Early Super Bowl Odds: Which Teams Offer the Best Value?

Early Super Bowl odds can offer bettors a significant advantage because you can secure better odds before the market makes some major shifts! We’ll break down the early Super Bowl odds from our favorite sports betting apps and identify teams that offer the best value for bettors. If your bets are correct, you also stand to profit much more money than you would have if you waited longer to act!

Understanding Super Bowl Odds

If you aren’t familiar with betting on the Super Bowl, let alone sports betting itself, keep reading to learn how Super Bowl odds are established and how you can read the bookmakers’ data and turn it into some winning bets! Super Bowl odds aren’t too difficult to read once you understand how they work, so no worries!

What Are Super Bowl Odds?

There are three primary ways to bet on Super Bowl 59: moneylines, point spread bets, and over/under (totals). Here’s an example of how they might appear on a typical odds sheet between two teams:

TeamMoneylinePoint SpreadTotals



-2.5 (-110)

OVER 30.5 (-110)



+2.5 (-110)

UNDER 30.5 (-110)

Moneyline odds are the likelihood of each team winning the Big Game. Point spreads are bets on the final margin of victory. Totals (also known as over/under bets) represent the final combined score at the end of the game, and bettors bet on whether the actual final score will come in over or under this number.

How do moneyline odds translate to probability in this scenario between the Chiefs and the 49ers facing a Super Bowl rematch in 2025?

  • Moneylines – The Chiefs are the favorite to win the game in this scenario because their odds are represented by the negative number: -135. Bettors must stake $135 to win $100 for a total payout of $235 (because bettors get their stake back in addition to what they profit). According to these odds, the 49ers are the underdog team—they’re represented by the positive number: +115. Bettors must stake $100 to win $115 in profit, resulting in a total payout of $215.
  • Point Spreads – In the situation of betting on the final margin of victory, the Chiefs (-2.5/-110) must win by 3 or more points over the 49ers for this bet to be considered a win. A bet on the 49ers (+2.5/-110) will be posted as a win if the 49ers win outright over the Chiefs or lose by 2 points or less.
  • Totals – For over/under betting, the prediction of the final score is 30 (combined between both teams), so bettors can place stakes on the Big Game’s score, coming under 30 points or over 30 points.

How Early Odds Are Set

Though many bettors might not think about how the early odds are established for the Super Bowl, there’s a system that sportsbooks and bookmakers use to get these numbers, and it all begins with each team’s “team’spower rating.” Most of the time, a rating of 100 represents the best team, though the final number could be higher or lower. The bookmakers take the difference between the two “power ratings” and then factor in aspects like team performance, roster changes, home-field advantage, weather, injuries, etc.

While the initial odds are established using a math- and science-heavy methodology, the odds can shift as the season progresses and the methodology becomes more rooted in things like public perception or building momentum, as well as some of the factors above. Sharp money is also a factor that can change odds—bookmakers adjust the lines accordingly to even out the action on either side of a bet.

Key Factors to Consider When Analyzing Super Bowl Odds

To successfully read Super Bowl 59 betting odds, bettors must keep a few key factors in mind to ensure they’re placing the best bets they can! At the end of the day, the odds are numbers representing the likelihood of each team making it to the Big Game, but what elements inform these numbers in the first place? Let’s dive into the reasons behind the Super Bowl odds you’re at the beginning of the season—make a Super Bowl bet that’s rooted in insight and research!

Team Performance and Roster Strength

One significant element informing the current odds for the Super Bowl is the team’s previous season’s performance. Names like the Kansas City Chiefs or the San Francisco 49ers will undoubtedly have better odds of making it to the Big Game, considering that the Chiefs have made it to four of the last five Super Bowls (and won three of them) and that the 49ers have made two appearances in the previous five.

Another element that impacts this season’s odds is any off-season changes that might have occurred in the teams’ rosters. Staying current on these significant changes will help you make the most informed Super Bowl bets possible. If a particular team loses a player in off-season trades

Strength of Schedule

If you’re new to betting on the NFL, “strength of schedule” refers to the difficulty or ease of a team’s opponent compared to other teams. It’s the combined record of all teams in a schedule, and the “strength of victory” is the combined record of all teams that were beaten in that schedule.

The strength of the schedule is used to determine the draft position. If two teams have the same record at the end of the previous season, the team with the lower winning percentage against their opponent gets the higher draft pick. Teams with easier schedules are much more likely to make the playoffs.

So, it makes no difference if the team is technically sound or flawed—the schedule’s strength can cause a worse team to make the playoffs, while a better team could miss out!

Injuries and Player Availability

Factors like player injury or suspensions can significantly affect Super Bowl odds. If a team is missing a key player from its lineup, there’s a good chance that its odds of winning the Big Game will shift. The bookmakers, sports betting platforms, and other analysts keep a close eye on players’ health through the season leading up to the Super Bowl, and they’ll adjust their odds accordingly.

Coaching and Management

The coaches and team management are responsible for developing their team’s overall game plan and strategy, so their strategic decisions can heavily influence how the team plays. Though they aren’t hitting, throwing, running, scoring, or catching, coaches play a pivotal role in the team’s performance and their likelihood of making it to the playoffs and the Super Bowl.

Coaches’ duties include personnel decisions, play calling, and adjustments throughout the game. They also cover all aspects of practice, player development, and film study. Another noteworthy duty is setting the tone for the team’s discipline, energy, and mentality—motivation and strong leadership play a crucial role here and elevate that team’s chances of performing well all season long.

Market Sentiment

Public sentiment and media coverage are critical in a team’s odds of making the Super Bowl shift and evolve throughout the season. The betting public usually has a specific team in mind as the favorite, and most of the public’s money will end up riding on that team. Books will even out action on these bets by making the underdog more appealing to bet on, usually in the form of a discount.

As the season carries on, it can become difficult to discern the actual likelihood of each team winning because the odds have shifted to balance the books. This is why bettors must pair recent performance data, historical statistics, and other factors with market sentiment to make a solid, informed bet on the Super Bowl.

Top Teams to Watch—Best Value Picks

Let’s highlight the top teams you’ll want to look at this season with the greatest likelihood of making it to Super Bowl 59. As it stands, the sportsbooks have the Chiefs, 49ers, and Ravens as the likeliest franchisees to get through the playoffs and secure a position at the Big Game:

Kansas City Chiefs

Kansas City Chiefs Logo

Current Odds

The Kansas City Chiefs are the odds-on favorites to win Super Bowl 59 in February:












Reasons for Value

Kansas City is a strong contender to win the next Super Bowl, considering that they have made it to four of the last five Super Bowls and won two! Just consider last year’s performance:

  • The Chiefs won the 2024 Super Bowl, coming off a season record of 11-6.
  • In the conference, KC went 9-3, and they went 4-2 in the AFC West.
  • They went 4-2 at home and 6-2 on the road.
  • They scored 21.8 points per game.
  • Their record in one-possession games was 6-5—they won twice in games decided by three points or fewer.
  • The Chiefs hold a record of 2-4 after playing in six island games last season.

San Francisco 49ers

San Francisco 49ers

Current Odds

As the odds stand now with the online sportsbooks, the 49ers are looking like the second-most likely team to win the Big Game:












Reasons for Value

For the first time in two years, the 49ers will have a first-round draft pick, meaning they’ll be entering 2024 with one of the most competitive rosters in the entire league. You combine this with the fact that they’ve been to the Super Bowl twice in the last five years, along with the Chiefs trading Tyreek Hill to the Dolphins in exchange for a package of five draft picks, and you have a recipe for what could be a Super Bowl win for the 49ers!

Betting on the 49ers to win the Super Bowl could be an intelligent early bet because the sportsbooks may be underestimating their ability. We recommend that our readers make early bets on the 49ers to get a reasonable price on the odds as they stand now!

Baltimore Ravens

Baltimore Ravens Logo

Current Odds

We viewed the Super Bowl odds at our favorite football betting apps, and here’s what we found:












Reasons for Value

The bookmakers call the Ravens a sleeper pick to make it to Super Bowl 59. Several promising players can carry this team to victory, including:

  • Lamar Jackson scored 273 passing yards and completed 63.4% of his passes in a recent faceoff with Kansas City.
  • Rashod Bateman added 53 yards on two catches and put up 53.0 receiving yards per game.
  • Justice Hill: He caught six passes on eight targets for 52 yards.

Potential Risks—One Team That May Be Overvalued

There’s a team that we feel the books are overvaluing, and that could turn out to be a disappointment come the day of the Big Game. They are already a long shot to make it to the Super Bowl, and it could be a waste of time to bet on them as Super Bowl champions this year.

Philadelphia Eagles

Philadelphia Eagles Logo

Current Odds












Reasons for Overvaluation

With the firings of both the offensive and defensive coordinators and the two retirements of Jason Kelce and Fletcher Cox, this is a big rebuilding year for the Eagles. And who’s to say that Philadelphia might not experience a repeat of the late-season collapse we saw in 2023 happen again this year with less experienced players on the roster?

Betting Strategies for Early Super Bowl Odds

It can be tricky to bet on one of the most significant NFL events of the year, especially if you place your bet several months before. So many things can change during that time that it can quickly make the current information completely useless. However, there are a few tricks to betting Super Bowl 59 in the fall where you can still make a profit come February.

Diversifying Bets

Because you’re staking money on an event that’s too far in the future to bet on with the best accuracy, it’s best to spread your bets across multiple teams to hedge against risks. In the case of Super Bowl 59, don’t just bet on the winner. Consider betting on the team that will cover the spread or on whether the game’s combined score will fall under or over the line. The more you can spread your money around in multiple bets, the better off you’ll be weathering risks.

Monitoring Odds Changes

Check into multiple sportsbooks regularly throughout the season to see where the odds are shifting and which teams are either gaining momentum or losing steam. Remember that odds can fluctuate based on actual probability of each outcome, but it can also be due to the book’s balancing the action. Know the difference so you don’t add the wrong odds to your bet slip. You might hedge your bets by placing additional wagers on opposing outcomes. Doing so will help you minimize potential losses and secure profits, regardless of how the Big Game turns out.

Long-Term Betting vs. Short-Term Gains

The best option is consistently sticking with your original wager and hedging your bets to offset a possible loss. You’re ultimately paying more vig on the cashout or the hedge bets, so it’s never going to be as good as the expected value you’ll get from your original bet, even if the odds shift drastically.

Lock in Value Early with Super Bowl Bets

After analyzing early Super Bowl odds and identifying teams with the best value, placing early Super Bowl bets is best to get the best-expected value. Just remember to root your picks in solid research and the application of historical data. When placing your Super Bowl bets early, keep factors in mind like recent performance, strength of schedule, injuries, market sentiment, and coaching to inform your decision—keep an eye on how odds change as the season progresses.

The Science of Loss Aversion: How Our Brains React to Losing Streaks

Loss aversion is the cognitive bias where people consider the pain of losing twice as powerful as the pleasure that comes from gaining something, even when it comes to well-calculated risks. Loss aversion can play a crucial role in decision-making when it comes to gambling for some bettors and gamblers. This spells bad news, not only for the online or land-based casinos but also means that the gambler misses out on tremendous money-making opportunities because they are too nervous or hesitant to go out on a limb.

In this exploration of loss aversion and how it relates to gambling, we’ll highlight the psychological and neurological aspects of loss aversion in the context of losing streaks. Understanding loss aversion can help gamblers become more confident about taking well-calculated risks, make more informed decisions, and manage their emotions during losing streaks so they can thrive even in the midst of a slump.

What Is Loss Aversion?

Loss aversion occurs when people’s actions are more motivated by avoiding the pain of losing than by the pleasure they will get from winning or gaining something. In gambling, this might look like a player being nervous to stake $100 in a game in the hopes of winning another $100.

Think about losing $100 versus finding $100 on the street. Which one of these things would stir up a stronger response within you? For most people, the idea of losing $100 is far more painful and raw than the excitement one would have over finding $100. This is the essence of loss aversion, which is technically defined as the human tendency to avoid losses rather than acquire equivalent gains.

Wad of Money Flying Away 3D Icon

It doesn’t help that loss aversion strengthens as the stakes increase. So, while loss aversion can spare us from the pain of a significant loss, it can also prevent us from taking well-calculated risks with potential worthwhile returns.

An Example of Loss Aversion in Everyday Life

Clear examples of loss aversion can be found in activities like gambling, sports betting, stock trading, and investments, but it can also be seen in everyday life. We’ll run through an example of this concept to give you a better understanding of how this phenomenon presents itself.


People working the same job for years might only stick with it because it’s familiar, and they fear change. They could go for a job that might make them more money or have a better work environment. Still, they are hesitant to go for the opportunity because they have to deal with a period of change that involves learning new skills, navigating new relationships, or coming up with a different schedule. Even though the new job would benefit them greatly in several ways, they are nervous about making that change.

Loss Aversion vs. Risk Aversion

There’s another concept called risk aversion, and it might sound the same as loss aversion, but there are two completely different things. Whereas loss aversion has us valuing losses more than gains, risk aversion has us view losses and gains equally.

The best way to describe the difference between these two concepts is to give you the scenario of getting involved in a fair coin toss where you could possibly win or lose $100 based on which side of the coin you choose.

  • People who display loss aversion tendencies will only see the bet as worth it if they can win more than $100 if they are correct, an amount like $150, for example.
  • People who display risk aversion tendencies will still see the bet as worth it if all they can win is $100—they aren’t afraid to lose money if it means they could possibly earn $100 on a 50/50 bet.

The Psychology of Loss Aversion

What is it that makes people feel more strongly toward potential losses than potential gains? To answer this question, we’ll look over some psychological theories behind the phenomenon of loss aversion that have been posed over the years.

Prospect Theory (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979)

The prospect theory of behavioral economics describes how individuals assess their loss and gain perspectives unevenly. People generally avoid taking risks if there are significant potential losses because losses loom larger than gains. Even if it makes logical sense to take a risk because the potential reward is mainly worth the payoff, some people can’t be convinced to go for it for fear of losing, which overrides any gratification that one could get from winning.

This goes against the concept of expected utility theory, which doesn’t account for actual behavior or people and instead posits a model where people make rational decisions 100% of the time. In prospect theory, loss-averse people work off of a set reference point or status quo, which is subjective and different for different people in different scenarios.

The Sunk Cost Fallacy

This is the phenomenon of a person being hesitant to abandon their current strategy because they have invested time and effort in it. Even though it’s clear that cutting their losses would be the most beneficial move, this person feels that sticking with their current course of action is best because of their investment.

It’s this sunk cost fallacy that leads many gamblers into disaster. A key example would be someone continuing to gamble after a string of losses because they feel they can make their money back by upping their stake (chasing losses) or because the machine is due to pay out at any minute.

The main idea behind this is that the gambler is sticking with a poor investment of time and money because they don’t want to feel bad about losing or facing failure.

In essence, the sunk fallacy cost is the opposite of the prospect theory, where gamblers, stock traders, or sports bettors can irrationally avoid risks because they can’t deal with the prospect of losing money. With sunk cost, you’re still operating irrationally. Still, it’s the expectation that your luck will turn around and benefit you even though you’re not making the best decision or employing the best strategy.

The Endowment Effect

The behavioral psychology principle states that people are more likely to keep an object they own than to get it when they don’t. Your maximum willingness to pay to get a particular object is typically lower than the least amount you’d be willing to accept to give up that same object if you own it. Essentially, you’re operating from a place of entitlement and higher standards when you have a sense of ownership over something.

Endowment can significantly influence how we perceive wins and losses in gambling and losing streaks. There’s always some reference point that can either put things into perspective or skew our perspective of the situation.

To illustrate this idea further, let’s say you’re entering a drawing for $500 at your local casino. Only twenty names are called, and it was a slow night where only twenty people entered the drawing—this means you’re guaranteed to win $500, which excites you! But then there’s a change-up. One of the twenty names called gets an all-expenses-paid vacation to the Caribbean valued at 10,000. When your name isn’t called for the vacation, you’re disappointed even though you knew you would win $500, regardless. Your perspective was skewed due to the endowment effect!

The Neuroscience of Loss Aversion

The phenomenon behind loss aversion has its roots in different brain regions from which people’s ability to make decisions or feel fearful stems. This part of our guide will address the brain areas responsible for the emotional influences one might think in gambling. This should give you a clearer understanding of why you or someone you know might not be willing to take a risk for a worthwhile payoff.

The Amygdala and Emotional Processing

The amygdala is a part of the larger network of your brain known as the limbic system. This area of your brain detects danger and plays a vital role in your survival because the amygdala is known for controlling the fear emotion, specifically the fight or flight response that people experience when sensing danger or threats. The amygdala is also responsible for association learning and decision-making and setting the conditions for emotional expression.

3D Brain Surround by Risk Illustration

Prefrontal Cortex and Decision-Making

This area of your brain, the prefrontal cortex, is the seat of willpower. The PFC is responsible for people being able to take the long-term perspective in evaluating or analyzing risks and rewards. The prefrontal cortex is in close contact with the emotional animal brain, alerting people to danger and where gratification is sought.

Nucleus Accumbens and Reward Processing

The nucleus accumbens is the area of the brain responsible for helping people process rewards like food, social interaction, substances, or sex. It’s stimulated by pleasure or the anticipation of pleasure or rewards. This is also the place in the brain where serotonin and dopamine are released, which plays a pivotal role in behavioral aspects like learning, motivation, or reward-seeking.

How Our Brains React to Losing Streaks

There are many emotional and cognitive responses to losing streaks in gambling, and the more you know about how the brain works, the more you can avoid these losing streaks and navigate the tricks your mind can play on you that keep you from making worthwhile changes in gambling.

Emotional Arousal and Stress

When gamblers win a bet, their brains give them an emotional reward, typically through the release of dopamine that creates feelings of pleasure. On the flip side, gambling can activate the area of the nervous system that responds to stress. Near misses can cause a gambler to keep playing despite whether or not they are winning, while losses can prompt them to feel stressed and simultaneously compelled to chase after the money they lost. If gambling becomes a problem, it can cause other negative emotions like anxiety, low self-esteem, and depression.

Cognitive Biases and Irrational Thinking

We discussed several cognitive biases that occur when gambling and some irrational thoughts that come from different situations we encounter when winning and losing streaks occur. Based on circumstances and brain chemistry, gamblers will experience many sensations that aren’t rooted in rational thinking. The more you can be aware of these mind tricks from gambling, the more you can avoid falling into the traps that lead down the road of losing streaks.

These include:

  • Not pursuing worthwhile risk because any loss overrides any equal reward that might come from taking the risk (prospect theory).
  • Believing you need to stick with your current strategy due to the time, effort, and money you’ve dedicated to it, even if it’s not working (chasing losses, sunk cost theory, etc.).
  • Not enjoying your winnings due to considering any other prizes you could have won (endowment theory).

Self-Efficacy and Confidence

Self-efficacy is a person’s belief that they can resist gambling in any given situation. However, gambling can do something within our brains where impulsive or irrational decision-making takes over despite our best intentions. This can fluctuate based on personal experience, environmental factors, or emotional triggers.

For example, a gambler could decide to cut their losses following a losing streak, but the ideas that we discussed with the sunk cost fallacy could kick in if gamblers with monetary cravings insist on chasing their losses. They want to recoup the money they lost.

Consequences of Loss Aversion in Gambling

Negative consequences come with loss aversion in gambling. Below are some of the most common ones:

Chasing Losses and Escalating Bets

To regain the money they lost, some bettors will increase the volume of their bets or the amount of their bets. There are some high-level gambling techniques where you can successfully pull this off, but those with limited resources tend to dig deeper into the hole of their current losing streak when they go down this path. This decision is made because the gambler can’t deal with the idea of losing money. They make the rash decision to dip themselves deeper to regain what was lost.

Tilt and Impulsive Decisions

Tilt is a term used mainly in poker to describe when a player loses control of their game and begins making increasingly bad decisions based on frustration or anger. It can be caused by losing a big pot, losing several hands in a row, or getting beaten by an aggressive or annoying opponent. Players who suffer from tilt might begin getting overly aggressive with the hands they play, making incorrect decisions, or bluffing excessively.

Decreased Enjoyment and Increased Stress

When you’re constantly thinking about your losses and how to recoup them in the case of a bad losing streak, this can suck all the fun out of gambling. This state of mind can cause your stress levels to go up and lead to an overall decrease in the enjoyment you experience when you settle in for your favorite slots or table games.

Strategies for Managing Loss Aversion

If you’re interested in learning the strategies for mitigating the effects of loss aversion, continue reading to learn the primary tips and tricks for navigating this challenge.

Setting Realistic Expectations

It’s important to know the facts of the matter before jumping to the conclusion that you’re doomed from the start. With most forms of gambling, there’s a house edge in place, which ensures that the online or land casino makes a profit and can continue to operate. This is one of the basic expectations you should have when gambling—the house often wins.

However, there are proven strategies to grow your bankroll by playing certain games that are more favorable than others and ways to minimize your losses through the use of effective bankroll management. You should go into gambling knowing that the odds are slightly stacked against you but that you can overcome them if you choose the right games, apply a consistent strategy, and put limits on how much time and money you’re dedicating to each session.

Setting Up Budgets

It’s critical to set up time and money limits for yourself when gambling online or at your local land casino. Keeping your session short actually increases your likelihood of winning because, most of the time, your results get worse the longer you keep at it. Limiting the amount of money you can use will help keep your losses from getting too extreme. Only use money you can afford to lose!

Use a set amount of money for each session—don’t go over! This can significantly limit your losses with time. Put time limits on your sessions. Once time is up, step away. Let go of the problems you might have had during that session and revisit them the next time you have set aside to gamble.

Practicing Self-Awareness and Self-Regulation

Reframing losses as opportunities for learning is critical to having gambling sessions where you can enjoy the experience and move forward confidently. Self-control and self-regulation can be highly satisfying in gambling. These practices can lead you to make responsible moves that ensure the games you play while slowly building your bankroll.

Understanding Losing Streaks Leads to Better Gambling Practices

Don’t be loss-averse, be risk-averse. Loss aversion can lead you never to want to take a chance, or it could lead you down the road of chasing losses during your gambling sessions. On the other hand, being risk-averse means finding equal value in the amount of money you lose or gain, a much healthier approach overall to gambling or sports betting. If you’re risk-averse, you weigh which risks are worth taking, and you’re still willing to take a stab at a bet that could potentially benefit you down the road!

Understanding loss aversion in the context of gambling can give you some key insights as to the pitfalls that await gamblers who don’t practice self-awareness. As always, we encourage you to adopt strategies for managing loss aversion and promoting responsible gambling practices. Set up a gambling budget, a set amount of money you can afford to lose for each session, and put time limits on your sessions, too!

Can You Really Make a Living Betting on Sports? The Truth Revealed

For lovers of the game, getting paid to watch sports probably sounds like the best job in the world. If you love what you do, is it even work? The idea of making a living from betting on sports is enough to make any fan jump out of their seat like when their fav team wins in OT. Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it?

We aren’t gonna pretend or lie to you—in most cases, it is too good to be true. Turning sports betting into a steady paycheck is not easily done. Of course, there are people who do it, but they’re not just skating by on good luck. They treat it like a business, concentrating on strategies, discipline, and skill.

Is there some kind of secret to making a living from sports betting? No, but we can tell you that discipline is everything. It’s not just placing occasional bets without doing your homework! You need a game plan, a budget, and the ability to separate the facts from your feelings. The best bettors know all of the stats, track trends, and know how the odds work.

You also need the right mindset to make this a reality! Winning every bet isn’t the endgame—coming out ahead in the long run is. And that takes patience, handling losses like a big boy (or girl), and constantly thinking about the bigger picture. Making a living from sports betting is hard, but for the people who put in the work, it is doable.

Want to try your hand at turning sports betting into your day job? We’ll tell you the difficulties, the harsh realities, and what it actually takes to make it into a full-time gig!

The Dream vs. The Reality

A lot of people fantasize about turning their love for sports into a way to make money—it’s a great gig! Not only are you doing something you already do for fun, but making bank on top of it? Amazing! We don’t want to rain on your parade, but the reality of making a living from sports betting is way harder than most people think.

The Popular Fantasy of Sports Betting

Just the thought of making a living through sports betting is incredibly appealing—in this fantasy, people are conjuring up visions of easy money, a flexible lifestyle, and the excitement of making a hobby into your 9 to 5 (or later, you know what we mean). This notion has been fueled in part by media portrayals and stories of high-profile gamblers who have struck it rich. We see movies and TV shows where the underdog hits the jackpot and becomes an absolute legend overnight, or we hear about professional gamblers who appear to have cracked the code.

One reason sports betting is seen as an attractive career is the accessibility of the industry. More people are getting into it with the broad legalization of sports betting in the U.S. The industry’s fast growth has created an illusion that anyone with enough knowledge and love for the game can make it big.

That’s when we come crashing back to reality, and that is that it’s not even close to what the media’s portrayal suggests. Yes, there are success stories, but they are few and far between. The real truth is that professional sports betting is not a get-rich-quick scheme—it takes a combo of skill, discipline, and a lot of luck.

The Harsh Reality

The majority of sports bettors lose money over time. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but it’s the truth—statistics show that only a small percentage of bettors are consistently profitable.

  • Most professional sports bettors win around 55% of their bets, which might not sound impressive, but it’s actually quite difficult to achieve. To break even, a bettor has to win at least 52.4% of their wagers due to the vig (the bookmaker’s fee), and only a small fraction of bettors manage to sustain a win rate higher than that.
  • For the average bettor, the odds are even less favorable. Most end up losing money, especially when they bet with their emotions rather than any kind of strategy. The reality is that sportsbooks are businesses that are built to make a profit, and they have a home team advantage over the bettor. This is why, despite the growing number of people placing bets, very few can make a sustainable living from it.

Even those who do manage to turn a profit are up against razor-thin margins. Professional sports betting requires not only a complete understanding of the sports themselves but also the ability to manage bankrolls, analyze data, and keep up the same discipline over the long term. It’s a grind that can be both mentally and financially taxing, and people who try to make a career out of it tend to burn out.

The element of luck cannot be understated—skill does matter in sports betting, but the unpredictability of sports means that even the most knowledgeable bettors will have losing streaks. This unpredictability is a reason why sports betting is so exciting, but it’s also what makes it so risky as a profession.

What It Takes to Be a Professional Sports Bettor

Getting into the world of professional sports betting isn’t some casual endeavor—if you want to make it a career, it takes dedication, discipline, analytical thinking, and super-strategic decision-making!

Discipline and Emotional Control

The first rule of the professional sports betting club is that we don’t talk about the professional sports betting club. Just kidding, this isn’t Fight Club. It’s discipline, and you have to treat betting like a serious business. Professionals understand the importance of keeping their emotions in check, and so will you if you decide to make a go of it. Doesn’t matter if you’re on a winning streak or having a rough patch; your decisions have to be driven by strategy, not by your feelings.

This discipline lets them keep their focus and prevent the kind of emotional swings that can turn into bad decisions!

Successful bettors develop and stick to their routines and plans. They know that one of the fastest ways to deplete a bankroll is to chase losses or to bet impulsively after a sizable win. This is where emotional control comes into play—professionals are able to walk away, even when it’s super tempting to double down.

Understanding and Analyzing Data

A professional sports bettor’s success hinges on their ability to analyze data successfully—not just Knowing who the star players are or who’s been winning of late; they crunch the numbers and understand any underlying trends and statistics that can influence outcomes.

Data Analysis 3D Icon

This level of analysis includes everything from player performance metrics and team statistics to the more nuanced factors like injury reports, weather conditions, and historical matchup data. Professionals spend hours going through this info, looking for patterns or discrepancies that could give them an edge or a leg up. They also use tools and software to help model potential outcomes and are constantly polishing their approach based on the data they gather.

For Example:

Let’s say a main player gets injured—a professional bettor won’t just look at the headline and panic; they’ll assess exactly how that player’s absence affects the team’s overall strategy, how the odds have changed in response, and if there’s now a betting opportunity that others might have overlooked!

Bankroll Management

No matter how skilled a bettor is, losing streaks are going to happen—it’s a fact, and this is why bankroll management is so important. Without a solid plan for managing your money, even the best strategies can result in financial ruin.

Professional bettors treat their bankroll like a business account—they set aside a specific amount of money dedicated solely to betting and never dip into funds that are meant for other expenses. They also establish clear rules about how much they’ll wager on each bet, usually keeping it to a small percentage of their bankroll to steer clear of large losses.

A common strategy among professionals is to bet only 1-3% of their bankroll on any given wager. It’s a conservative approach that helps to protect against huge losses and gives them longevity in the betting game. Some bettors will adjust their bet sizes based on confidence levels or perceived edges, but they always do so within the confines of a well-thought-out bankroll management plan.

Developing a Betting Strategy

A professional sports bettor isn’t someone who bets on every sport or every game, no, no, no. The pros create a specialized strategy that focuses on specific sports, leagues, and even kinds of bets. Specialization means they can become experts in their chosen area, learning and getting valuable intel that casual bettors will probably miss.

Different strategies work for different bettors.

  • Some focus on value betting, where they look for odds that the bookmakers misprice.
  • Others use arbitrage strategies, which is when they exploit differences in odds across various sportsbooks to guarantee a profit.
  • And there are those who focus on niche markets, like prop bets or futures, where the competition tends to be way less intense.

The name of the game is consistency. Professionals stick to their chosen strategy, constantly adapting it based on new info and results. They fight the temptation to change strategy on a whim, knowing that long-term success comes from mastering a particular approach rather than dabbling in a bit of everything.

Finding an Edge

In the land of professional sports betting, finding an edge is everything. Bookmakers set odds to guarantee they have an advantage, so the challenge for a bettor is to find situations where the odds don’t accurately show the true probability of an event.

This edge can come from different source:

  • An overlooked injury report
  • A change in weather that affects gameplay
  • Or better knowledge of a team’s present form

Professional bettors are always on the lookout for these opportunities, as they know that the market is continuously shifting, and what might be an edge today could very well be gone tomorrow.

Professionals are also aware that their edge may be small, so they have to be patient and wait for the right opportunities. They’re not afraid to take unpopular positions if the numbers support it, and a willingness to go against the grain, backed by thorough analysis, is what separates the successful bettors from the rest.

The Challenges of Making a Living

Getting to say, “I’m a professional sports bettor!” sounds good in theory, but in actuality, it’s way more complicated and comes with dangers. Below is a look at some of the biggest hurdles that professional bettors have to deal with.

The Bookmakers’ Advantage

Bookmakers don’t leave much to chance—they’re in the biz to make money, and they do this by verifying that the odds are always in their favor. This inherent advantage, known as the “house edge,” is baked into every single bet you place. Bookmakers use a mechanism called the “vig” or “juice,” which is essentially a fee charged on every bet, making it harder for bettors to come out ahead in the long run.

In addition to the vig, bookmakers adjust their odds based on betting patterns to guarantee they stay profitable—if a large amount of money is placed on one side of a bet, the bookmaker could adjust the odds to encourage betting on the other side. This way, they are balancing their books and protecting their profits, making it even harder for the average bettor to find value in the odds that are offered.

Variance and Losing Streaks

Variance is a term that every serious bettor has to understand. In sports betting, variance is the natural ups and downs that happen due to the unpredictable nature of sports. Even the best bettors have losing streaks, and these can be long and mentally taxing. It’s not unheard of for professional bettors to have stretches where nothing goes their way despite making all of the right calls.

Wad of Money Flying Away 3D Icon

The psychological toll of these kinds of long losing streaks is mentally taxing, and it takes immense discipline to stick to your strategy and not make emotional decisions during the tougher times. Professional bettors need to be mentally resilient, knowing that losing streaks come with the territory and that success is measured over the long term, not by individual bets or short-term results.

Time Investment and Stress

The life of a professional sports bettor is far from glamorous—you don’t just live the high life. It is an intensive time investment where you are researching games, analyzing data, and managing bets. This is not a hobby—it’s a full-time job that takes constant attention to detail and total dedication and knowledge of the sports and markets you’re betting on.

The stress associated with this way of life is another huge challenge. The pressure to always find and exploit betting opportunities, combined with the financial stakes involved, can result in emotional burnout. It is not a 9 to 5—there isn’t much downtime or even days off. Bettors work long hours, including weekends and holidays, and the need to stay ahead of the market won’t give you much time to relax.

Account Restrictions and Bans

This seems really unfair, and maybe it is, but one of the most frustrating aspects of professional sports betting is dealing with account restrictions or even outright bans from sportsbooks.

When a bettor consistently wins or takes advantage of favorable odds, bookmakers can limit their ability to bet. This doesn’t sound like it should be legal, but it is!

They can reduce the maximum amount they can bet, restrict the types of bets they can place, or close their accounts altogether. In other words, you could be punished for winning.

Bookmakers justify these actions as being necessary to protect their business, but for successful bettors, it is a massive roadblock. To alleviate it, some bettors will spread their wagers across multiple accounts or use certain strategies to stay below the radar, but even these workarounds have their limitations, and negotiating any restrictions is part of an ongoing cat-and-mouse game between bookmakers and professional bettors.

Case Studies and Examples

Sports betting, like any high-stakes endeavor, has examples of both amazing success and devastating failure. Below is a look at some of the most famous examples from the world of sports betting—the good and the bad.

Success Stories

For those who’ve mastered the art and science of sports betting, the rewards have been considerable—these 10 pros have combined skill, discipline, and luck to build really impressive careers in sports betting:

Billy Walters

Known as the most successful sports bettor in Las Vegas history, Billy Walters made a fortune through sports betting. His strategy involved using computer algorithms to identify betting opportunities, often moving lines by placing large bets across multiple sportsbooks. Walters maintained a winning streak for decades, earning hundreds of millions of dollars. His disciplined approach and understanding of the odds made him a legend in the industry.

Haralabos “Bob” Voulgaris

Specializing in NBA betting, Haralabos Voulgaris turned his passion for basketball into a lucrative career. By focusing exclusively on NBA games, Voulgaris developed a deep understanding of player tendencies and game dynamics, allowing him to exploit inefficiencies in the betting lines. His success was so remarkable that he was hired by the Dallas Mavericks to apply his analytical skills to their team operations.

Tony Bloom

Tony Bloom, also known as “The Lizard,” is a British professional gambler and owner of the Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club. He amassed his wealth through sports betting, mostly on football (soccer to the Americans), using statistical models and a cold, calculated approach to betting. His success in betting allowed him to invest in and transform a football club, showing how sports betting can turn into success beyond the financial aspect.

Zeljko Ranogajec

An Australian bettor who is believed to be one of the world’s biggest gamblers, Zeljko Ranogajec, made his fortune in horse racing and sports betting. He is known for placing massive bets, often totaling millions of dollars. Ranogajec’s success is attributed to his use of sophisticated mathematical models and a complete understanding of betting markets.

Matthew Benham

Matthew Benham made his name in sports betting through his data-driven approach, particularly in football. After achieving success in betting, he bought Brentford FC and applied the same statistical principles to the club, leading to its promotion to the Premier League.

Steve Fezzik

The only person to win the Westgate Las Vegas SuperContest twice, Steve Fezzik is renowned for his ability to find value in the betting markets. Fezzik focuses on the long game, using strategies that minimize risk while maximizing returns. His disciplined approach and knowledge of sports betting have made him one of the most respected figures in the industry.

Bill Benter

Bill Benter, an American who found his success in Hong Kong horse racing, is one of the most successful gamblers in the world. While not strictly a sports bettor, his methods and success in using statistical models to beat the odds have influenced the world of sports betting dramatically. Benter’s approach demonstrates the power of combining mathematical models with industry knowledge.

Bob Stoll

Bob Stoll, aka “Dr. Bob,” is a professional sports bettor who made his name by betting on college football and basketball. He used statistical models to predict game outcomes with outstanding accuracy, selling his picks and making huge profits. Stoll’s success shows how a methodical, data-driven approach can yield substantial rewards in sports betting.

Alan Boston

Alan Boston is known for his expertise in college basketball betting—his in-depth knowledge of the game, combined with a rigorous approach to analyzing team performance, has made him one of the most successful sports bettors in this niche.

Nick “Vegas Dave” Della Valle

Vegas Dave made headlines with his high-risk, high-reward bets, including his famous wager on the Kansas City Royals to win the 2015 World Series, which netted him over $2.5 million. While his style is much more aggressive than most, his success in picking long shots has earned him a place among the most famous sports bettors.

Cautionary Tales

But where there is success, there is also failure. The following five stories serve as stark reminders that sports betting, while possibly lucrative, carries big risks that can lead to disastrous losses:

Ben “Parlay” Patz

Known for his large, successful parlay bets, Ben Patz’s story took a dark turn when he was involved in criminal activities, sending threats to athletes via social media. His story illustrates the pressure and dangers that come with sports betting, especially when success results in reckless behavior.

Harry Kakavas

Harry Kakavas was an Australian real estate mogul who lost over $1.5 billion in a ruinous gambling spree. Although his losses were primarily in casinos, his story is a cautionary tale about the risks of high-stakes betting and the dangers of chasing losses—even the super-rich can be undone by gambling addiction.

Ashton Griffin

A former poker player who ventured into sports betting, Ashton Griffin’s story is one of the hazards of excessive risk-taking. Known for betting large sums on different sports, Griffin’s aggressive style led to massive losses. His story shows the importance of bankroll management and knowing when to stop.

Michael “The Grinder” Mizrachi

Although primarily known as a successful poker player, Mizrachi’s foray into sports betting did not go as well. His tendency to take big risks without fully understanding the betting markets led to serious losses, illustrating that even gamblers who succeed in one area can fail in another.

Adam Meyer

Adam Meyer was a sports betting consultant who first found success but later became embroiled in criminal activities, including extortion and fraud. His story is a reminder of how the pressures of maintaining success in sports betting can lead people down a dark and dangerous road.

Can You Do It? Self-Assessment

Look, you have to be honest with yourself and have self-awareness in order to assess if you actually have what it takes to make it in pro sports betting! It demands a specific set of skills (no, not like Liam Neeson’s very specific set of skills in Taken), traits, and a frame of mind that not everyone has. Below, you can see what these requirements are and if you have them!

Skills and Traits Required

To help you evaluate whether you’re suited for professional sports betting, look at the following 15 questions. They’re designed to make you think critically about your abilities, temperament, and financial situation!

  1. Do you have a strong grasp of statistics? Understanding odds, probabilities, and statistical data is fundamental to making smart and informed bets.
  2. Can you remain calm under pressure? Betting can be stressful, especially during losing streaks. It’s a necessity to be able to keep your composure and stay with your strategy.
  3. Are you disciplined with money management? Successful bettors know how to manage their bankroll carefully, betting only a small percentage of it at a time.
  4. Can you make decisions based on logic rather than emotion? Emotional decisions usually result in poor bets. It’s a requirement to remain objective, even when your fav team is playing.
  5. Do you have the patience to play the long game? Betting success isn’t just instant gratification; it’s about making consistent, profitable bets over time.
  6. Are you willing to put in the time to research and analyze data? Professional betting requires extensive research and analysis. It’s not just watching games and betting on the outcomes.
  7. Can you afford to lose money without it affecting your lifestyle? Betting is inherently risky, and even the best bettors lose money. You should only bet with money you can afford to lose.
  8. Do you have a long-term mindset? Success in sports betting is measured over months and years, not days—you have to be in it for the long haul.
  9. Are you adaptable and willing to learn? The sports betting landscape is always changing. Being open to learning new strategies and adapting to market changes is a must.
  10. Can you handle the psychological ups and downs of betting? The emotional highs and lows of wins and losses can be really hard on your psyche. Mental resilience is the key to keeping your head above water in this industry.
  11. Do you have a good understanding of the sports you’re betting on? Knowledge of the sport, its players, and all of the different factors that can influence outcomes is super important.
  12. Are you organized and detail-oriented? Keeping track of bets, analyzing past performance, and managing your bankroll requires strong organizational skills.
  13. Can you identify value in betting lines? The ability to spot value in the odds bookmakers offer separates successful bettors from the rest.
  14. Do you have the time to dedicate to betting as a profession? Professional betting is a full-time job! It takes a huge time investment, and that means nights and weekends (even holidays).
  15. Are you ready to deal with account restrictions or bans from sportsbooks? Successful bettors sometimes have their accounts restricted or closed by sportsbooks. Finding ways to negotiate these challenges is all part of the game.

Realistic Expectations

If you’re still feeling confident after going through the self-assessment, it’s important to set realistic expectations about what it means to be a professional sports bettor. This isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme—it’s a demanding career that takes time, effort, and a big financial commitment.

Time and Effort

Becoming a successful sports bettor necessitates countless hours of research, analysis, and strategy development. You’ll need to study statistics, keep up with player news, and constantly adjust your strategies based on the latest info. This is a full-time job, and it’s not something you can do successfully on the side with little effort!

Financial Risk

The financial risks cannot be understated—even the best bettors only win around 55-60% of their bets; losing streaks will happen. Manage your bankroll wisely and never bet money you can’t afford to lose. And remember that sportsbooks are businesses that are made to make a profit, and they will take steps to protect their interests, including limiting or banning successful bettors.

Side Hustle vs. Full-Time Career

For some, it’s much more practical to keep sports betting as a side hustle instead of a full-time career. This lets you try it out, build your skills, and get a grasp of the demands of the industry without the pressure of relying on it as your main source of income. If you find success and have fun, you can gradually increase your involvement! But if the stress or the financial risk is too much, it’s easier to walk away when it’s not your primary livelihood.

Professional sports betting is not for everyone! It takes skill, discipline, and resilience. If you do the self-assessment above and set realistic expectations, you’ll get a better picture of whether it’s right for you. If not? There is absolutely zero shame in sports betting for fun instead of as a job.

Alternatives to Professional Betting

If you’ve gone through the self-assessment and decided that the life of a professional sports bettor might not be for you, don’t worry—there are so many other ways to be involved in the sports betting world without going full-time! Below are some alternatives that still let you enjoy the excitement of betting without the high stakes of making it your only income.

Part-Time Betting and Side Income

A great alternative to professional betting is to do it part-time or as a little side hustle. Below is how you can make betting a fun and possibly profitable hobby!

  • Bet for Fun, Not Necessity: Betting as a hobby takes the pressure off. You can set aside a small portion of your disposable income and place bets for the love of the game. By treating betting as entertainment rather than a job, you can enjoy it without the stress that comes with needing to win.
  • Diversify Your Income Streams: Instead of betting full-time, think about mixing it with other income sources. Keep your day job and use betting as a way to supplement your income. This not only lessens the financial risk but also allows you to build your betting skills over time without the pressure of having to make a living from it.
  • Look at Niche Markets: Concentrating on niche markets within sports betting is a great way to increase your chances of success while keeping it a side activity. You can bet on less popular sports or specific types of bets, like prop bets or futures, and finding your niche can make betting more fun and potentially more profitable!
  • Set Limits and Stick to Them: The key to successful part-time betting (and all betting) is setting strict limits on how much time and money you invest—it’s called responsible gambling. Decide in advance how much you’re willing to spend and how much time you want to devote to researching and placing bets. This way you’ll guarantee that betting stays a hobby and doesn’t take over your life.
  • Use Betting Bonuses and Promotions: Almost all online sportsbooks offer bonuses and promotions that add extra value to your bets. Take advantage of these offers to maximize your potential returns without increasing your risk. Just make sure you read the terms and conditions so you know the requirements that come with the bonuses.
  • Stay Informed Without Overcommitting: Part-time bettors can still benefit from staying informed about the sports they bet on. Follow news, trends, and expert opinions, but do it in a way that fits within your schedule. This way, you can make smart bets without the need to analyze data and stats constantly!

Working in the Sports Betting Industry

If you love sports betting but aren’t interested in placing bets, there are so many career opportunities within the sports betting industry, so you can be in on the action without the worries that come with betting! Look below for the 10 best roles in the biz:

Bookmaker: Working as a bookmaker or oddsmaker can be an exciting and rewarding career. Bookmakers set the odds for sporting events and manage bets placed by the public. This role requires a strong understanding of sports, statistics, and market dynamics. It’s a great way to stay involved in the betting world and get a steady income to boot!

Sports Betting Analyst: If you like crunching numbers and analyzing trends, a career as a sports betting analyst could be for you! Analysts use data and statistical models to predict the outcomes of sporting events and identify betting opportunities. All sportsbooks and betting firms hire analysts to help them set lines and make informed decisions.

Content Creator: With the growing popularity of sports betting, there’s a high demand for quality content related to the industry. As a content creator, you could write blogs, produce videos, or host podcasts that offer tips, analysis, and info into the world of sports betting. This role means you get to share your passion for sports and betting with an audience.

Social Media Manager: Sportsbooks and betting companies have to engage with their audience on social media, and that’s where a social media manager comes in. This role involves creating and managing content for social media platforms, interacting with followers, and promoting the brand. It’s a great way to combine a love of sports with a career in marketing.

Customer Service Representative: If you have strong communication skills and like helping others, think about a role in customer service for a sportsbook. Customer service reps assist bettors with account issues, provide info about betting options, and help resolve any problems that pop up. It’s a front-facing role that keeps you connected to the betting community.

Data Scientist: For those with a degree and a strong background in math and computer science, working as a data scientist in the sports betting industry can be a lucrative career. Data scientists develop algorithms and models that help sportsbooks set odds, manage risk, and identify profitable betting opportunities. It’s a highly technical role that plays a leading role in the success of all betting operations.

Compliance Officer: As sports betting becomes more regulated, the need for compliance officers has skyrocketed. These professionals verify that sportsbooks operate within the legal framework set by governing bodies. It’s a role that takes knowledge of the law with an understanding of the betting industry, making it a great fit for those with a legal background.

Product Manager: If you’re interested in the development side of sports betting, a career as a product manager could be a good fit. Product managers oversee the development and management of betting platforms, guaranteeing that they meet the needs of users and stay competitive in the market. This position involves working closely with developers, designers, and marketing teams.

Affiliate Marketer: Affiliate marketing is a popular way to earn money by promoting sportsbooks. As an affiliate marketer, you earn commissions by referring new customers to betting sites. This can be done through a blog, website, or social media presence. It’s a flexible role that means you are able to work on your own terms while still being a part of the betting world.

Event Coordinator: For those who like organizing events, working as an event coordinator for a sportsbook or betting company can be a fun and interesting career. The job is planning and executing events, like tournaments, promotions, and customer engagement activities. It’s a hands-on role that takes creativity and a love for sports.

Conclusion: Going Pro: Yay or Nay?

Deciding to go pro in sports betting is a big move. It’s exciting, but it’s also tough and risky. If you love the game and have the discipline to handle the ups and downs, it might be worth a shot. But for most people, keeping it as a fun hobby is the way to go. Bet smart, have fun, and remember—sometimes it’s better to watch the game without any pressure.

Making your living from sports betting alone is def not for the faint of heart. It’s a difficult, high-stakes “job” that takes discipline, a strong strategy, and the ability to handle big risks. Yes, the thought of turning your passion for the game into a profession is intriguing, but you must weigh the possible rewards against the very real perils. For the majority of people, betting as a hobby or side hustle is the wiser choice.

What’s your hot take—does the idea of going pro in sports betting sound like a dream, or do you think it’s better to keep it in the hobby zone? Tell us what you think or any experiences you’ve had with sports betting in the comments!

Top NFL Teams to Watch This Season: Predictions and Betting Tips

Many people say that the 2024 NFL will be one of the most exciting in a long time due to the number of notable players and teams. Our guide will present the best NFL teams to watch this coming season. We’ve offered a mix of predictions for these teams and some betting tips for maximizing potential winnings. We’d encourage you to refer to this guide to gain insights that can inform your 2024 NFL betting decisions.

Overview of the NFL Season

As the 2024 NFL season kicks off, there are several important dates to keep in mind and specific teams that you’ll want to keep a close eye on as the season progresses. This helpful overview of the upcoming 2024 NFL season will give you a rough guideline of when it’s appropriate to place future bets and show you what aspects of these teams you’ll want to examine to choose the best bets possible when the odds become available at your favorite football betting apps.

Key Dates

What are the most important dates this NFL season? Don’t miss a single minute of the action. We’ve covered you from the start of the season through the playoffs and Super Bowl in February!

September, 2024

September 1—The final day of preseason training camp for all clubs
September 2-7—All clubs are required to file a Practice Report and a weekly regular-season Game Status Report with the NFL Communications Department
September 5-6 + 8-9—The first week of regular season games
September 6—NFL International Game at Corinthian Arena (São Paulo, Brazil), Green Bay vs. Philadelphia
September 27 + 30—Clubs can begin practicing players on “reserve/physically unable to perform” or “reserve/non-football injury or illness” for a period not exceeding 21 days, following the day after a club’s fourth regular season game

October, 2024

October 1—Clubs can begin practicing players on “reserve/physically unable to perform” or “reserve/non-football injury or illness” for a period not exceeding 21 days, following the day after a club’s fourth regular season game
October 6—NFL International Game at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium (London, United Kingdom), New York Jets vs. Minnesota Vikings
October 13—NFL International Game at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium (London, United Kingdom), Jacksonville Jaguars vs. Chicago Bears
October 15—Deadline to file a grievance for any players who claimed the 2024 Injury Protection benefit
October 15-16—Fall League Meeting (Atlanta, Georgia at the Whitley)
October 20—NFL International Game at Wembley Stadium (London, United Kingdom), New England Patriots vs. Jacksonville Jaguars

November, 2024

November 5—All 2024 trading ends
November 6—Players are subject to the waiver system for the rest of the regular season and postseason; those that have at least four previous pensions-credited seasons
November 10—NFL International Game at Allianz Arena (Munich, Germany), New York Giants vs. Carolina Panthers
November 12—The signing period ends for franchise players who are eligible to get Offer Sheets
November 12—Deadline for clubs to sign their unsigned franchise players, transitional players, or franchise players who are eligible to get Offer Sheets
November 12—Deadline for clubs to sign their unrestricted free agents
November 12—Deadline for clubs to sign their restricted free agents

December, 2024

December 10-11—Special League Meeting/Front Office Accelerator at the Ritz-Carlton-Las Colinas in Irving, Texas

January, 2025

January 6—Clubs can start signing free-agent players for the 2025 Season, including CFL players
January 6—Clubs can negotiate or extend the contract of a drafted rookie player who was picked in any round of the 2022 College Draft (or for undrafted rookies who were signed in 2023)
January 6—Clubs can exercise fifth-year options for players who got picked in the first round of the 2022 Draft
January 8—Rosters are frozen for clubs participating in the postseason following the final regular season weekend
January 11-13—Super Wild Card Weekend
January 18-19—Divisional Playoff Games
January 20—NCAA National Championship Game at Mercedes Benz Stadium in Atlanta, Georgia
January 26—AFC and NFC Championship Games
January 30—East-West Shrine Bowl

February, 2025

February 1—Senior Bowl at Hancock-Whitney Stadium in Mobile, Alabama
February 2—Pro Bowl Games
February 9—Super Bowl 59 at Caesars Superdome in New Orleans, Louisiana
February 18—Clubs may designate franchise or transition players
February 24-March 3—NFL Scouting Combine at the Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Indiana

March, 2025

March 4—Deadline for clubs to designate franchise or transition players
March 10-12—Clubs are permitted to contact and enter into contract negotiations with certified agents of players who will become unrestricted free agents upon the expiration of their 2024 player contracts
March 12—Prospective, unrestricted free agent can execute a contract with a new club until 4:00 PM EST
March 12—The 2025 League Year and Free Agency signing period begins at 4:00 PM EST
March 12—After all 2024 contracts expire at 4:00 PM EST, the trading period for 2025 begins
March 12—Clubs will get a personnel notice that includes all transactions submitted to the league office following the end of the first day of the 2025 league year at 11:59:59 PM EST
March 30-April 2—Annual League Meeting at the Breakers in Palm Beach, Florida
March 31—Deadline for clubs to meet 2025 funding requirements for guaranteed or deferred compensation in NFL players contracts (and for non-player club employee contracts)

April, 2025

April 7—New coaches hired at the end of the 2024 regular season can begin offseason workout programs
April 16—Deadline for clubs to test, interview, visit, time, or conduct a physical examination with draft-eligible players at a club facility
April 18—Deadline for restricted free agents to sign offer sheets
April 21—Returning coaches can begin offseason workout programs
April 23—Deadline for clubs to exercise the Right of First Refusal to restricted free agents who signed offer sheets
April 23—Deadline for clubs to test, interview, visit, time, or conduct a physical examination with draft-eligible players at any location
April 24-26—Annual Selection Meeting and the NFL Draft in Green Bay, Wisconsin

May, 2025

May 1—Deadline for clubs to exercise Fifth-Year Option for players picked in the first round of the 2022 Draft
May 2-5 or 9-12 (Tentative)— Clubs can hold minicamps for three-day post-Draft rookies on one of the two following weekends after the Draft (Friday through Sunday or Saturday through Monday)
May 12—Rookie Football Development Programs begin
May 20-21—Spring League Meeting/Coach Accelerator at the Omni Viking Lakes Hotel in Minneapolis, Minnesota

Teams to Watch

When it comes to looking out for the top teams this season, there are several criteria that you’ll need to keep in mind:

  • Last Season’s Performance: While it’s not always a clear indicator of things for the upcoming season (mainly due to offseason moves), the team’s prior season performance gives bettors a clear idea of where they currently stand going into the year. Bettors already understand the pros and cons of the team and whether they built up momentum through the last season or lost steam. Bettors can make predictions on the team’s future trajectory using prior performance as the basic framework and any offseason moves to color their predictions.
  • Offseason Moves: Between the Super Bowl and the beginning of a new season, teams can retain or trade current players on their rosters, or they can accept and sign new players from other teams or the CFL. A bad trade could cost teams a strong performance for the upcoming season, while a good trade could be just what a team needs to perfect its current lineup.
  • Coaching Staff: Keep on eye on who is coaching the team is important because coaches and team management are responsible for developing the overall game plan and strategy for their team. Coaches’ duties include personnel decisions, play calling, adjustments through the game, and setting the tone for the team’s discipline, energy, and mentality. Teams with better coaches tend to perform stronger throughout the season.

As we dive deeper into this guide, we’ll give you our playoff and Super Bowl 59 predictions, and the dark horse candidates will make a deep run into the season. We suggest you look into these three factors for any team you’re placing bets on to get a rough idea of how they’ll perform in the coming season.

Top NFL Teams to Watch

There are five big teams to keep your eye on this NFL season—we’ll give you all the key details you need to know about these teams to make the best NFL bets you possibly can. Get a prior season recap, a rundown of offseason moves, and some predictions for the coming season. You can also find out the primary strengths and weaknesses of each time and some suggestions on which players will do well this year.

Team 1—Kansas City Chiefs

Kansas City Chiefs Logo

Last Season Recap

The most significant event for the Chiefs’ prior season was making it to Super Bowl 58 and winning against the 49ers in overtime (25-22). Here are a few other notable achievements the Chiefs attained in 2023:

  • Kansas City finished the season with a record of 11-6
  • The Chiefs became the division champions for the eighth consecutive season
  • This was the least successful season for the Chiefs under quarterback Patrick Mahomes
  • They scored 39 touchdowns during the regular season
  • Yards Statistics: Mahomes (4,183 passing years), Pacheco (935 rushing yards), and Kelce (984 receiving yards)

Offseason Moves

The Chiefs’ off-season moves have been seen as largely positive, including a few contract extensions, a few re-signings, and drafting key offensive players for the 2024 campaign:

  • Extending Chris Jones: Perhaps the biggest and best offseason move was the Chiefs giving a long-term extension to Chris Jones. Because of his powerful play during key moments of big games, he’ll play a critical role in the future of Kansas City’s defense. Not only is he one of the best defensive tackles on the Chiefs’ roster, but he continues to improve as a pass rusher.
  • Extending Creed Humphrey: The Chiefs decided to extend Creed Humphrey right before their final preseason game, the timing of which was perfect. As one of the best, younger centers out there (and beginning the final year of his rookie deal), Humphrey is a terrific blocker and a great leader for KC’s offensive line, which will give the Chiefs increased confidence in this season’s performance.
  • Re-Signing Mike Danna: The Chiefs re-signed this Defensive End, and many consider him to be one of the most hardworking, underrated players on the team. The Chiefs have been known to execute many different, interesting blitzes due to Danna’s physicality, versatility, and unique set of pass rush hand counter moves. The choice to re-sign him is seen by many as a long time coming and well worth it for a strong 2024 push.
  • Re-Signing Drue Tranquill: Tranquill has become a prime part of the Chiefs’ defense despite only playing with them for one year, coming from the rival Chargers. Re-signing him was wholly expected due to his versatility and innovative, physical approach to the game. As one of the best defenders for the Chiefs, Tranquill possesses a strong ability as a blitzer, which will play a key role in KC’s defensive plan for 2024.
  • Drafting Xavier Worthy: Clinching Worthy this year might prove an excellent move for Kansas City’s offensive game. He’s predicted to open up opportunities for pass catchers and execute offensive attacks on the competition using horizontal stretch routes.

Strengths & Weaknesses

  • Kansas City Chiefs RBs were targeted 8 times in the red zone in the last 4 weeks of the regular season — most in the NFL
  • The Chiefs were 1-2 (.333) against the spread (-4.1% ROI) vs top 10 defenses last season — T-3rd-worst in NFL; League Avg: .539
  • The Chiefs are 6-2 (.750) against the spread (54.5% ROI) after a loss since the 2022 season — T-2nd-best in NFL; League Avg: .503
  • The Chiefs were 8-4 (.667) when rushing less than 25 times last season — best in NFL; League Avg: .281
  • The Chiefs were undefeated (3-0) when allowing less than 100 rushing yards last season — T-best in NFL; League Avg: .664

Key Players to Watch

Since Tyreek Hill was traded to the Dolphins two years ago, Kansas City has been short in the offense department—they’ve been missing a fast wide receiver with good receiving ability. This is why Xavier Worth has a vital role to play for Kansas City, and he’ll prove to be a dynamic asset to the team’s overall offensive play. At the NFL Combine, he ran a 4.21-second 40-yard dash ( a record for that event) and caught over 50 passes for over 600 yards during his time with the Texas Longhorns. During the preseason, he caught 3 passes for 62 yards.

Predicted Season Performance

According to the odds posted at our favorite online sports betting apps, Kansas City is the favorite to win Super Bowl 59. We predict that the Chiefs will be the conference winner, just as they were in 2023.

Super Bowl Future Odds












Team 2—San Francisco 49ers

San Francisco 49ers

Last Season Recap

The 49er’s biggest accomplishment in the 2023 season was making it to Super Bowl 58, where they lost to the Kansas City Chiefs in overtime (25–22). In addition to clinching a spot at the Big Game, the 49ers accomplished quite a bit in their notable 2023 season:

  • The team scored 491 in the 2023 season (the second most in the franchise’s history and the third most in their league)
  • The 49ers were ranked eighth in the league in defense
  • Notable victories included beating the Dallas Cowboys in Week 5 (42-10), bearing the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in Week 11 (27-14), and beating the Seattle Seahawks in Week 12 (31-13)
  • Christian McCaffrey had the most rushing yards: 1,459
  • Brandon Aiyuk had the most receiving yards: 1,342

Offseason Moves

  • Losing Arik Armstead: This defensive tackle left the 49ers when a deal couldn’t be agreed upon with his contract restructure. He signed a three-year deal with the Jacksonville Jaguars.
  • Signing Jordan Elliot: The 49ers signed Elliot to a two-year deal to address the loss of Arik Armstead.
  • Signing Leonard Floyd: The 49ers signed this defensive end to a two-year contract, and he completed a goal that the team has had for some time now: to fortify the defensive line opposite Nick Bosa.

Strengths & Weaknesses

  • The 49ers averaged 9.3 yards per attempt (4,571 yards/490 attempts) last season — best in NFL; League Avg: 7.0
  • The 49ers are 7-4 (.636) against the spread (20.9% ROI) vs bottom 10 run defenses since the 2022 season — 5th-best in NFL; League Avg: .479
  • The 49ers are 8-4 (.667) against the spread (35.1% ROI) vs bottom 10 pass defenses since the 2022 season — T-6th-best in NFL; League Avg: .503
  • The 49ers were winless (0-5) when scoring less than 22 points last season — T-worst in NFL; League Avg: .253
  • The 49ers were 9-3 (.750) after a win last season — best in NFL; League Avg: .496

Key Players to Watch

  • Dee Winters (Linebacker)—Many are noting that Winters has developed into a noticeable presence during training camp on the second level as he’s worked primarily with the second team. He even beat Christian McCaffrey in one-on-one coverage drills, kicking the ball away. Though he’s only in his second year, many say he will develop into an excellent blitzer who can perform competitively with plays that stretch the perimeter.
  • Cody Schrader (Running Back)—Following a competitive college career at Missouri, Schrader is now a determined running back for the 49ers, who earned the SEC rushing title in 2023. Position coach Bobby Turner has high hopes for his success in an actual game and sees him as a possible leading charge and example for all running backs on the team due to his tenacity.
  • Robert Beal Jr. (Edge Rusher)—This edge rusher is working toward earning a spot in the team’s fourth and final defensive end. He is perhaps best known for logging a 4.48-second 40-yard dash before entering the NFL, only weighing 247 lbs.

Predicted Season Performance

We expect great things from the 49ers this season, and most of it is due to their competitive roster. We see a few records being set this year and the possibility that the 49ers win a Super Bowl ring!

  • The 49ers will make the playoffs and secure a spot at Super Bowl 59
  • The NFL MVP Award will go to QB Brock Purdy
  • The team will incept at least 25 passes
  • Brandon Aiyuk will lead the NFL in receiving yards

Currently, the 49ers are the second-most likely team to win Super Bowl 59, but this is the year they will reign victorious in a rematch against the Chiefs (or whomever the other team might be).

Super Bowl Future Odds












Team 3—Baltimore Ravens

Baltimore Ravens Logo

Last Season Recap

The biggest feat for the Ravens in 2023 was winning the AFC North and clinching the No. 1 seed for the second time in franchise history, the last time occurring in 2019. Other notable accomplishments during the prior season include the following:

  • Finished the season with a record of 13-4
  • Won the Divisional Playoffs (1st place in the AFC North)
  • They had 10 wins over a team that finished with winning records
  • Defense led the league in points per game, sacks, and takeaways
  • QB Lamar Jackson won the season’s NFL MVP award
  • Defeated the Houston Texans 34-10 in the Divisional Round of the playoffs
  • The Ravens held a 24-game winning streak in the preseason, which was broken when they lost to the Washington Commanders in the second week

Offseason Moves

  • Signing Tyler Huntley: Signing this QB after the Browns cut him couldn’t have happened at a better time. Lamar Jackson couldn’t be happier with the situation because a backup quarterback was needed to fill the vacancy Huntley originally left behind, funny enough.
  • Drafting Nate Wiggins: This cornerback from Clemson has already shown ability and speed in the offseason, which is consistent with his career at Clemson, which will prove him to be a reliable asset right away when the season begins. He’s the 30th overall pick for the 2024 NFL Draft and looks to be a promising addition to the Ravens in his rookie season.
  • Signing Derrick Henry: Getting Henry is a huge win for the Ravens, who already hold the record for rushing yards, and the 1,000 yards he’s rushed in five of his last six seasons will help to keep Raven’s momentum going in this department.

Strengths & Weaknesses

  • The Ravens were undefeated (5-0) vs top 10 offenses last season — best in NFL; League Avg: .359
  • The Ravens are 9-1 (.900) against the spread (69.6% ROI) vs top 10 run defenses since the 2022 season — best in NFL; League Avg: .486
  • The Ravens were undefeated (5-0) against the spread (88.9% ROI) vs top 10 pass offenses last season — T-best in NFL; League Avg: .445
  • The Ravens were undefeated (5-0) vs top 10 offenses last season — best in NFL; League Avg: .359
  • The Ravens were undefeated (5-0) vs top 10 run offenses last season — best in NFL; League Avg: .424.

Key Players to Watch

  • Lamar Jackson was a near-unanimous MVP for his regular-season work in 2023. He has also had several of the highest-graded seasons for a Ravens quarterback in the past few years.
  • Zay Flowers is the first wide receiver listed on the Ravens’ depth chart, so he’s a name to look out for this season. Rashod Bateman is listed second and might be a key player for the Ravens in the coming months.
  • Keep an eye on Isaiah Likely, one of the more tenacious, workhorse tight ends at the end of the last season.
  • Derrick Henry is a top rusher for the Ravens and is well-known for his physicality and competitiveness. He will undoubtedly be a top contributor for the team this season.

Predicted Season Performance

  • Derrick Henry will take the rushing title back from Christian McCaffrey
  • The Ravens defense will lead the NFL in sacks once more
  • Isaiah Likely and Mark Andrews will make the best tight-end duo in the league for the 2024 season
  • Rashod Bateman will get his first 1,000-yard season

The Ravens also have an outside chance of making it to the Super Bowl in February 2025. The major sports betting platforms have them just behind the Chiefs and the 49ers as contenders making it to the Big Game.

Super Bowl Future Odds












Team 4—Philadelphia Eagles

Philadelphia Eagles Logo

Last Season Recap

Many consider the Eagles’ late-season collapse in 2023 to be one of the most shocking in NFL history. It resulted in the firings of both the offensive and defensive coordinators and two retirements (Jason Kelce and Fletcher Cox).

  • They ended with a record of 11-6, falling short of the prior season, where they finished with a record of 14-3
  • Placed 2nd in the NFC East
  • The Eagles’ defense was ranked 26 out of 32 for the entire season
  • 8/11 victories fell within one score
  • Eliminated in the wild card round by Tampa Bay in a 32-9 loss

Offseason Moves

  • Drafting Quinyon Mitchell: Mitchell can begin immediately and be considered the best defensive player in the draft class. He was a key get for addressing the Eagles’ desperate need for a cornerback.
  • Drafting Cooper DeJean: Getting DeJean goes a long way to filling the gap left behind by the retirements of both Jason Kelce and Fletcher Cox. DeJean can contribute significantly to defenses and as a returner.
  • Signing Saquon Barkley: A replacement for D’Andre Swift, who signed with the Bears, Barkley is a running back that the Eagles might view as a unique player due to their history of not investing heavily in running backs.

Strengths & Weaknesses

  • The Eagles are undefeated (11-0) when tied at the end of quarter 1 since the 2022 season — best in NFL; League Avg: .500
  • The Eagles are 7-13 (.350) against the spread (-23.9% ROI) when playing in cold weather since the 2022 season — 4th-worst in NFL; League Avg: .500
  • The Eagles are 5-3 (.625) against the spread (32.3% ROI) vs top 10 pass offenses since the 2022 season — T-5th-best in NFL; League Avg: .470
  • The Eagles were 7-2 (.778) when intercepting at least 1 pass last season — 5th-best in NFL; League Avg: .629
  • The Eagles were 6-2 (.750) at home last season — T-5th-best in NFL; League Avg: .558

Key Players to Watch

Quinton Mitchell, Cooper DeJean, and Saquon Barkley are all critical in keeping the Eagles strong this season, following a string of devastating losses at the end of the 2023 season. A severely lacking cornerback spot has been filled, and the Eagles’ intentionality in investing in their running backs could pay off in dividends as they look to remain competitive once this season starts.

Predicted Season Performance

  • Philly will make the playoffs, but they might get off to a slow start this season
  • This could be a rebuilding season for the Eagle with new offensive coordinator Kellen Mooer and Cam Jurgens and Jordan Davis replacing Kelce and Cox, respectively

Super Bowl Future Odds












Team 5—Detroit Lions

Detroit Lions Logo

Last Season Recap

  • The Lions finished the 2023 season on a record of 12-5, an improvement over the prior season’s record of 9-8
  • A win over the Broncos in Week 15 gave them their first 10-win season since 2014
  • Their 2023 record tied a franchise record for wins
  • Their 2023 record ended in a three-way tie with the 49ers and the Cowboys for the best record in the NFC
  • Detroit’s winning percentage of .706 was their best since 1991
  • A win over the Bears in Week 11 had the Lions record sitting at 8-2, the first time since 1962
  • A win over the Vikings in Week 16 has the Lions winning their first division title since 1993
  • The Lions had their first playoff appearance since 2016
  • Detroit defeated the Buccaneers 31-23 to advance to the NFC Championship for the first time since 1991
  • They yielded a 24-7 lead and lost the NFC Championship Game to the 49ers (34-31)

Offseason Moves

  • Returning Offensive Coordinator: Ben Johnson returned for a third season as offensive coordinator with the Lions despite interviewing with Los Angeles, Washington, Atlanta, and Tennessee. He was a finalist for AP Assistant Coach of the Year after guiding Detroit to an amazing season. The Lions came in second for passing, third for total offense, and fifth for points per game and rushing.
  • Returning Defensive Coordinator: Aaron Glenn also interviewed but ultimately returned to Detroit to serve as the defensive coordinator. Detroit’s defense currently ranks second against the run and sixth in total QB pressures.
  • Re-Signing Penei Sewell: This correct tackle was Brad Holmes’ first draft pick, No. 7 overall, after he began as general manager in 2021. He’s become an integral part of the team over the past few seasons, and retaining him with the Lions helps the franchise stay laser-focused on making the playoffs once more and, hopefully, Super Bowl 59.
  • Re-Signing Amon-Ra St. Brown: This wide receiver was selected in the fourth round of the 2021 draft after 16 receivers went before him, but he’s since become a core player on the Lions’ roster, which could lead them to the Big Game this season.
  • Re-Signing Jared Goff: This QB was traded to the Lions from the Rams for Matthew Stafford and draft picks, but he’s been another valuable addition to the franchise that embodies everything they want to be about on and off the field.

Strengths & Weaknesses

  • Detroit Lions RBs rushed for 7 TDs in the red zone in the last 4 weeks of the regular season — most in NFL
  • The Lions were undefeated (5-0) against the spread (89.8% ROI) after a loss last season — T-best in NFL; League Avg: .506
  • The Lions are 23-10 (.697) against the spread (32.6% ROI) since the 2022 season — best in NFL; League Avg: .500
  • The Lions were undefeated (3-0) vs the bottom ten offenses last season — T-best in NFL; League Avg: .624
  • The Lions were undefeated (9-0) when leading at the end of the first quarter last season — T-best in NFL; League Avg: .737

Key Players to Watch

Right tackle Penei Sewell, wide receiver Amon-Ra St. Brown, and quarterback Jared Goff are the dynamic trio that has really become the face of the Lions and are the ones who have been primarily responsible for improving each season’s record. A few other notable Lions members to keep an eye on include the following:

  • Hendon Hooker: He’s trying to prove he has what it takes to become the No. 2 quarterback for the team.
  • Giovanni Manu: He’s a rookie offensive tackle who’s in no danger of being cut but still needs some improvement in speed and tackling.

Predicted Season Performance

Some sportsbooks have the Lions as the fifth likeliest team to make it to Super Bowl 59, which would be a terrific feat if they could pull it off, considering where this team has come from. It’s only been until quite recently that NFL fans have taken notice of the franchise. While it could be an excellent story for the season, here are a few more realistic predictions for the Lions in 2024:

  • Amon-Ra St. Brown finished in second place for the Offensive Player of the Year
  • Hendon Hooker gets to start in several games
  • The Lions make the playoffs again this season
  • Jahmyr Gibbs will touch the 2,000 mark for all-purpose yards
  • Aidan Hutchinson gets over 15 sacks

Super Bowl Future Odds












Betting Tips for the NFL Season

The NFL season is a big time of the year for avid sports bettors and punters, so it’s only natural that you can place bets on the 32 participating teams and individual players in several ways. We’ll highlight the best general betting strategies out there that can lead to competitive NFL betting sessions over the season.

Understanding the Betting Market

To bet on the NFL successfully, you need a basic understanding of the betting market. Three primary bet types offer bettors and punters the best chance at winning a payout, plus there are odds posted for each that bettors need to become familiar with reading. We’ll cover these topics below to familiarize you with how it works.

Popular Bet Types

In all three of these bet types, bettors stand a 50/50 chance of getting their predictions right because there are only two possible outcomes. This makes them the best type of NFL bets, though there are other kinds, like futures and parlays. We suggest that newer bettors avoid those as there are multiple outcomes, making them harder to predict.

  • Moneylines: These are bets placed on the winner of an NFL game. There are two outcomes: one team wins, and one team loses. Betting on the winner results in a payout (profit plus the original stake), and betting on the loser results in a loss.
  • Point Spreads: These are bets where you’re trying to predict the margin of victory. Winning bets are on favorite or underdog teams who cover the spread or when an underdog team wins outright over the favorite.
  • Totals: The bookmakers put out their prediction on the game’s final combined score, and bettors must stake money on the final combined score coming in over or under this number.

How Odds Work

NFL odds are the likelihood of teams or individual players winning the upcoming game or covering the point spread. There’s also totals betting, where bettors can stake on the final combined score coming in over or under the bookmaker’s predictions.

Let’s look at an example of a game between the Chiefs and the 49ers to give you an idea of how these odds will look and what they mean.

TeamMoneylinePoint SpreadTotal



-2.5 (-110)

Over 30.5 (-110)



+2.5 (-110)

Under 30.5 (-110)

  • Moneyline Odds: These odds show the likelihood of both teams winning the game. The Chiefs are the favorite to win because they have the negative number (-135), while the 49ers are the underdog due to the positive number (+115). They are betting on the favorite, meaning you must bet the amount shown in the odds: $135. If you’re right and the Chiefs win, you make $100 in profit for a total payout of $235 when you get your original $135 stake back. Betting on the 49ers means you must put up $100, but you will win $115 if you’re right for a total payout of $215.
  • Point Spread: With money line bets, you’re staking money on the winner of the game, but point spread bets involve getting the margin of victory correct. In this case, a bet on the Chiefs to cover the spread (-2.5/-110) means you’ll only win if they win by 3 or more points over the 49ers. For those betting on San Francisco, there are two scenarios where their bet is a win: the 49ers win outright over the Chiefs, or they lose by 2 points or less.
  • Totals: These are called over/under bets because bettors have the choice of betting over or under the bookmaker’s predictions on the final combined score of the game. In this case, the books predict a final combined score of 30, so bettors can bet on a game with less than 30 combined points or a game with more than 30 combined points.

General Betting Strategies

While there are ways to tailor your betting strategy to fit the specific team you’re staking money on, there are several general betting strategies that universally fit most bets. Discover how value betting, responsibly managing your bankroll, and placing effective live bets can help you improve your odds of making a tidy profit.

Value Betting

Online sportsbooks and bookmakers want even action on either side of a bet. If one side of a bet isn’t bet on as heavily as the other side, the books will attempt to balance the action by offering a discount on the underrepresented side. You can get these odds for a better price as a result.

Value betting occurs when you place a bet where you feel the odds of an event happening are greater than the odds the book offers you.

Because the book will change the odds to even out the action on either side of the bet, you’ll find discrepancies in the numbers because they no longer reflect the actual likelihood of either outcome. Ideally, you want to make the correct bet, but do so while getting a discount on the odds!

Bankroll Management

Solid online bankroll management is a significant factor in successfully betting on the NFL. Control over your gambling funds is the key to maximizing your profits and minimizing your potential losses.

  • Have Money and Time Limits: Set aside an amount of money you can afford to lose for your NFL bets. Don’t go over your allotment. Also, place limits on the time you spend in each sports betting session. Limiting your time and money can minimize potential losses over time.
  • Use Conservative Betting Units: Never stake more than 1-2% of your total bankroll on any bet. You risk burning through your bankroll quickly if your predictions are way off. Scale the size of your betting unit up or down depending on the current state of your bankroll.
  • Never Chase Losses: While there are ways to recoup gambling losses, they can only really be successfully executed if you have deep pockets. If you’re an average sports bettor, it’s best to step away from a session if you suffer a string of losses. Chasing losses will only result in you digging yourself deeper into a hole.
  • Diversify Your Bets: You’re most likely to win bets where you’re betting on the final outcome (moneyline bets), the margin of victory (point spreads), or the final combined score (over/under totals) because these bets have two primary outcomes, offering you the best chance of getting them right. The best NFL bettors embrace various bet types on several teams or players for maximum profit.

Live Betting Tips

To make the most out of live betting opportunities during games, begin implementing these best practices during your online betting sessions. They can make all the difference between successfully raking in money on live bets or falling flat on your face.

  • Use Virtual Scoreboards: Many bookmakers and online betting apps have a virtual scoreboard that lets you keep track of the current score if you aren’t watching the game via live stream. This allows you to get the real-time data you need to make timely betting decisions on the current game without waiting for online or radio commentary to roll out.
  • Live Stream the Event: The perfect companion to live betting is live streaming the game you’re staking money on. Along with getting real-time data through the virtual scoreboards, you can watch the game to pick up on significant developments that might play a key role in your next bet decision.
  • Get Better Odds with Live Moneyline Bets: Live bettors can get more competitive odds during live games because the money lines move sharply as the event begins. The odds are much better than if you did a pre-match money line.
  • Know the Sport You’re Betting On: If you’re familiar with the NFL and how to bet on the sport, you’ll likely make quick decisions in a live betting atmosphere. One of the best live betting tips many people don’t consider is going with a sport they know. Knowing the ins and outs of each team’s recent performance, the condition of the players, and any building momentum throughout the season makes the process of live betting that much easier.

Potential Upset Teams

It happens every year—teams slated to lose a game outperform expectations and eke out a win that has the public betting a ton of money and those with the foresight to see the upset raking in a hefty little payout. Let’s talk about the dark horse candidates we expect to arise this season and how you can bet on these upset opportunities.

Dark Horse Candidates

If you’re wondering which teams could outperform expectations in the 2024 season, we’ve got you covered—here are our top dark horse candidates that we expect will be highly competitive and do some damage this year.

Los Angeles Rams Logo

Los Angeles Rams: Head coach Sean McVay remains one of the top coaches in the NFL, and we wouldn’t be surprised if the Rams made another run at the Super Bowl this season. Although they weren’t as competitive as they were in 2022, the Rams still looked good and appeared strong last season, making it to the postseason.

Atlanta Falcons Logo

Atlanta Falcons: With Arthur Smith replaced by Raheem Morris as head coach, Atlanta could turn things around this coming season despite not making the playoffs last year. While the team’s defensive lineup is strong, the Falcons would only need a solid quarterback to build the momentum they’d need to make the playoffs and possibly go to the Big Game.

Green Bay Packers Logo

Green Bay Packers: Last year, the Packers outplayed the 49ers in the NFC Divisional Round, which seems like a good sign of things to come in 2024. The keys to Green Bay’s success would lie in quarterback Jordan Love’s continued performance and new defensive coordinator Jeff Hafley’s building up the team’s defensive strategy for the upcoming season.

Los Angeles Chargers Logo

Los Angeles Chargers: Now that the Chargers have a good coach and Jim Harbaugh as the face of the team, they’ll finally get the turnaround they need to go deep into the 2024 season. The pair of Harbaugh and Justin Herbert should have fans excited about the idea of a competitive year ahead.

Betting on Upsets

You can effectively spot potential upset teams this coming season in a few ways. As long as you’re knowledgeable about the NFL and the teams you’re interested in betting on, picking out these upset opportunities becomes like second nature.

Do Your Research Ahead of Time

While letting emotions or hunches inform some of your NFL betting decisions is not wrong, it’s best to root your bets primarily in research and statistics while allowing some room for hunches, too. You can do this by checking the difficulty of each team’s schedule, the weather for the day they’re playing, and the player roster to see if any injuries could affect the game’s outcome. Look at each team’s previous performance. If it’s a situation where one team has lost their last three games, and the other has won the previous three, you get a good idea of where the momentum is going.

Look Outside of Money Lines for Upsets

While you can make some money by correctly predicting the winner of the game, it’s important to diversify your bets and stake some money on point spreads or total bets, too. For instance, most experienced NFL bettors know that games in inclement conditions are generally lower-scoring games. Enter a total bet—you could bet the under on the upcoming game where snow is expected.

Two Teams with Good Defense

An excellent upsetting opportunity is when you have two teams that are strong defensively but lack the offensive grit needed to score many points. These games generally have lower scoring, and the final outcome is determined only by a few points. These are some of the best games where you can bet the dog and get a good payout when they eke out a win over the favored team.

Know When the Books Move the Line to Balance Action

After researching both teams involved in the bet, you should have a good statistical idea of how likely each team is to win. But you’ll get situations where the odds posted by the book don’t truly reflect the actual probability because they’ll move the line to balance out the action on both sides. If you know which team will pull off the upset and you can get a discount on the odds, you can increase your profit margin significantly!

Many online sportsbooks have released Super Bowl 59 odds for the 2024 NFL betting season. We paired a wide range of odds with our own research to create some playoff and Super Bowl predictions for this coming year. We’ve pinpointed the fourteen teams to clinch a spot in the AFC or NFC conferences, and we have the two teams we feel will make it to the Big Game, along with a wildcard pick.

Predictions for the Playoffs and Super Bowl

Playoff Contenders

There are fourteen playoff spots: seven for the AFC and seven for the NFC. You have four division champions for each conference and three wildcard picks. These are our official predictions for the playoff:


  • AFC West Champions—Kansas City Chiefs
  • AFC North Champions—Baltimore Ravens
  • AFC South Champions—Houston Texans
  • AFC East Champions—Miami Dolphins
  • Wild Cards—Cincinnati Bengals, Cleveland Browns, New York Jets


  • NFC West Champions—San Francisco 49ers
  • NFC North Champions—Detroit Lions
  • NFC South Champions—Atlanta Falcons
  • NFC East Champions—Dallas Cowboys
  • Wild Cards—Los Angeles Chargers, Los Angeles Rams, Green Bay Packers

Super Bowl Predictions

Another rematch between the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers is imminent for Super Bowl 59. The Baltimore Ravens also appear to have a good shot at making the Big Game. An aspect of early betting on the Super Bowl to be aware of is that teams with more volatility in their odds can have better closing line value. It’s best to place these futures bets toward the beginning of the season.

If you’re betting on Super Bowl 59, it’s best to bet as early as possible to lock in a bigger potential profit. That money is worth more now than the same sum in the future because of the earning potential between now and February, when the bets will be graded. A successful way to bet on the Super Bowl and not have your personal money tied up for months on end is to use bonus bets you have earned from other sports bets. It ensures you keep funds in your account for a couple of months!

Share Your Thoughts with Us

Keep a close eye on the Chiefs, 49ers, Ravens, Eagles, and Lions this season—we expect these five to be the most competitive entities on the field. Your best bet is to focus on the three significant bet types this year (money lines, point spreads, and over/under totals) because you have a 50/50 chance of your predictions being correct. Do good research on the teams and players—incorporate current statistics, recent performances, injuries, weather conditions, and public sentiment into your bets and predictions for the best results.

We’d encourage any of our readers to share their personal predictions or betting strategies in the comments below. We’re interested to hear how people envision this NFL season shaking out! Subscribe to the blog to stay updated with the latest NFL news and betting tips.